MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for synthmonger

Showing posts sorted by date for query synthmonger. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query synthmonger. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 09, 2008


flickr by synthmonger

"This is a slightly slimmed down Okita Vocoder. I built it from an old school kit. Much time went into this! I had to etch the boards and drill every hole. I built it per schematic and there were a few errors in the original design that have been removed or corrected. After having fun with it for a couple months I've decided to get rid of it and build one that is completely me design and does exactly what I want it to do.

If you're interested in this I will be selling it for a fair amount. for details."

Synthmonger "mini"-guitar synth

via synthmonger on this thread.

"I've been working on a guitar synth the past few days. I'm building a mini and mega version. Basically the mega version has more sub-octaves, pwm, and a vca for A/D controls.

I'm stuck on the layout. I just can't decide how I want things laid out. Ideally, I want each section (mixer/pwm/EF, etc) together but trying to lay them out symmetrically has been difficult for me. The posistion of the knobs must follow to the layout in order to fit in the case properly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Just to let you know I'm not using 1v/oct frequency converter to control the vco's and it tracks pretty darn well. I'm sync'ing 40106 vco's that are based around my design. It's a fairly simple circuit that is a helluva lot of fun to play with!

The layout doesn't have the stompswitch or led indicator on there yet, but it'll go in the middle towards the bottom. The back will have vc inputs for each pwm, vco freq, and vcf." See the thread for updates.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


flickr by synthmonger
(click for more)

full size

Hello Kitty

flickr by synthmonger

full size

Get yer' bitcrunching on!



flickr by synthmonger
(click for more)

full size

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

homebrew SDIY

flickr set by synthmonger
(click for more)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Early Synthmonger VCO tests

YouTube via synthmonger
"I'm too tired to work on it right now but not tired enough to make a quick video demo of my vco.

Ideally, I am going for a vco with a huge range, temperature compensation, to work as a great audio and control source while maintaining a low cost.

Due to the amount of options the main portion will be on 42HP eurorack. Later I will add other panels that will act as adapters to get even more out of this -they can also be used by external sources so they won't be proprietary.

I'm coming close to finishing and hopefully it will be completed this week! ;D"

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Pulse Monger demo

YouTube via synthmonger
"This is a quick demo of my Pulse Monger pedal. A limited run of the Pulse Mongers will include an internal LFO. Later versions won't but I plan on building a control processor (that's very different than Moog's) to make up for that. ;D

Here is a description of what's going on in the video

00:19 Fundamental pulse width knob is turned from fully CCW to fully CW and back again.
00:50 Mix knob goes from full Fundamental all the way to full sub-octave
00:59 Sub-octave pulse width is turned from fully CCW to CW and back again
01:15 Blend knob is set to noon (equal fundamental and sub-octave mix)
01:24 Fundamental and sub-octave pulse width knobs are adjusted from CCW to CW and back again.
02:54 Different settings are played with
03:38 The LFO is introduced at a standard triangle wave at a slow speed then high. LFO is then set to falling ramp wave from slow to fast speed, then the shape is set to rising ramp wave from slow to fast speed. Different settings are then played with.

Thanks to Leon Burnside for testing it out! ;D

**Extra notes**
This pedal has a high Overdrive type gain while it remains very quite. No background hiss or that mumbo jumbo.

The sub-octave tracks best with non-buzzy pickups. A perfectly clean line level signal sounds best.

The sub octave is great for solos and so-so for chords. Only strings parallel to one another come out clean. Otherwise it'll rattle and rumble like all non-digital octave pedals.

If you're after a truly unique fuzzy, synthy, squarey, polyphonicy and sub-octavey pedal then stay tuned as I'll have these in production soon!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Coron DS8 Clones mods by Synthmonger

YouTube via synthmonger
"This was made for Jeswa.

Mods = Extended range on VCO, Decay, LFO, individual outputs and master output with attenuators, individual and master CV input with attenuators for VCO and VCA.

CV input is 0-5V. The trigger is an envelope follower and amplitude remains high as long as the gate signal is high."

Monday, April 21, 2008

BJ modular demo

YouTube via synthmonger
"gotta love a good BJ...modular ;D mix of CGS kits a fonik resonator and my own designs. Long live DIY!"

Monday, December 24, 2007

Banana Modular test 4

YouTube via synthmonger. "osfompsfeompfseopm"

Banana Modular test 1

Banana Modular test 3

Friday, December 14, 2007

TL072 lodged in foot

YouTube via synthmonger. "FELT GREAT" TL072

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Synthmonger - MFOS SLMS Vs. PG

" soundlab mini-synth built by me, meets my Pattern Generator. The PG is controlling Osc 1 and Osc 2 frequency and the Attack Release generator. The AR is controlling the Filter cutoff and for a short time the VCA. It's actually a pretty simple patch for a very complex pattern."

"Same setup as the first video, only different mixes from the PG and speed. Autechre like beats are made when the two VCO's are sync'd together." YouTube via synthmonger.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Synthmonger D.B.M. + P.W.M. + VC Delay + Fonzzai = Crazy!

"Here we have my current line up as of July.

Setup is as follows: Dual Bleep Machine (right side) running through a Fonzzai, then through a Pulse width Modulator, then into a Voltage Controlled Delay pedal. The left side of the Bleep Machine is, at times, controlling the delay speed on the VC delay pedal.

Unfortunately the sound recording is craptastic. I do plan on redoing all of these when I'm not so eager to sleep ;D

If you would like to purchase any of these, please head on over to, Ebay, or myself for more information."

Synthmonger VOltage Controlled Delay External CV Demo

YouTube via synthmonger.
"This is a demonstration of my 10 step sequencer controlling the Delay on my VC Delay Pedal. These are for sale at through me, Ebay, and more retail sites."

Title link takes you to more.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

4x4 SM Programmable Sequencer

YouTube via synthmonger. Click for more videos.

"This is a new kind of programmable sequencer. Each step can drive other sequencers or clock sources. For instance, in this video I am running one clock source into Row 1 -not into the other Rows. Each of Row 1's step outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, are sending a clock signal to Rows 2-4. Steps on Rows 2-4 are sending signals out to each other. I forgot the exact patch ;C

The Rows are CV'ing 4 simple ghettofied vactrol oscillators.

Here is an example: if you want Row 2 to advance one count everytime Row 1 hits it's 3rd step, you would run a patch from Row 1's 3rd step to Row 2's clock input. You can also run a patch out from Row 2 to Row 1 to allow even more crazy complex sequences.

I used banana jacks because I did not want to use multiple strips. It's 42HP Eurorack.

This is a very SMALL sequencer and I do have one planned for bi-directional sequencing, reset, step amount, etc etc etc. Basically the super duper version is going to be freaking huge -probably 80HP in Eurorack.

If anyone wants to buy it or find out more info on it, hit me up at synthmonger[AT]"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bleep Machine vs. Trusty my 10 step DIY sequencer

YouTube via synthmonger. Title link takes you to more. Synth Monger's MySpace Page.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

10 step sequencer on YouTube

Update via the comments:
"this is synthmonger's stuff. he's building what look like fairly nice little noiseboxes, sequencers, and so on and selling them fairly cheap direct and on ebay. i've got one of his CMOS VCO boxes on order and, if it's as good as it looks, i'll probably be picking up one of these sequencers as well -- where else can you get a standalone 10-step analog sequencer for under $200?"

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