MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for synthwood pro-one

Showing posts sorted by date for query synthwood pro-one. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query synthwood pro-one. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Clear DSI Modwheels for your Pro One

If you remember this post, Stephen of Synthwood mentioned that Dave Smith would be providing clear Modwheel and case enclosures for Synthwood to use in their custom Pro One wood cases. Well, it looks like they are in! Here's a link to one up for auction.

Previous Synthwood posts

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sequential Circuits Pro One Wood Case

More pics here via this auction.

Note the auction is not for an actual Pro One, but the custom wood case built by Synthwood, along with a new mod and pitch wheel case from Dave Smith Instruments.

"This is a custom ALL NEW WOOD CASE for the Sequential Circuits Pro-One analogue synthesizer. The case is complete with screws, mounting hardware and a newly designed pitch / mod wheel box. It is designed to replace the flimsy original plastic case with very little or no alteration to the original sheet metal bottom case. You will need to align your keyboard tray to accommodate the new wheel box. This can be done by either machining or drilling new holes in the keyboard tray about 1/2" offset from the originals.

Dave Smith Instruments has designed a brand new pitch / mod wheel box which we are including with the kit. The new wheel box allows you to use your existing Pro-One pitch / mod pots and wiring harness with a brand new set of acrylic wheels.

Its important to note that the images below are of our second PROTOTYPE and while it does have a couple of noticable blemishes they WILL NOT show up on yours. Yours will be even more beautiful and unique.

When you are doing the installation you will also need to replace your old plastic SwitchCraft jacks with more durable metal switched jacks that can be mounted to the back of the case. Typically these jacks will be broken anyway, so the conversion is a great opportunity to wire in replacements. We can include these 7 pre-wired jacks if needed for $15, or you can just make them yourself by following our installation guide.

What is included:

# A completely finished and assembled wood case
# Black Walnut (shown), Cherry or Mahogany - Your Choice
# Brand new wheel box designed by Dave Smith Instruments
# Two new clear acrylic pitch / mod wheels
# Pitch / Mod pot brackets (You use your existing pots)
# Four black head machine screws to replace your old ones
# 6 T-Nuts with 6 washers to mount your control panel
# 8 black wood screws (installed)
# Installation guide with a step by step process with pictures Nameplates will be available very soon. Shipping is $25 in the USA, $55 via airmail elsewhere"

Previous posts on Synthwood

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

New Wood End Pieces

Looks like Synthwood has some new wood end pieces up on the bay: Korg 770, Sequential Circuits Drumtraks, Sequential Circuits Pro One. Title link takes you to the synthwood site. Korg 770 wood ends pictured.

Friday, October 27, 2006

PNW06: Stephen Talks About his Custom Wood Cased Pro One

Stephen Talks About his Doepfer Ribbon Controller

Two more via this year's Pacific Northwest Synthesizer Meeting. You can see the Prophet T8 minus keys that Stephen refers to here. You can find Stephen's custom woodwork on Synthwood.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Red Martian

One of the people I met at this year's PNW meeting was Stephen Jones. You might recognize the name from this post on the custom wood case for the Sequential Circuts Pro One. You can find more info on the case and other custom work on Synthwood. I actually need to put a couple of posts on the custom T8 and Multi-traks there.

For this post, however, I want to focus on Stephen's band Red Martian. If you like Severed Heads, you will like Red Martian. I asked Stephen what his music was like and what bands influenced him. Not only is he influenced by Severed Heads, but one of their tracks was actually remixed by them. Pretty cool. BTW, you know my policy on only posting music if it showcases a given synth. Well the track "Behind the Mask" features a Prophet 5. Details:

"On behind the mask casey recorded his drums with live bass and keyboard. I then went back and tapped out a gate track along with his human tempo and used that to trigger the backing sequence. All of the synthesizer sounds were done on the Prophet 5. I got the mono lead sounds by killing voices and playing it it unison. "no moogs here". The vocals were done with a SVC-350 vocoder along with the Prophet 5."

Check out their MySpace page to get to the track directly and check out their main site for more. This is good stuff.

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