Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Buchla 200e

No title link. Shot sent in by an anonymous reader. Make sure to click the shot for the full effect. Absolutely gorgeous. Man I'd love one of these as my christmas tree.

Thanks anonymous reader! ; )

BTW, don't miss this post for one heck of a sample of the 200e.

Update: Also check this post for some new samples that have recently been put up.

Dub Jam on bleepsandbloops

Title link takes you to the latest update on bleepsandbloops with a sample.

"Another little jam, this one built solely with the Moog CP-251, TR-606, and the DotCom, live to tape improv style. I was kind of going for a "what if Morton Subotnick did a dub track?" or something along those lines, kind of in the tradition of what Excepter is trying to do with their latest "noise dub" stuff."

Sketch by Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk

Remember this drawing from this post? Turns out the drawing was actually by Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk for Dirk, not the other way around. Pretty cool. Make sure to check out the previous post for a stitch by Herrn Schneider's daughter with a bald Florian. Funny.

Update via Moogulator in the comments: "Dirk sold Florian the ARP as a SHOP, so it was "an ARP of others", not really Dirks but a Synthesizerstudio Bonn [the name of the synth shop] one.. Hope that makes it clearer.. ;) "

Buchla 200e Night Strafe

Remember the 200e By Night? Title link takes you to a video by Todd. Wow. You have to see and hear this. "Everything but the lead was done in one pass on the 200e, the lead is a JP-8."

Thanks Todd!

YMO Day Tripper Live on YouTube

This one sent my way via Pete. Thanks Pete!

Tangerine Dream's Christopher Franke's Modular

via Nick

"please find in a attachment a picture, which is part of a research I do for the 80's modular rack equipment of Tangerine Dream's Christopher Franke. The most elements about the rack's contents I found in an 1981 article of UK magazine 'Electronics & Music Maker'. Part of it, as you will see in the picture -upper corner, was a compination of two revolutinary drum modules (using EPROM samples, were custom made for Franke) and an sequencer module (the "rhythm robot") This drum amchine can be heard in "Exit" (1981) and mostly in "White eagle"(1982)albums. Would be helpful if readers and viewers could help intentifying the unknown parts of this thing, which is essentially the 1980 hardware equal of "Reason"!
Thank you very much - Nick"

Thank you! If you can help, feel free to post in the comments.

Update: Make sure to check out the comments. Some fascinating stuff coming in.

Ryuichi Sakamoto + SKETCH SHOW - War and Peace (Live 2004) on YouTube

YMO in 2004. The caption reads:
Yukihiro Takahashi,Haruomi Hosono,Keigo Oyamada and Ryuichi Sakamoto visual: Ryoichi Kurokawa 10th October,2004 at Yebisu Garden Hall,Tokyo"

Via wikipedia: "The principal members were Haruomi Hosono (bass), Yukihiro Takahashi (drums) and Ryuichi Sakamoto (keyboards)."

matrixsynth2 - New Flickr Shot

flickr by cray5656, who gave us this wonderful set.

Funny. : ) Thanks cray5656! Now I just need one of those mirror effects where you see the site within the site, within the site,...

Wonder what Matrixsynth1 was. Hmm....

Update: here's the post where this was taken from.

New Moroco Synth Coming?

via Ken MacBeth

"I am currently prototyping the moroco stereo synthesizer- it is the moroco and more- twice the height in rackspace too…" found the the above on his forum. The image to the left is the old Moroco taken from MacBeth Studio Systems.

Title link takes you to the post on

I'm starting to visualize walls of MacBeth - M5s, Morocos, M3Xs...


Nice shot. Note that's all new Moog - Voyager, Moogerfoogers and control expanders. And a Future Retro Mobius thrown in for good measure. Not sure what that is sitting on top of the speaker on the lower left. It looks like a Roland MC-202 at first glance but it can't be with two rows of keys. Also not sure what sitting in the middle of the right rack beneath the control expanders. If you know feel free to comment.

Shot pulled from this post.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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