Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Keyboards of John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin)

Click here for an article by Brian Kehew of The Moog Cookbook. Via Peter Forrest on AH.

Keyboards include:
Hohner electra-piano
Hammond M-100
Hammond C3/B3
Hohner clavinet
Fender Rhodes
Steinway grand piano
Farfisa VIP-255
Yamaha CP70B piano
Yamaha GX1
bass pedals

Mobius - Free Software Looper

"Mobius is a program for the real-time creation and manipulation of audio loops. It has functionality based on the venerable Echoplex Digital Pro with Loop IV software. It is not a complete emulation, but it does implement many of the Loop IV features, as well as a number of useful new features. Mobius is essentially 8 synchronized stereo EDP's with the ability to copy loops and timing between them. Extensive MIDI and computer keyboard control is available. Audio content may be saved to and loaded from files.

Mobius is free, though I do request that you report any problems you encounter and offer suggestions for new features you think would be useful."

Title link takes you there. Via Tony. BTW, check out Loopers Delight for everything loopy. ; )


Title link takes you to shots pulled from this auction.

via fmasseti.

Frank Zappa - Documentary (part 5 of 6)

Features the NED Synclavier. YouTube via doogit. Sent my way via Tim.

ARP 2600 Samples

Title link takes you to a couple more shots and samples. This one sent in by one of the anonymous:

"I made some riffs & Fx with my ARP 2600. No FX or EQ,direct to CDR, Includes 1 scifi and 1 drone track where the output was feedbacked into the filter."

White Modcan B Modular Analog Synthesizer

Title link takes you to a supersized shot pulled from this auction.

2 VCO 01B
1 dual VCO 46B
1 dual mixer 27B
1 s&h/noise/ring mod 07B
1 dual ADSR 47B
1 moog LPF 44B
1 multi filter 10B
1 VCA panner 21B
1 freq shifter 39B
1 phase shifter/timbre mod 06B
1 3x1 mixer 09B
1 multiple 48B
1 attenuator 49B
1 pulse divider/VC switch 20B

3 cases with 50B power supply

Milton Users Group

Title link takes you the Yahoo! Users Group for the Milton Sequencer. The group currently has 142 members as of this post. Here's the Milton product page on Plan B.

"BuIlt Milton sequencers in all flavors (standard silver with mini jacks, Wiard blue, Buchla, Serge, MOTM and lookalike compatibles) are availible through Plan B starting at $1550 for a standard silver faced unit with 3.5mm phone jacks. There is a ten week delivery cycle once the deposit is recevied. Custom features are also availiable and will be quoted on an individual basis. Contact Peter Grenader at for a quote or for more information."


Depeche Mode at the World Trade Center Video

via ortho. Title link takes you to the video. Synths featured: Two Emulator IIs. That said, I'll never forget seeing the WTC for the first time. If you love architecture and buildings, it was one of the pinacles. I always had a fascination with buildings. Monuments of what we can accomplish. I grew up in LA so the twin towers weren't part of my childhood, but I always knew about them and I always wanted to see them in person. When I went to New York for the first time in 1996, on a side trip from Connecticut, we stayed two nights and only had one day to explore the city. WTC was on the top of the list and then the Empire State Building. We were fortunate enough to have a drink and lunch at Windows on the World, a restaurant on the 107th floor. The view was spectacular. We had lunch at roughly 11:30 AM. I always wondered if any of the staff there was unfortunate enough to be there when it happened. The video captures the amazing view as well; they were really that high. It's hard to fathom how they were built when you are standing there.

Moog Little Phatty Shots

Looks like Carbon111 got his Little Phatty. Title link takes you to a couple of shots he posted on Synthwire.

The End of MOTM synth kits

I posted about this back on July 6. Looks like the day has finally arrived. Via Paul Schreiber on the AH list:

"Tomorrow at 9PM Texas time, I am loading into the shopping cart: link

the last and final set of MOTM analog modular synth kits. I'm both relieved and
sad. About 7500 kits have been built by members of this list, in 17 different
countries. However, the sheer logistics of keeping up with 50,000 parts/month
means I am converting to assembled modules only. And letting other folks worry
about it.

The last *order* date will be Dec. 1st, assuming there are kits left to order :)
It will take until the end of the year to ship all of them (there are ~375 on
back order as of today). Yes, the shopping cart says 'In Stock' but that doesn't
equate to 'will ship by Friday'.

I have "turned off" the kit portion of the cart until I've completed the update.

Thanks to everyone for the many years of excitement. MOTM is far from dead: in
fact, just the opposite. By no longer spending 90% of my time shuffling parts
around, I can concentrate on *design* and *delivery*.

Paul Schreiber
Synthesis Technology"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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