Friday, December 22, 2006

Folktek Walking Stick on SubtleNoiseMaker

Title link takes you to more info and samples via sascha.

Previous Folktek posts

Casio PT-7 on Synthwire

I told myself I wasn't going to put up every Synthwire post that comes in, but this is just too cool. Click here for a video of the CAsio PT-7 by Inverseroom. The very beginning made my jaw drop. You have to see this video. I want one of these!

Waldorf Microwave Green Machine

You are looking at serial number #1 of the Waldorf Microwave limited green edition. This one is indeed real, and not a "Matrixynth Edition." : ) Title link takes you to the thread on where this was posted. BTW, the post is for the unit for sale - 475 Euros.

Also pictured: Waldorf Rack Attack and Waldorf Wave.

Update via Qwave in the comments: "The picture shown here is not by the seller of the Waldorf. The picture is hijacked from here, from this site"

PSP Rhythm 7.0

"The homebrew audio sequencer for the PSP has beed released just in time for the holidays. PSP Rhythm 7.0 is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. PSP Rhythm features include sample playback, sample manipulation, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger. PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.

Major Improvements for version 7.0:
- Wave Table Synthesizer (with user defined oscillator)
- Sample Volume Envelope
- Improved Audio Engine
- Song files have replaced bank files
- Improved file user interface

Thank you!
The PSP Rhythm Development Team" Some direct links:
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
User Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Rhythm 7.0 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
Previous Posts

SIGHUP Drum Macine

"Drum machine emerges as an extension of the ideas developed by SIGHUP in the Machines series, which has aimed to create music entirely guided by the distinct qualities of any given sound source. While the drum machine series touches on more familiar and conventional sounds--and an effort was made not to modify the basic sound of the drum machines with many effects--structurally the tracks are intended not to follow conventional forms, or the ecstatic punctuation of meter of popular beats, but rather to weave sounds and phrases like vine formations. The structures are not dissimilar from SIGHUP's noisedrone work, but the change in the type of sounds used brings a new perspective to the SIGHUP style."

Title link takes you there. You'll find five tracks of audio.

A Little Phatty Christmas Card via Eric Frampton

Title link takes you to Eric Frampton's cover of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" performed with a Little Phatty.

"Merry Christmas and happy holidays, y'all!

Remember the piece that Steve Porcaro did back in the early 80's for
a Keyboard Magazine soundsheet, the one that was nothing but
Minimoog? I thought that might be fun to do with a newer instrument...

This is all Little Phatty except for the Hammond (CX-3), piano (S90),
and drums (Stylus RMX). No MIDI anywhere.


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays folks! Hope it's a warm, safe and happy one. : )

Title link takes you to a few more shots. BTW, if you have any synthy holiday shots, feel free to send them in or post them in the comments.

Pictured: My Clavia Nord Lead.

Poly Evolver "Matrixsynth Edition"

Two more via Bee Jay.

Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth"

Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth Darkside"

Update: Looks like Blogger shrunk them. Here are bigger versions: Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth" and Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth Darkside". I also archived them on flickr and here. I particularly like the Darkside version. Something about green on black. : )

Rhodes Chroma Voice Card

via this auction.

-Contains 1 CEM3360 dual VCA
-Contains 1 CEM3350 dual VCF
-4 1.87k Tempco's
-Could be used as a replacement or spare for your Chroma.
-My last Chroma Voice Card.

BTW, if you have a Rhodes Chroma, you probably already know about this from the Rhodes Chroma list. If you don't because you haven't joined it yet, do take the time to check it out. It's a great list.

BINSON Pre Echo Tube Mixer

This one via KONEY.

"Inside there are 7 tubes and a signed diagram, dated 1963! I use is as a dostortion unit, by feeding the signal in and out, or as a analog 7 way summer... More pictures here."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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