Thursday, May 03, 2007

TB-303 Birthday Cake

Another via Dan.

"When I turned 30 one of my friends gave me this utterly nerdy cake. The colours look a bit funny but it really was gray at first. The knobs were ewatable too!"


Casio AT-40 in Iraq with Arabic Writing

via Daniel:

"A casio AT-40 with arabic lettering that I spotted in Hewler/Arbil in northern Iraq in december last year. I should have bought it!"


My Big Fat Drum Machine

YouTube via shagghie.

"beta testing proof of concept...not a performance, just sequence, filter, and knob twiddling. Sounds incredible in real life... need to find a better camera mic."

Update: And an image via Shaggie:

Posts on the Schippmann Ebbe & Flut
Posts on Mainikin Schrittmacher

kluster 1971

YouTube freeartslab. Indirectly via Ron. We were talking about music and he mentioned Kluster, spelled Cluster in the US. I decided to see if there was anything on YouTube and I found this.

"Kluster 1971. After his departure from TD Schnitzler, Moebius and Rodelius formed Kluster (when Conrad Schnitzler left renamed as Cluster). No film footage exists from the early days. This scene from a tv documentary was done with the few photographs that survived and shots from record sleeves (more information: and for more music)"

Brian Tregaskin

via ghostdog.

"Richard James aka aphex twin is now recording under alias "the tuss". he has a my space Brian Tregaskin. apart from having music which is a great taster for his forthcoming LP, there are some synth shots. Can anyone work out what modular it is?"

Steele The Siamese Synth Cat

YouTube via tardis454. Kind of reminds me of Tom Waits for some reason.
Anyone know what keyboard that is?

Teisco SX-400 Demo

YouTube via tardis454.

Roland System 100 Demos

Roland System 100 Future Retro Mobius Patch

Roland System 100 TB-303 Patch

Roland System 100 Demo

YouTubes via tardis454.

Endorphin - Quad SID synth

flickr by fibra.

Title link takes you to more shots.

Plan B Model 15 Rev.2 with 15A Expander

"The Plan B Model 15 Rev.2 will begin shipping on May 6, 2007. The circuit is identical to previous releases with the addition of a new connector to support the 15A Expander. This is the only circuit change. To facilitate this the PCB had to be redesigned and while we were at it we reconfigured that assembly to mount parallel to the faceplate, taking the overall depth of the module from 4.25 inches to just over 1 inch thick (see photo).

The new 15A Expander adds functionality to the M15 and is a direct result of customer requests. It connects to the Rev.2 VCO via a dedicated I/O connector located on the back of the PCB. It can however be retrofitted to any Model 15's regardless of revision, although earlier releases (rev 1 - 1.6) will require point-to point connections. the 15A is only 4 HP wide and adds a PWN attenuation pot, a Soft/Hard Sync crossfade pot (which amplifies the M15 sync function up to x4 it's previous intensity), 3 three way transposition switch (configured octave up/none/octave down) and two additional 1V/oct VC inputs. The 15A will begin shipping at the end of May with a retail price of $70."

Plan b

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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