Wednesday, October 22, 2008


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"This particular memorymoog is the one featured in Peter Forrest's "A-Z of Synthesiser Technology" books.. it's the one on the cover and in the colour center section. I have own it for 5 years and it has been serviced/tuned 3 times during my time, once at Synthrestore and twice through Kent Spong of KSR/RLMusic. It tunes all 6 voices pretty much all the time and after a few hours warming up it's rock solid, it would easily handle a recording session but I wouldn't take it out on the road.

6 voice polyphonic... 6 complete synth chains so you get 6 filters & 12 envelopes etc. not 6 voices going through 1 filter and 2 envelopes.

3 Oscillators per voice... hold all 6 notes down and that's 18 Oscillators playing!

Each Oscillator can have all waveforms operating at once... so that's Pulse, Sawtooth and Triangle all on, creating a huge depth to the sound.

Oscillators 1 and 2 can be synced and modulated for that great 'twang' sound as used by Jean-Michel Jarre.

All Oscillators range from 16' through 2' pitch and can be tuned using dual concentric vernier tuning pots for precise tuning... and Oscillator 3 can be modulated into low frequency allowing you to gain extra modulation possibilities (and emulate minimoog patches).

2 separate modulation busses allowing LFO modulation of Oscillator pitch, pulse wave width (each oscillator can be modulated independently) and filter. Voice modulation in conjunction with OSC 3 can modulate OSC 1 and 2's pitch and pulse wave width, and also filter.

Famous discreet component Moog ladder filter matches the same controls as the minimoog model D including switched keyboard tracking, off, 1/3, 2/3 and full.

Full Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release envelopes for both amplitude and filter (not just ADS like on the mini) with multiple retrigering functions allowing you to legato the filter envelope or restart it on every new key trigger or make the envelope generator finish its Attack/Release cycle if you just touch a key etc.

Sounds can be stored in 100 preset positions and dialed in via an alpha-numeric keypad and display... a display which shows you the values of the parameter you are controlling live as you are turning the knob, something that was cutting edge 25 years ago and still not implemented as standard on all modern synths."

Thomas Henry SN Voice Synth Module SN76477

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"Thomas Henry SN Voice TI SN76477N Based Voice Module. 3U Front panel is from Bridechamber. This module is similar to the Blacet Dark Star Chaos module. The SN Voice has a more features, most importantly 1v/oct. The noise section can make all those great space invaders explosion sounds. A complete synth voice in one module!"

CGS Digital Noise Synth Module

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"Cat Girl Synth (Ken Stone the Genius) Digital Noise Module. Front panel is from Bridechamber"

Oakley Equinoxe VC Phaser

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"Oakley Sound Systems Equinoxe Voltage Controlled Phaser Module.
Oakley site"

ARP Odyssey Modded

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"Slightly modified by synth whiz GRANT RICHTER [of Wiard] for even greater playability. These mods do NOT affect the internal modules. They are extra control-voltage controllers.

Mod 1: a JOYSTICK has been added at the upper right of the panel, (see picture) which can control BOTH oscxillators at once, or one oscillator and the VCF at once. Incredible frequency swoops, or swirl the filter while playing. The joystick simply comes in where the foot-pedal jack used to come in.

Mod 2: a PITCHBENDER strip has been added to the upper left of the panel (see picture). Slide your finger up and down, and bend the pitch. Tap your finger on and off it, and you can even "toggle" between two notes.

Mod 3: a RHYTHM SEQUECER has been added just above the keyboard (See picture, more detailed instructions included). This does not disrupt normal functioning of the Odyssey if not used.
Program it by holding down the black keys in a certain patterns while pressing the "step" button. 8 channels of 5 volt trigger outputs, by 8 patterns, by 16 beats per pattern. Use it to trigger drum effects, dimmer packs, or what have you in performances! Includes a tempo control.

To activate during a performance, touch the metal touch pad, then one of the first 8 white keys. No note will sound, but the sequence will start. Subsequent notes will sound normally.

For an extra $30, the auction winner can add two high-quality analog drum synths (see picture)... an awesome bass drum, and snare drum, in a mini-rack. All drum parameters adjustable, and it plugs right into the Odyssey and is triggered by the sequencer.


Folkteck "Arachnid"

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"Welcome to the work of Folktek. Please also see our other auctions.

= For information regarding the artist Arius Blaze go to:
= For information regarding Folktek artists including portfolios, sounds and many more works please visit:
= For a direct link to the "arachnid" page of the folktek site including more information, sound samples and more photos please visit:
= If you'd like to join our friends list at myspace:folktek myspace
= To see our growing video collection of folktek works go to:"

The Arachnid is a part of the filanthropod, meanogaster and bug series.

There is a video of the arachnid being played here:

-Arachnid- Folktek instrument by Arius Blaze

"Patchable synth from Folktek going mad chaotic. This is one example of what any of the patchable folktek filantropoid/bug series is capable of...These works are incredibly vast and full of possibility for strange and beautiful sounds on the chaotic end of things - more video examples of other instruments within the same series on our vid page. Note the blue tri-speaker in this video - a custom job by Ben Houston that sounds delicious and looks beautiful! see website for more details and"

This piece is part of the bug series, an ongoing body of work. Also in the series is the dronescape sequencer, the growling insect, the bug, walking stick and a many others. The sound is phenomenol and continues to amaze us. It is a sonic symphony of nasty and grimy sweetness, endless layers of sound possibilities emenating from High quality OSC originally based on high tech speech synthesis. Seemingly random bits can be rediscovered time and time again and then there are those moments that you will most likely never rediscover.

The main controls for altering the synthesis are 4 patchable knobs, 2 alternate knobs to control voltage and primary patch sensitivity, 2 patch points per knob with two having a common which allows the player to patch one or both sides, and a 12 point patchbay to arrange your controls however you'd like allowing extreme flexibility over the controls and sound. The battery pack is built into the box. The box is at least 100 years old and was originally designed for shock therapy.

You'll be able to cipher through waveform and textures with extreme sensitivity in thousands of ways. Waveforms (individual, or multiple layers) can be captured and maintained, often intermodulating in beautiful and/or disturbing ways. Albums are waitng to be created here as the sound is quite different from anything else you'll find.

People have also had results using these works as control voltage in modular synth setups.

There are 2 switch button combos that are the primary activating and wave lock controls. One is intended to activate waves either as a button or a switch, the other to capture waves or change the mode. This piece has a 1/4" output, battery pack, eye lamp.

This is one of the more extensive pieces and a fine work for generating some of the strangest sounds imaginable. This series of synthesizers make sounds that no other synth does. period.

The work in the photo is the original arachnid. There have been three total arachnids created by request. This is number three and looks slightly different but has the same 100 year old shock therapy box and same general layout. It has exactly the same controls and potential."

Mochika 2 Atomo Synth

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"Make insane effect loops, cool phrases, fat basslines or crazy percusion rhythms, change the sound in real time by tweeking the knobs on stage or in studio or connect it to your favorite effects (delay, flange, etc, etc)and create a wide sort of rhytm textures and soundscapes with this beautiful lighted analog sequencer synth box... And now sync it to any midi device like a drumbox midi sequencer or computer and play live!!!

This synth features one analog square and saw waveform VCO (voltage controled oscillator) with a huge pitch range, from subsonic to ultrasonic sound.

One square and triangle waveform LFO (low frequency oscillator), that modulates the VCO for the vibrato effect creating old school arcade Atari-like sounds.

White noise generator that triggers the VCO and can create percussion like sounds.

8 step Sequencer with note on/off switch and pitch knob for each step

It features a 1/4 inch audio output, 1/4 inch CV Output (to control other analog gear).

The Mochika2 features a MIDI input to sync the Mochika with any midi device sending midi clock signals, the mochika can sync 1, 2, 4 and up to 8 times the tempo of the master clock midi device, also it can be used as a midi to gate converter to sync other analog gear using the CV output of the Mochika2.

Also the instrument is ligthed with 1 ultra bright red led that indicates the LFO Rate, and 8 red leds to indicate the step that is being played. Very useful when you play it on a dark stage.
The Analog Sequencer is packed in a cool laser cut clear acrilic case that shows all the hand made analog circuitry.
The instrument is powered directly from 110V or 220V AC.
Dimensions: 230mm(W), 170 mm(D), 80mm(H. incuded rubber feet and knobs)

Sound Samples , Video and extra large Pictures

Visit my blog:"

Oakley System Analog Modular

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"The system includes the following modules:
- VCO x2
- Superladder filter
Modules in MOTM format."

Roland SH-101

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roland TR-606 with modifications

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"Being of 'pre-beast' era, this individual has a variation of the v1 mods found at, with some of the v2 mods thrown in.
Specifically it has -
# 16 voice editing controls
# 7 trigger inputs (for external triggering of voices - ie form a modular synth or compatible midi>>cv unit)
# 5 normalised pre-mixer individual outputs
# All new tact switches at time of modification (2004 end)
# Blue LEDs throughout"

Note this is from the same seller as this TB-303 Beast which has recently been re=listed. The auction link in that post has been updated with the new link.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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