Sunday, December 21, 2008

Liberation Teste Ethnicolor - My Casio MT 240 Keytar

YouTube via Stereokromatik

Liberation Teste - Casio MT 240 Keytar
Jean Michel Jarre"

Oxygene IV. Jean Michel Jarre (My tribute for Jarre).

moon modular vcEG M511c & Quad Quantizer M565

YouTube via moonmodular
"M560 sequencer (960 clone), row "A" into one M565 quantizer, into VCO IN of a mini moog.

M560 row "B" into ATTACK CONTROL CV IN of the M511c. (chained to DECAY and RELEASE)

CV+ OUT of the vcEG M511c into VCF CV IN of the mini moog. (NO internal EG´s of the mini moog are used.)

Trigger/gate signals controlled by a M563 Trigger Sequencer. gives you more information."

PLL Melody

YouTube via boobtube356
"Doepfer A-196 PLL attempts to track a simple sequence. PLL output goes to a Makenoise QMMG modulated by a Cwejman ADSR-VC2. Adjusments to the PLL demonstrate the basics of this module."

Percussive Sounds

YouTube via boobtube356
"PlanB Model 15 is synced by a Cwejman VCO-6. The result is amplitude modulated by a self resonating Cwejman MMF-1 in twin peak bandpass mode."

SCI Multi-Trak Demo

YouTube via djhijinx
"There was no video for the Multi-Trak so I decided to take you through a few patches. Ignore the lousy playing an poor audio quality.

Based on the same hardware as the Six-Trak and MAX, the Multi-Trak adds a chorus effect and unison mode, but lacks CC control for any of the parameters."

Super Mario Bros Theme Played On TR-909 & Juno-60

YouTube via cretin4321

Alesis Andromeda A6

via this auction

WIARD 1209 Joystick CV

via this auction

"This is a rare, Grant Richter designed and assembled joystick controller. Grant made this one with banana jacks (with additional ground jack), and mounted the Frac panel in a hand-painted wood case. I used it with my Modcan modules (listed in other auctions), but it would work great with a Serge system, too."


via this auction

I don't remember the box looking like that for some reason.

ARP 2600

YouTube via cinnamonjuly.via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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