Thursday, May 21, 2009


YouTube via 3rdness. OK, this brings back memories...
"This is one of those excellent cheap circle drum toys rehoused in an old Coleco "electronic quarterback" game. Made for Beastie Boy Adrock.

I had to build a whole new set of buttons behind the original ones because they were so shitty. They're still loud as hell though.

bent by 3rdness"

Folktek Feedback Wave #1

YouTube via benpumpkin
"The Feedback wave collaborative piece by Arius Blaze and Ben Houston (folktek). Touch based feedback synthesis. video # 1 of 3"

Folktek Feedback Wave #2

Folktek Feedback Wave #3

MVI 2003

YouTube via mforcemultiplier


flickr by Ran Kirlian
(click for more)

full size

"Oberheim OB12 & Novation Nova: in blue"


flickr by Ran Kirlian

full size

Brett Domino Trio: Britain's Got Talent - FULL VERSION

YouTube via brettdomino. No... Way....
See these posts for more Brett Domino including synth babes. Awesome.
"The definitive version of our appearance on ITV2's 'Britain's Got More Talent' episode 3, series 3, April 2009.

Courtesy of ITV.

For more info about me and the Trio, check out my other videos, or visit"

And the original:

previously posted

Malekko / Wiard Borg Filter Episode 3 - Voice of the Borg

YouTube via bigcitymusic
"Ayyye! Here's a fun little patch involving a Cwejman square wave, the Analogue Systems rs60 ADSR to modulate the cutoff, and the sample rate reduction of the Elektron Machinedrum (any bitcrusher). With a little patience you can get aye's and yeahs. It's the voice of the Borg! And yes, we are dorks. Stay tuned for the next episode where we do some really fun stuff with the new Boogie filter."

Circuit bent/Modded Synsonics Drums drum machine

YouTube via wotatwaat

"Inspired by Richard64 on Burnkit2600 (again!!!)
Added controls for the following
Kick- vol, decay, pitch, impact
Snare- vol, decay, impact, tone
Hhat- vol, decay, tone
Tom- vol, deacy, pitch sweep
Hhat mute
Kick boost (you can hear it right at the end)

As well as this I added a Highly Liquid Midi decoder (the midi indicator is the flashing light, which triggers each drum and a quieter version of each drum. The pads do still work, but the LEDS dont

Finally there are individual outs for each drum, though the snare misses the impact"

Moog Voyager Cake

via the Bob Moog Foundation blog

Be sure to see the blog for posts going up on the Enter the Mind of Moog event happening today at The Orange Peel in Asheville, NC.

Update: I missed the shot with the cake chef, Michelle Moog-Koussa, and Bob Moog's car with a Minimoog on top. Below that is a picture of Bob Moog's actual car from this previous post.


YouTube via mopipi2

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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