Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Shruthi-1 in the dark

flickr By stuartmitchell
(click for more)

AtomoSynth Krakken Keyboard Now Avialable in Germany

via AtomoSynth

"Hello, Now the Krakken keyboard is available from ScheidersBuero, it is also available for testing in their Scheirdersladen showroom in Berlin... Welcome!!!"

AtomoSynth on eBay

synth pillows by softmachines

available via softmachines

Noodling on an Ensoniq ESQ-1 Synth

YouTube via theantistudios | February 01, 2011 |

"Being the synth nerd I am, I couldn't help but bust out one of my favourite synths when Chris stopped by the studio. The Ensoniq ESQ-1 has digital waves with analog Curtis filters that give it a very unique sound that, in my opinion, still sounds modern and interesting today. We're just browsing through some of my custom patches, noodling around here, but this is a really powerful synth that's addictive to program."

Roland SH09 demo by

YouTube via Jexus | February 02, 2011 |

"Demo of 1980 Roland SH-09. Video editing by WC Olo Garb.
No, the sounds are not FXed in any special way, nor is it a customized SH09. The "weird" sounds you hear were done with the use of feedback loop (have a look at the sockets at the back of any sh09). Videos: showing you not what a synthesizer can do, but what a man can do with a synthesizer."

Babbitt: "Vision and Prayer" - 1st Recording of Vocals with RCA Synthesizer

Added to this post.

Urusei Yatsura BGM-5 Complete

Added to this post.

52 Reason / Record Tips - Week 46: Subtractor LFOs and Mods

YouTube via PropellerheadSW | February 02, 2011 |
follow-up to this post.
"After watching the first two Synth School videos you've probably realized that the entirety of synthesizer sound design is simply about taking a basic sound wave and reshaping it with basic tools like filters, amp envelopes, phase, other oscillators mixed in, etc. This week we'll look at the final piece of the SubTractor puzzle: LFOs and Performance Modifiers. When you're done this video you will have everything you need to start creating some seriously unique SubTractor patches. More importantly, you'll be ready to tackle the more complicated Malström Graintable synthesizer.

Next week I think you'll be surprised with how much you already know about it having built a strong foundation in a fundamental synth like SubTractor."

Mamiya ZE

flickr By arliethuffman

Roland AX-7...My chick magnet

flickr By keytrax

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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