Thursday, November 21, 2013

Oberheim OB-X Papercraft Cutout

via Retrosound on Facebook

Nutekk Labs on Wolfgang Palm's PPG WaveGenerator for Mac and PC

via Nutekk Labs on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"Working with Wolfgang Palm on the new PC/Mac Version of the Highly Acclaimed PPG WaveGenerator"

Additional details via Nutekk Labs.

"For many years, after working with both Mac and Windows, my platform of choice is almost always Windows. I like the freedom of Windows, I overclock and run my operating system stripped down, lean and mean. It is this type of tinkering that led Waldorf to notice my abilities when I managed to make a "work-around" for their AFB-16 by substituting an older usb subsystem in the current day Windows. Ultimately Waldorf gave me the opportunity to beta test and eventually sound design for some pretty amazing synths, including the PPG V3, where I had the honor to first meet and work with Wolfgang Palm.

After working with Wolfgang on several projects for the ipad I was very excited to hear from him when he asked if I would be interested in doing some sound design for the PPG WaveGenerator for his new Windows and Mac version. Wow, I never expected to be able to use the WaveGenerator in my much preferred Windows environment. Without hesitation the work began, creating a very special and inspired 23 program bank that will be included in the factory release. While the ios version of the WaveGenerator is incredible ... it is even better to be able to use it in Windows. Hope you enjoy it too!"

Precision Guitar Synthesiser & Talkbot Guitar Vocoder/Talkbox

Precision Guitar Synthesiser - Demo Audio

Published on Nov 17, 2013 Squit Sounds·3 videos

"Messing around with the software for a few minutes. Apologies for the terrible guitar playing, I'm not used to making videos and there was a lot to coordinate."

"Precision is a standalone application that will take the pitch of a standard electric guitar, and use it to trigger notes on a synthesiser. Precision works with other instruments too (with varying degree's of success).

Precision comes in 3 versions - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. The in built tutorials will guide the most inexperienced of users through the process of sound design.

Try the demo for free


4 x Oscillators
3 x Envelopes
3 x LFO
2 Filter with 4 filter shapes
FX Section (reverb, delay, bitcrusher, distortion, chorus)
Metronome and Record function
Preset save and recall
WAV player - don't play an instrument? You can play an audio recording through the synth instead
Updates for life - links to future downloads of Precision will be emailed to you for life"

Talkbot - Guitar Vocoder/Talkbox Software Demo
Published on Nov 18, 2013

"My new piece of software, available from"

"Talkbot is a standalone application that takes the signal from your microphone, and combines it with the pitch of a standard electric guitar, allowing you to shape the sound with your mouth.

You can try out other instruments with Talkbot, but it has been designed to work best with an electric guitar.

Try the demo for free: Windows, Mac


3 x Oscillators
Filter with 4 filter shapes
Metronome and Record function
Sample input - don't have a microphone? Switch to sample mode, and try some acapella audio recordings."

transmisison VCO beats

Published on Nov 21, 2013 heodesalciphron·144 videos

Update: full details here.

transmission diy VCO in the dark
Published on Nov 21, 2013



Published on Nov 21, 2013 zack dagoba·253 videos

"Buchla 100 patch, utilising proto-horn type sounds, about 4 layers of them. HORNY! see http://myblogitsfullofstars.blogspot.... for more"

Thank you for getting me to tweet horny, Benge!

Scales Mode Project Video

Published on Nov 21, 2013 Keith McMillen Instruments·205 videos

"QuNexus Scales Mode uses two Max for Live devices to enable easy playing within a user specified scale and key. The devices light up specific keys on the QuNexus for the given scale to indicate which keys should be pressed without effecting QuNexus' MIDI and control voltage output. Scales mode is also available as a standalone device."

QuNexus on eBay

Sound Interface Device - ALM SidGuts

Published on Nov 21, 2013 maertsemil·23 videos

Doepfer A144 Morph Controller Audio Demo 2-Basic Waveshaping Part One

Published on Nov 21, 2013 Raul's World of Synths·240 videos

"The next audio demonstration in the Doepfer A144 Morph Controller series. This week we look at the use of this module as a basic Waveshaper. Sound and Video by Raul Pena."

All parts here.

The Therevox ET-4.2- Part 2: Oscillators

Published on Nov 21, 2013 AutomaticGainsay·179 videos

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the ET-4.2 oscillators."

All parts here.

Also see the Therevox channel below for more.

soundmachines Road Show Begins

via soundmachines on Facebook

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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