Friday, July 20, 2018

Filthy Techno [Arturia Drumbrute Impact Demo]

Published on Jul 20, 2018 Tom Hall

"Quick little techno piece"

Yamaha DX7 SN 48901 w/ Extras

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Yamaha DX7 Vintage Keyboard
Original User Manual
Schaller FS121 Footswitch
Yamaha DX Data Cartridge RAM1
Replacement Battery

KAWAI K5 Digital Multi Dimensional Synthesizer

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The precursor to the K5000S and K5000W Additive synths. The S has the extra knobs, but I hear the K5 has a more powerful (editable?) engine.

Ensoniq SD-1 Synthesizer

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Year Released: 1990
MSRP in 1990: $2695
Keyboard: 61 keys with velocity and aftertouch
Polyphony: 32 notes
Multitimbral: 24 parts
Preset Patches: 60
User Patches: 60
Preset Performances: 20
User Performances: 20
ROM: 3.5 MB (168 waveforms at 16-bit resolution)
Effects: dual 24-bit effects processor with reverb, chorus, flange, phaser, delay, distortion, rotary speaker, compressor, wah
Dimensions: 103 cm x 34 cm x 10 cm
Weight: 29 lbs.
Sequencer Memory: 25,000 Notes (Expandable to 75,000 Notes), 60 Patterns, 20 Songs
Latest OS Version: 4.10
Latest OS Version For SD-1/32: 4.10/4.10

IKM UNO Synth Jam Session │ Tweaking it Good - haQ attaQ

Published on Jul 20, 2018 Jakob Haq

"FeDex dropped off my New UNO synth by IK Multimedia a few hours ago and I'm already loving it! It has great sounding filters with a gritty drive that makes bass sound gnarly as f*ck! This is just a quick jam session and I'll need a couple of weeks to get to know the UNO before I make a deep and proper haQ attaQ review. Stay tuned!"

Yamaha Reface CS Demo & Short Review - 2 years later

Published on Jul 20, 2018 Alex S.

"Here's a proper demo and a short review on the Yamaha Reface CS."

Friday Fun - Arturia DrumBrute Impact + Moog Grandmother

Published on Jul 20, 2018 sonicstate

"We're lucky enough to have an Arturia DrumBrute Impact and a Moog Grandmother here."

Elektron Digitakt & Roland SH01A

Published on Jul 20, 2018 3rdStoreyChemist

"Jamming with the SH01A synthesiser and Digitakt drum machine synced together.

No further processing except for normalisation."

WORNG Electronics - Vector Space (3 in 17 out cv/audio wizardry!)

Published on Jul 20, 2018 DivKidVideo

"TIMING INDEX / LINKS BELOW! - Following on from my video with the lovely little LRMSMSLR from WORNG Electronics is the Vector Space. Vector Space is a 3 input 17 output CV and audio wizardry machine! Well ... cutting the wizard and magic references it takes 3 inputs and places them around cubes, spheres and on various planes giving us 17 related (but all different) versions of the 3 inputs. There's rectification, phase inversions, offsets, attenuation all playing into giving all these different signals. It's great with LFOs and envelopes, random or even audio. So here's a walkthrough and various patches to show what's going on.

Check out the module and great manual here -


00:00 Hello and previews of what's to come

00:49 Walkthrough, manual, what is this thing!?! Spheres, planes and cube outputs

03:31 A new track from me! Here's a patch I'm working on as a new track (to be released later). Here the Vector Space controls percussion, modulation, sequencing ... LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Really nice letting 3 inputs on this influence a whole patch and piece of music.

05:13 Random Voltages - using 3 stepped random voltages into the inputs into quantisers to get 3 voice polyphonic modular. The advantage here is I can process these voltages differently by taking different outputs and also use other outputs for related modulation.

07:23 Ultimate LFO Logic - this is a patch from the manual. Using 3 LFOs to create lots of unique outputs. This serves as a demo as to what actually happens to the signals using different outputs to show the rectification (LFOs are twice as fast), the offsets, inversions etc.

10:20 3D Vector Synthesis Patch - again another patch from the manual that is a riff on the Sequential (thanks Chris Meyer!) Vector Synthesis. Using external VCAs with different sounds and letting the various outputs open and close these for Vector Synthesis and blends/morphs between various tones and sounds.

12:37 Timbral Garden - you guessed it ... another patch from the manual. Here I take 3 triangle oscillator waves into the inputs tuned to a root, third and fifth in a chord. I'm exploring using the different outputs for different tones. You can clearly here how different outputs emphasis different harmonics in the sounds and some give a nice clipped octave up like effect too."

Muxlicer eurorack module - Demo and patches

Published on Jul 20, 2018 Befacosynth

"Muxlicer is a sequential signal processor designed by Befaco to add a huge range of special functions to your modular setup in the minimum space.
In this video we explore a few of these possibilities and interesting patches."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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