Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Demo Xenophone

Published on Jun 1, 2020 coyotesynth

"HyperSynth Xenophone is a very well featured monosynth, with 3 DCO, 2 Subs, many noises (including commodore C64 noise), a multimode filter with 4 analog distortions, flexible envelopes with modulation matrix, and FX bus. Audio input and CV/Gate I/O are also available.

Check out this synth, which is excellent in acid / bassline animated with its built-in step sequencer / arpeggiator."

Fading lights (Genesis cover)

Published on Jun 1, 2020 GS Music

"After implementing some multitimbral capabilities on Zeus, our analog polyphonic synthesizer prototype, I made a virtual reunion with my friends from Selling Broadway (Genesis tribute band) to cover the instrumental part of this song.

All the synth sounds were produced by Zeus. The lower keyboard is a MIDI controller.

The band:
Mariano Redruello: electric guitar
Guillermo Salvat: drums
Guido Salaya: synthesizer

Fading Lights is the twelfth and final song on the album We Can't Dance by Genesis. The song was written by Tony Banks, Phil Collins, and Mike Rutherford, with lyrics by Tony Banks. It is the longest song on the album."

Monday, June 01, 2020

SAMPS - Eurorack Module

Published on Jun 1, 2020 otemrellik

"Polyphonic sample player built from Teensy 4.0.
More Info here:"

"A simple polyphonic sample player with effects. All sample playback credit to Sandro on the Teensy forum. Probably a better audio out schematic can be found here (the bi example, first image)"

Roland V-Synth Warping Space Time Virtual Analog Synthesizer Rik Marston

Published on Jun 1, 2020 Rik Marston Official

#rolandvsynth #rolandvariphrase #supersaw
Roland V-Synth "Warping Space Time"
Synthesizer Demo by Rik Marston
***Watch in HD!!*** ***Turn it UP!!*** ***No Talking!!!***

The Roland V-Synth is a monster!
A sonic trip, Warping Space Time!
LFOs flying everywhere! Formant tweaking!
THEN we use the DUAL D-Beam!!!!
Sound designers, this is a MUST HAVE!
Lots more V-Synth videos to come!

Meteorite friend featured:
827 gram North West Africa Stone Meteorite "Zeus"
-He loves the Roland V-Synth, too! ;)

Best Ambient Synth Shootout #92: Wersi DX 1000 - Song 3

Published on Jun 1, 2020 Christian's Sonic Spaces

"This is the third song with the Wersi DX 1000. It's a 54-note polyphonic, 16-part multitimbral ROM-based sound module using the so called ASIC-Technology. It features 256 ROM sounds, 256 RAM sounds and 6 drum sets with overall 120 drum sounds. Somehow there is almost nothing known about this unit, expect the above features that I found here and there. There is neither an operation manual available nor any deeper description. Well, it has RAM sounds, which implies that one should be able to change sounds, but so far I couldn't discover yet how because the setup knob guides just to some cryptic performance related settings. I guess the unit is from the early 90s and for that age it sounds to me surprisingly good.

I used for the recording the following FX chain:
DX 1000 - DigiTech Obscura - Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe - GFI System Specular Reverb 2. Depending on the recorded track some FX are deactivated

The signal went through a Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2 into the PCfor recording. To create the complete song I recorded consecutively several stereo tracks. The final song was then mastered with a bit EQ and compression on some tracks and some limiting on the master track."

Vermona Drm1MkIII With Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Published on Jun 1, 2020 Sound Provider

"I share this video because I was looking for a Hardware and Dawless sequencer with a good workflow for my lovely Vermona Drm1 MkIII Drum Machine since long time and I m pretty happy with the Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3 sequencer, so I wanted to show you my pratice .

Warning,The sound is pretty raw because the analog DrumMachine is in solo here but it's a good opportunity to make a demo of the Vermona too :) .

For info the Drum is already half mixed here (lot of SSL Eq and compressor) and the main effect on the Drum 1/2, Multi and HiHat 2 of the Vermona is my Roland Space echo tape delay.

Still interested to test other sequencer for the Vermona, so feel free to tell me what is your favorite

Leonard de Leonard"

Ask Sequential #7: Are You Still Making The Pro 3 SE?

Published on Jun 1, 2020

"Welcome to Episode #7 of “Ask Sequential,” where we answer the question: 'Are You Still Making The Pro 3 SE?' Send your questions to and we’ll consider your submission for an answer!"

You can find additional "Ask Sequential” Episodes here.

The HAL-ICM Frigit - a "Russian Fairlight"

via Retro Synth Ads, where you'll find the full write-up.

"The HAL-ICM Frigit synthesizer from page 16 in the July 1984 issue of Keyboard Magazine.

The instrument itself, called the HAL-ICM Frigit, was designed by a Japanese-Soviet team, with the head of the music division of the Ukraine Society Academy of Scientists describing it as the 'most advanced computer musical instrument in the world'. It was similar in appearance to the Fairlight but it's 'costs, signal-to-noise ratio, digital recording facility, and synthesizing techniques for both sound and light were far superior to any current system'."

Sound Design with Polyend Dreadbox Medusa (Ep.5) - Drones & FM

Published on Jun 1, 2020 Miltos Schimatariotis

"This new episode demonstrates the sound of analog FM in the Medusa and a good way to explore these FM capabilities of the synth is by creating Drones. Since this type of evolving sounds can be created in many different ways, here I 'm just giving you some general directions in order to find your own sound. I also demonstrate how you can alternate your FM timbres with wavetables for more diverse soundscape creation.
Beyοnd the sound design, this video also features an example of using the MIDI CC capabilities of the synth for controlling and modulating external effects (or other MIDI gear) with the internal LFOs and Envelopes.
Finally, don't miss the second half of the video with my 'stereo' Drone jam with two Medusas.
Lots of content in this one, I hope you 'll find it interesting! Thanks for watching and feel free to leave your comments or questions!

0:00 Intro
0:56 Exploring the Medusa FM sound
3:10 Drone sound design
8:35 Controlling and Modulating external effects
11:14 Drone jam with two Medusas

Find me also on Instagram:"

KERIUM 2 | DX7 Patch Tutorial

Published on Jun 1, 2020 madFame

6:01 Patreon MId-Month Download RAVE Patch demos

This custom patch series is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to program your DX7 FM synthesizer.

To support the channel further check out my Patreon page and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!
All $2 or more Patrons can download my Custom Patch SYSEX files

Some of the music used in my videos is available on the Magic & Steel bandcamp page:

Thanks for watching!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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