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Showing posts sorted by date for query 20Objects. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Podcast 245: Matthew Allum (ALM/Busy Circuits)

Published on Sep 16, 2018 20Objects

"From the second I saw the Akemie's Castle module, I knew I'd want to talk to its developer, Matthew Allum. What a module - and what a name! I knew there had to be stories about what was going on. I've also notices that almost every case I'm seeing has a Pamela's Workout module. Matthew let me try out a few modules, and now I understand why these are so ubiquitous: it has so much functionality (presented in such a clear fashion) that it has become central to my patches. So now it all makes sense.

Talking with Matthew was a breeze - he's into his work, but he's also thoughtful about how he works, and the ideas that turn into his modules. He's got a lot of new work coming out, but he's also working on improving existing devices - and making modules for himself and his friends, too.

If you haven't checked out the ALM/Busy Circuits range yet, you can do so at Matthew's web site: This was a fun chat - enjoy!

Thanks to Splice for their support of this podcast. You can help out the podcast by checking out our special link to their system, and or by using our code (MUSICARTTECH) to get a free month trial of their sample library offering. Help us out, and check out the cool collaboration tools that Splice provides!"

Sunday, March 18, 2018

20Objects Podcast 221: Nyle Steiner

Published on Mar 18, 2018 20Objects

"This episode is brought to you by the zZyzx Society, whose new self-titled album will be released on March 20th on ZSR Records.

Talk about great stories! From creating modular systems in Utah, to building a shoebox EVI, to playing on the Apocalypse Now score - to a long history as a session player and soloist, Nyle Steiner has always melded musicianship with technical acumen. I was really excited to get introduced to Nyle by Peter Grenader, and jumped at the opportunity for the chat.

We start off talking about his background, but Nyle also is more than willing to share his stories - often in a laid-back way that completely belies the extraordinary level of work (and luck) that he embraced. From hardware developments, to gutting out an introduction into the digitial, to becoming as well known as a player - Nyle has a history of nailing the right thing at the right time.

Enjoy this discussion with one of the true pioneers of electronic music!"

Monday, March 05, 2018

Sheets of Sound Browser Based Single Cycle Waveform Generator

SCW Editor Introduction Published on Mar 3, 2018 20Objects

"The SCW Editor by Sheets of Sound, is a single cycle wave form generator & editor built on a light weight web audio platform. The level of possibilities within the editor are quite complex, with two sections. Main & Mix-In, and an array of controls.

None of this editing goes to waste, at any time you can render out your sample to your hard rive and head off to your favorite DAW or Hardware.

You can find the editor here:

Any inquires, check here:"

"You can use this editor to create waveforms through warping, distortion, wavemixing and waveskewing. Explore the menus to see the editing, rendering and sample formatting options available."

This is a pretty cool find sent my way via brian comnes.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

20Objects Podcast 215: Todd Barton

Published on Feb 4, 2018 20Objects

"I'm always intrigued by a good story. How about "from early music player to Buchla master"? Todd Barton's story is as good as his mucis - which is damned good. His use of serious electronic music gear to create focused worked is quite unique, and it is reflected in the way that the music sounds awesome regardless of the technology used to create it.

And the list of technology is pretty serious: Buchla modulars and Music Easels, Serge modulars and the Haken Continuum - and even the Hordijk Blippoo - are all pulled into play as necessary. Todd has been releasing recordings, but also recently did a series of live shows throughout Europe and the western US.

In our chat, we go over his entre into electronic music, how he got drawn into Buchla and Serge gear, and how he makes his choices now. He also talks a bit about the process of doing live modular teaching via Skype, and how he creates his live musical sculptures. Very in-depth conversations on creation; this is a discussion that will prove inspiring.

Check out Todd's work at his website: And enjoy the podcast!"

Friday, May 09, 2014

Duocore Arudino and Jupiter Storm

Published on May 9, 2014 spunkytoofers·78 videos

"Dual ardcore running Darwin Gross' bouncing ball sketch along with Fac's fm oscillator with both sketches under pressure and position control. Hexinverter Jupiter Storm is being sequenced by Random Looping Seqencer.

VCAs and Sequencer are being triggered by slewed bouncing ball with the physics of the sketch under pressure control.

Arduino running under the 20objects ardcore circuit:"

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Euclid's Gear Box

Published on Apr 30, 2013 davidryle·108 videos

"A quick patch project based on some Euclidean Rhythm ideas recently discussed on the Muffwiggler's Forum. Since I don't own a single module like the COTK C969 Eclidean Bi-Clock Sequencer, I decided to rig up my modular to impersonate the general idea.

Patch details include...
The kick drum, snare and bass line are using variations on 16 beat patterns. The other two elements are 12 beat with 2 fills and 11 beats with 4 fills respectively.

The patterns are as follows...

kick = 16 beat 7 fill
snare = 16 beat 6 fill
bass = 16 beat 4 fill
RM voice = 12 beat 2 fill
second voice = 11 beat 4 fill

The Ardcore 001 & Ox are handling the 16 beat patterns with the AC14 Gate Sequence sketch.
The Q960 Sequential Controller is generating the main clock and the 12 beat pattern with 2 rows of six beats and the first beat output.
The Q119 Sequential Controller is handling the 11 beat pattern by using the voltage output as a gate.
The STG Soundlabs VMS is sending pitch voltages to the 12 beat pattern's VCO's (ring modulated voice).

The Sputnik WCRS is generating quantized random pitch voltages to the 11 beat voice.
All pitch voltages are quantized through the dual Q171 quantizers from
The bass line pitch voltage is using a slow square wave LFO through a Q125 signal processor and a channel of a Q171 quantizer for a shifting 2 pitch pattern.
The kick drum is a Polivoks Filter resonance. The snare is white noise through an Oakley Diode Ladder Steep and mixed with the enveloped white noise then a touch of room reverb from a Strymon Blue Sky reverb.

The patterns were first realized using Wouter Hisschemöller's "Euclidean Rhythms Generator" java script. See: www hisschemoller dot com for further info."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander Example #4: Voltage Tracker

YouTube Published on May 20, 2012 by 20Objects

"Control the step playback control of a Q960 Sequencer using the ArdCore with an output expander. This sketch follows incoming voltages, and produces a voltage-controlled sequence."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander #3 - Q960 Control

YouTube Published on May 12, 2012 by 20Objects

"Control the step playback control of a Q960 Sequencer using the ArdCore with an output expander. This provide a new level of control for performance and variation generation."

See the Ardcore label below for more.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander #2 - Random Gates

YouTube Published on May 5, 2012 by 20Objects

"This is an example video for the ArdCore Output Expander. It receives a clock signal, and creates eight random gates out of the output expander. This shows how the output expander exposes the 8-bit analog output - one bit at a time. Thus, any ArdCore sketch will produce interesting outputs from the expander. NOTE: this ArdCore is equipped with the optional switch on the A3, but it is unused in this sketch."

Monday, April 30, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander Example #1 - Alternating Triggers

YouTube Published on Apr 30, 2012 by 20Objects

"This is an example video for the ArdCore Output Expander. It generates a clock signal, and provides a number of alternating triggers for the output. In this case, different triggers are used for two sequences, a sample and hold module and an amplitude envelope. NOTE: this ArdCore is equipped with the optional switch on the A3 input for turning the clock on and off."

Update: ArdCore stands for Arduino Core. You can find info on it at 20Objects here. SnazzyFX produces a eurorack version.

Friday, April 22, 2011

ArdCore, 20Objects & Snazzy FX

YouTube Uploaded by 20Objects

1) ArdCore Sketch 18: Variation Generator
Uploaded by 20Objects on Mar 24, 2011
This is a simple example video showing the ArdCore sketch #18 running on a hacked-together version of the ArdCore module. It produces output variations that can be used for clocking other modules, or for creating rhythmic drum tracks.

2) ArdCore Sketch 04: Drunken Note
Uploaded by 20Objects on Apr 4, 2011
This is a demo video of the various functions of sketch 04 for the ArdCore modular synthesizer. For more information, check out

3) ArdCore Sketch 16: Clock Multiplier
Uploaded by 20Objects on Apr 6, 2011
This is an example video for sketch 16 - the clock multiplier. It's useful for creating polyrhythms or for using ratcheting effects.

4) ArdCore Sketch 23: Voltage Recorder
Uploaded by 20Objects on Apr 8, 2011
This sketch provides some interesting options for recording voltage streams within a modular synthesizer.

5) ArdCore Sketch 02: Quantizer
Uploaded by 20Objects on Apr 10, 2011
An example of how to use the ArdCore quantizer within a your modular

6) ArdCore Sketch 06: Trigger-to-Gate
Uploaded by 20Objects on Apr 12, 2011
This sketch shows the use of the ArdCore to transform trigger events into gate voltages, under both manual and modular control.


Via Dan Snazelle of Snazzy FX on the SDIY list:

"In Eurorack and 5u there is the forthcoming ARDCORE module.

It has ins and outs, CLock in, trigger and gate outs, a usb port, etc and is based around Arduino and Darwin Grosse's custom library of programs focused on Modular Synthesis. (25 programs and counting)

voltage recorders, quantizers, drunken walk generators, lfos, shift register, trigger multipliers, etc

My company (snazzy fx) is releasing the Eurorack version and Darwins company 20Objects is releasing the 5u."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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