MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Analogue Realities

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Analogue Realities. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Analogue Realities. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Trove of Nyle Steiner Documentation and Images Available via Analogue Realities

Analogue Realities wrote in to let us know they have made a trove of Nyle Steiner documentation and images available on dropbox via his site.

"Nyle has given me permission to share this with the general public. Please, please give credit to Nyle whenever you use this information. If you make money off of his genius and work, please consider sharing something with Nyle. He is one of the truly nice, gentle, humble, and generous people in this world.

The organization is not the greatest, but I’m sure you’ll have many happy hours trying to figure out why I put things where they are :) The archive is very big, more than 4.6 Gbytes so be sure you have room."

P.S. Analogue Realities remade the Steiner Synthasystem. See the Analogue Realites label for more.

Pictured left is Nyle Steiner holding his Steiner EVI. The image was also featured back in 2015 from Analogue Realities, on a documentary being made on Nyle Steiner (see this post for the completed film). I thought this would be a great image for a new post on a trove of his historical works.

The 1979 Steiner filter.

The filter was used by YuSynth (featured posts here) and made its way into Arturia synths starting with the Minibrute designed by Yvves Usson of YuSynth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Projects: Analogue Realities & Analogue Solutions Red Square DIY Kits

via Analogue Realities.

Analogue Realities also worked with Nyle Steiner on new Steiner Synthasystem project.

"Monday, September 12, 2011
New Projects...
Hi Everyone!

I have 3 new projects to announce. First, I have prototype PCBs for the Duo-Phonic keyboard. I've got an idea how to modify a Fatar keybed to use reed switches and magnets as a buss keyboard. I'll post my results.

Second, I'm working on the Microcon. It will be a module suitable for Eurorack or standalone. In standalone, you will need to add a +/- 12 volt supply. I've got the schematic mostly captured. I'm thinking I can get PCBs in about 2 months.

Third, Tom Carpenter at Analogue Solutions is selling Red Square PCBs and panels. Pretty bare bones, but I'm putting a page together to help out those who are building it. There are some unique semiconductors and the BOM lacks some part numbers, eg: pots with switch. Anyway, I also bought an assembled Red Square and will take some photos of the inside so the PCB interconnection and other details will be more clear."

Update via "To compliment the Steiner Synthasystem resurrection I completed (see here, I'm now undertaking the Steiner Microcon. I'll put up a page with build/calibration notes and will have PCBs for sale. Be aware, it does use two Vactrols which are becoming extinct. They are the VTL5C3/2 variety right now available at Allied Electronics. It also makes use of 5 74C14 Hex Inverters. There are some substitutes which I'll have in the build notes. It also uses a 2n5246 JFET which also recently went away, but it isn't really special and there are substitutes. Everything else should be relatively easy to find.

There are a couple of trimmers on the PCB which will be configured so you can make it a panel pot, like resonance, and sustain level. So, stay tuned.

The Microcon was a standalone synthesizer voice, VCO, LFO, VCF, EG (driving a VCA). It also had a unique way to "fatten" the VCO sound. Below is a photo taken of one Nyle mounted in a custom rack of 8 (or was it 9) Microcons as a special order."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Steiner Synthasystem in Eurorack?

If you recall from this post, Analogue Realities announced the Steiner Synthasystem schematics would be made available. In Analogue Realities' latest post, it looks like plans for Eurorack format modules will be made available.

"It occurred to me that I really need to consider this project not as a "one-off" system for me. With Nyle's encouragement to share and release this stuff, I realized (finally...) I need to take a more universal approach to the PCB/panel designs and consider those who are going to stuff just one or two of the modules into an existing Doepfer rack or something. I've been looking at the Doepfer racks and they can be as shallow as 80mm in front of the power supply itself. It looks like the general minimum is about 100mm and I think most modules will fit this form factor. The sequencer as it stands now may be a problem, but since the panel will be so wide, I can rethink it and make it wider, but shallower."

See the full post on Analogue Realities for more.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

New Steiner Synthasystem Complete!

via Analogue Realities:

"I pronounce the Synthasystem fully resurrected. The last module was the Ring Modulator. Nyle spent a couple of hours with me today and it works. I can now make the order for a small production run of the last three PCBs. The panels are done and now I'm going to build my modules.

I'll update the web pages over the next few days and get the module information up to date."

For those that haven't been following, Nyle Steiner is behind this. He has been working with David of Analogue Realities to bring the Steiner Synthasystem back to life. Note this is not a one off restoration. These are new modules initially available for order as DIY kits. Last I checked in with David, eurorack would be coming. A new Steiner Synthasystem modular has just made it into being. See the links above for more info and the label below for posts featuring Nyle Steiner's work.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Steiner Synthasystem Progress - VCA Now Working!

See the post on Analogue Realities. According to David, Nyle Steiner currently has a sequencer, VCO, VCA, and EG working. The full Synthasystem will come. I'll only be posting major updates, so be sure to check out the rest of Analogue Realities for more. If you have an RSS reader be sure to sub to it for updates.

Update: some more info of what's to come via David.

"I will eventually offer:

1. VCO type “A”. The Synthasystem also had a type “B” and “C” which were scaled back version of the type “A”. Since the Type “A” does it all, I don’t think I’ll re-issue the others unless there is some demand)

2. VCA/Mixer

3. VCF (the “real” original Steiner version. There is a difference in how Nyle did the resonance as compared to how those doing tribute filters typically do it)

4. Four different EGs.

a. ENVDL #1 – Duration Level

b. ENVDL #2 – Duration Level with a switch which converts the attack time to a delay time

c. ENVDT – Instead of duration level control, it controls the duration time. It also has a switch to convert the attack time to an initial delay time


One will be the Triple Envelope Generator which combines #1, #2, and #3 above. It’s the one which was in the Synthasystem. The fourth is one I don’t think Nyle ever released, but I’m going to. It has a variable damping. I haven’t built it or seen documentation other than a schematic I found digging through Nyle’s archives so I’m not sure what it’s controls really do. The end user can build these all separately if they want to.

5. Voltage Sequencer

6. Frequency Divider

7. Two voice keyboard

8. “Multiphonic” Keyboard (very cool controller)

9. Noise generator

10. Peak Selector

11. Phaser

12. Ring Modulator (Nyle is toying with the idea of changing this from using the MC1495 chip to discrete components based on his VCA design)

13. Sample and Hold

14. Selective Inverter (honestly, I haven’t quite figured this one out yet. Nyle tried to explain it to me but I didn’t quite get it.)

15. Tuner/Monitor

16. Input Pre-amp

17. Voltage Controlled Trigger Generator

18. Voltage Follower (basically a slew rate limiter or portamento)

19. Voltage Processor (generates different combinations of normal and inverted outputs of an input signal)

20. Power Supply panel/distribution.

21. Trigger converter. This is not a Steiner design, but something people will need to use these in modern modulars. The Steiner modules uses S-Triggers like Moog. This is a daughter board or a separate module to convert between S-Triggers and Voltage triggers. For example, you can piggyback one of these to an EG PCB so that you can seamlessly use voltage triggers on the front panels.

As a timeline, I am ordering some PCBs this week. Actually as soon as I get this email written J I am ordering what I hope will be production boards. I have some SDIY’ers who have offered to stuff a PCB or two to test the PCBs, BOMs, and build notes. So, In a month or two, I should actually be able to start offering the first few core modules, VCO, VCF, VCA, EGs, and sequencer.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nyle Steiner Documentary In the Works

via Analogue Realities

"Nyle came by today, which is always a treat. The occasion was there is a documentary being made about him and his life. Part of that life crossed mine and so I got to be a small part, too. When the documentary is finished, I'll post a link if it's allowed. It was a lot of fun. Nyle played his EVI hooked into my Synthasystem. Then, Nyle (and I) played around with it having fun (mostly Nyle tweaking the knobs). The photo on top is just a sort of long shot while the crew was setting up lights. The one at the bottom is Nyle himself in front of my Synthasystem."

Analogue Realities worked closely with Nyle Steiner on bringing back the Stiener Synthasystem to DIY and eurorocack.

Update: you can find the completed documentary “Steiner’s Workshop” here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Analogue Realities

Analogue Realities

Pictured: Moog Voyager

The blog is currently covering the restoration of the Steiner Parker SynthaSystem.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Steiner VCF

via Analogue Realities

"thought you might like to see a picture of my populated board as i used a lot of NOS parts. all carbon composite resistors, a couple vintage transistors (5138s) and .1uf caps, and original AD SSM chips."

This is part of the DIY Steiner Synthasystem project with Nyle Steiner's involvement. The Steiner Synthasystem is coming back to life. Currently DIY, and Eurorack versions will become available. See Analogue Realities for more info.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

“Steiner’s Workshop”

"Steiner's Workshop" from Hounds & Wolves on Vimeo.

This one in via Arturo, via The Playlist.

"'Steiner´s Workshop' is a documentary portrait of a forgotten genius. Part mad scientist, part inscrutable musician, Nyle Steiner is a singular presence in the world of underground inventors.

Beginning as a trumpet player in the 1960s, Steiner's creativity led him to experiment with sounds and machines, developing a series of instruments, including the EVI or Electronic Valve Instrument, a brass-style electronic synthesizer. The EVI's haunting sound and Steiner's expert playing ability sparked the interest of Hollywood and filmmakers like Francis Ford Coppola who invited him to be a part of the recording of Apocalypse Now's soundtrack. For more than 40 years Steiner has been working in his Utah workshop assembling, modulating, destroying and understanding anything he can get his hands on.

In 'Steiner´s Workshop' we get to know the man behind his unusual inventions by spending intimate moments with him and watching his curious mind at work."

Note the Analogue Realities eurorack Synthasystem at the nine minute mark.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New DIY Stiener VCO 99% Working

via Analogue Realities where you'll find more info and pics.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Eurorack Moog 914 Fixed Filter Bank Clone

via dingbre on

Moog 905 Reverb & Tuner Monitor in the rack as well.  Note the Steiner logos.  I'm assuming they are for looks.  The filter bank has the Analogue Realities logo.

Update via dingebre in the comments: "The typeface is not Moog'ish. It's in a muchh larger Steiner-Parker Synthasystem and I wanted the panel to fit in with the others I did. Nyle [Stiener] helped pick the type face for his modules to match the original typeface."

Some additional info in the comments below.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Steiner Synthasystem VCO PCB Re-issue

via this auction

"This is a re-issue of the rare and unique Steiner VCO bare PCB. Nyle Steiner had a big part in this project and was key in the testing and tweaking phases of the design. This PCB is a DIY project. See this website for the project details.

The PCB is a modern re-capture and professionally etched and screened PCB with high quality materials for reliability and ease of assembly. This is a BARE PCB for intermediate to advanced Do-It-Yourself'ers.

This is not a tribute, clone, or anything like it. It is a faithful re-capture of the original Synthasystem (not Synthacon) VCO type A with Saw, Sine, Pulse, and Triangle outputs. The PCB is of a size which will work with all the current standard panel sizes, Euro, MOTM/DotCom, Fractional (Frac), and others. Being original, the PCB runs on +12 and-10 volt supplies, but will work with +/- 12VDC and is designed to also work with +/- 15VDC supplies. Only minor modifications were made to make it friendly with current Control Voltage sources such as an on board Volt/Octave trimmer and a frequency range trimmer. Otherwise, it is the same as the original. The builder has the choice of using modern components, such as monolithic NPN pairs, or all discrete, hand matched transistors.

There are several PCBs available." Contact the seller or Analogue Realities for details.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Synthasystem VCO Project Page and Website

via Synthasystem

If you've been following along, you might notice the site is different than the blog Analogue Realities. On the site:

"This page is the top level to the Steiner Synthasystem I am ressurecting. As this project grows, these pages will have schematics and build notes as well as order forms. I think I am decided that as a module is tested and a final prototype is built, I'll add the page with ordering information."

Monday, July 05, 2010

Stiener Parker Ad & Synthasystem Sequencer

via Analogue Realities

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DIY Steiner Synthasystem Progress - VC OSC and Triple Envelope Generator

via Analogue Realities where you'll find more pics and info.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Steiner Synthasystem Panels Are In

via Analogue Realities

"I got the first batch of panels for the power supplies. They look great. The Steiner logo is smooth and just the way I want it. I'll be able to assemble one of these, too and make sure it all fits right in the Schroff racks I have."

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Nyle Steiner Synthasystem Updates

There have been updates on on the Steiner Synthasystem remake on Analogue Realities. Pictured here is the sequencer on Nyle's workbench from this post. The following quote is from this post on July 29th.

"This was great. I'm traveling and when I got off the plane, I saw I had some voice mail. I call in and I got this weird synthesizer sequence playing for about 30 seconds. I thought this is a weird prank call, and then it hit me. It was probably Nyle and he got the sequencer working. I hit "call caller" and sure enough, Nyle got the sequencer going already."

Monday, September 06, 2010

Pre-Orders Open for DIY Steiner Synthasystem and Nyle Steiner at SLAMM

via David of Analogue Realities:

"Pre-Order/Order forms for the VCO, VCF, VCA, Triple EG, Sequencer, Trigger Converter, and Transistor Matching PCB are online. They are at the new Electro-Music “Synthasystem” Forum and my website.

There was also a Salt Lake Area Modular meeting and Joe Grisso posted some photos at his site [previously posted]

Nyle Steiner came and brought four of the prototype PCBs hooked up and working and a different filter he designed, built, and sold for a while."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Steiner Synthasystem Update

via Analogue Realities where you'll find more.

"Top: VCO, VCF, Triple EG, VCA. Bottom: Peak Selector, Sequencer. Not shown: Frequency Divider (Nyle still has it). At the very bottom is a Frac Rack with some utility modules I put together; Blacet Bar Graph, 2 mini O'sopes, A440 tuner, and a Yusynth Voltage Standards module (thanks Yves,

The good news is it all works! The Sequencer, Frequency Divider (THANK YOU Nyle), VCO, VCA, VCF, EG; it's a real system that now needs expanding!.."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Steiner Triple Envelope Generator Panel

Progress update on the Steiner Synthasystem project via Analogue Realities.

"Still working on parts lists and waiting on the delivery of prototype PCBs. I want to get some of the core modules tested working and ready to go before I do too much more capture and layout. Too many irons in the fire, etc. etc. etc..."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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