MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Dual Digital Shift Register

Showing posts sorted by date for query Dual Digital Shift Register. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Dual Digital Shift Register. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dirty Carter Experimental Sound Instrument

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated. via this auction

"The Dirty Carter Experimental Sound Generating Instrument uses a dual 4-stage shift register. Each register is controlled independently. Two oscillators are used per register: one as a clock, the other as input data that is cascaded through the four stages. The outputs from the stages are mixed together. A fast clock rate produces a crude form of wavetable synthesis, whilst a slow clock rate creates audible pulses and clicks. The clock speed and the data input’s frequency are controlled by touch electrodes/pads. By tilting the instrument, sound from both the 4-stage shift registers can be mixed together. Glitchy noise, deep drones and percussive peeps!

This instrument was designed in collaboration with Chris Carter from Throbbing Gristle for two specific events in Leicester, UK and Amsterdam in 2010. A few of the printed circuit boards were left and have recently been assembled by ASMO. Limited editions of 10 instruments now sold out. This unit has been used for half an hour so is in perfect condition. Collector's item.


Digital noise, Feedback, Wavetable synthesis Self-supporting/hand-held device, Tilt and touch controls."

Dirty-Carter Experimental Sound Generating Instrument test from Chris Carter on Vimeo.

A short video* of the new Dirty-Carter Experimental Sound Generating Instrument (E.S.G.I.) while putting it through its paces.

*My apologies for the thin sounding mono audio.

Tech details:
The Dirty Carter Experimental Sound Generating Instrument uses a dual 4-stage shift register. Each register is controlled independently. Two oscillators are used per register: one as a clock, the other as input data that is cascaded through the four stages. The outputs from the stages are mixed together. A fast clock rate produces a crude form of wavetable synthesis, whilst a slow clock rate creates audible pulses and clicks. The clock speed and the data input’s frequency are controlled by touch electrodes/pads. By tilting the instrument, sound from both the 4-stage shift registers can be mixed together. Glitchy noise, deep drones and percussive peeps!

The Dirty Carter - Created by John Richards and Chris Carter (Throbbing Gristle)

YouTube Uploaded by baacardi on Apr 23, 2010

"Experimental sound generating instrument created by John Richards and Chris Carter.
Made this in a Dirty Electronics Ensemble workshop for a performance with Chris Carter."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

mini-modular squarewave digital synth

YouTube via lacolumnadurruti | October 27, 2009 | 3 likes, 0 dislikes
via this auction
"the technological terror is a one-off, cmos-based, digital synth. there are nine patchable modules that include a number of single oscillators, a dual input oscillator, two synchronized oscillators, a 4-stage shift register (summed output), a resonant low-pass filter, simple arpeggiator, two external inputs (one for low level instruments [e.g. guitar, microphone, etc] and one for other square wave devices like atari punk consoles and photo-theremins), a 4-channel mixer, and a master ouput/volume.

this clip demonstrates the 4 of the 6 single oscillators, the dual input oscillator, the two sync'd oscillators, and the 4-channel mixer.

no external effects were used. output goes directly into a roland 15x cube practice amp."

mini-modular squarewave digital synth (demo 2)

mini-modular squarewave digital synth (demo 3)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

neandrewthal's 2008 Show and Tell

via neandrewthal on this thread where you will find more images:

"Here's what I did this year. Ok, I kinda cheated. I started last November, but due to delays I had the first module up and running in January.

Great big thanks to everyone who asked/answered questions and those who made these awesome projects available!

Module list: (left to right)

Bottom row:
PAIA midi2cv (never use it, think I'm gonna chuck it to make room for the appendage Cool ), MFOS VCLFO x2, MFOS dual VCA, MFOS VCO x2, MFOS noise cornucopia, CGS Psycho LFO, MFOS 24 db lowpass, MFOS multimode filter, Dual MFOS sample&hold, Dual MFOS ADSR, MFOS dual VCA.

Top row:
Wiard Wogglebug #3(with disturb mod)/Dual Buchla VC portamento, Dual Buchla 281/CGS analog logic, CGS Digital noise/pulse dividers/boolean logic/XOR XNOR/Analog shift register, CGS Gated comparator/burst generator, CGS VCO, Bridechamber BiNtIc/Tellun switching comparator, CGS suboscillator, Bridechamber wave multipliers/real ring modulator, Ian fritz 5 pulse waveshaper/Mankato filter, Fonik PS-3100 resonators/CGS cascade mixer, Tellun neural agonizer, dual CGS Tube VCA/Mixer.

P.S. In case anyone is wondering about the colored jacks, they are just the regular switchcraft type spraypainted

Red = Logic input
Orange = Logic output
Blue = CV attenuator input
Purple = Unattenuated(V/oct) control input
Pink = CV Output

Green = Audio input
Yellow = Audio output

Grey = Universal processing input
White = Universal output."
Note this is the modular in this video.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


flickr by Modularen
(click for more)

full size

TH VCO-1 x 2
CGS Wavemultiplier
CGS Digital noise
CGS Analogue shift register
CGS Suboscillator
CGS Wavetable
CGS Gate to trigger
CGS Synthacon
Fonitroik PS3100 Resonator
Fonitronik Dual Buchla Lowpass Gate
Fonitronik Dual Buchlaesque CV processor
Topp 281 Function generator
EFM Transistor Ladder filter
MSC175 Dual VCS

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Metalbox Modular Synthesizer

Interesting. Haven't seen these before.

"Metalbox is a line of analog synthesizer modules in Frac rack format. The modules are intended for supplementing existing systems with extended functions and sounds.

Voltage Generators and Processors

Sequential Switch - Sequencer with individual stage inputs

Pulse Divider/ Logic - Divide and compare pulses

Dual LFO - Dual multi-wave LFO

Analog Shift Register - Three stage ASR

VC Divider - Divide pulses under voltage control

Analog Logic - Compare voltages

Psycho LFO - Erratic modulation source

Gated Comparator - Unique rhythmic accessory

Audio Generators and Processors

Wave Multiplier - An amazing sounding wave-folder

Burst Generator - Clock or audio generator

Cynare - Monster percussion voice

Dual Chime -- Dual cymbal voices

Dual Drum - Dual percussive voices

Digital Noise - Versatile noise source

8008 Bass Drum - Classic analog boom"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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