Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Gate_Mod. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Gate_Mod. Sort by date Show all posts
Monday, September 28, 2015
Extreme Slow Order - Simultaneous multi-event sound collage
Published on Sep 28, 2015 A Box In The Sea
"This is a continuation from my last piece. Because the Linnstrument offers so much sonic control and expression, I find myself completely rethinking how I create a patch. I wanted to further explore simultaneous multi-event generation but this time only with the Linnstrument. I'm using the Animodule Gate_Mod plus the SSF URA to help decide when I trigger a gate, 1. if it gets passed to the Gate_Mod and 2. how long to delay the gate. The result triggers an envelope/VCA combo being fed by the Nebulae (whose files are being cycled by the Phosgene's EOD output). All melodic sounds are coming from Braids in FM, TTVV and FFFF modes and processed through the Erbe Verb, Clouds, Three Sisters, PGH Filter, Red Panda Particle, Seppuku delay and Montreal Assembly Count to Five.
I'm using the Linnstrument in split mode where one side is CC faders (so I can manipulate multiple parameters at once) and the other side is notes. I'm also using the Linn with the Machinedrum to trigger the 16 samples I've loaded.
I prerecorded the main melody into sampler which I'm playing to the previously recorded Braids sounds. I'm getting 2 things out of doing this 1. I suck at multitrack recording and I'm trying to wrap my head around how I can use it for what I'm doing and 2. I knew there would be a natural delay and missed notes because I don't record on a grid and I wanted that overlapping sonic crisscross/collision of notes."
Saturday, April 14, 2018
AniModule Gate_Mod : Differences between the Interrupt and Division Functions
Published on Apr 14, 2018 JRock17991
"Check Out Our Modules at :
Here's a little video describing the practical differences between the Interrupt and the Division functions on the AniModule Gate_Mod"
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
AniModule STD + Gate_Mod Polyrhytm Patch - Lil' Monster VCO Pitch controlled by logic
Published on Dec 14, 2016 JRock17991
"A Cool syncopated PolyRhythmic Patch
STD at the Heart and 4 Channels of Gate_Mod Chained up to get varying syncopations
The Lil' Monster VCOs are all being controlled by Logic Gates going in to Mixers, then the voltage attenuated as desired.
Low Voice is SOB LowPass and High Voice is SOB BandPass.
You can really hear some wavefolding action going on in this :)"
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
AniModule Gate Mod Basics demo
Published on Mar 15, 2016
"Simple Succinct Demo of what the AniModule Gate_Mod is capable of
2 Independent channels to modulate your gate length"
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Animodule Gate_Mod Eurorack trigger delay Modular synth Module
Published on Dec 13, 2014 Flux302 of
Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs)
and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out.
When the Gate is Over a 10MS Trigger will turn on at the Delay Out.
Set the length of the Gate with the Time Potentiometer OR with the CV Input.
The switches allow you to choose between Interrupt OR Dividing Behavior (1 for each channel).
If you have Interrupt selected, when Clock In receives a new Clock Pulse the time will reset, essentially lengthening your Gate Out and Delay Out to the Time you have set + the time that has already elapsed.
So Gate will never go Low and Delay will never go High if you have a Time set longer than the interval between Clock Pulses (Useful if you have staggered, irregular or random Clocks).
When Dividing is selected Clock In will Ignore new Clock Pulses until it has finished the current cycle it's running.
The Delay 1 Out is Normalled via the Jack switch of the Clock 2 Input for all kinds of Timing madness!"
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Happy New Year From MATRIXSYNTH! - A Look Back at 2014
Happy New Year everyone!
I want to start by thanking everyone that comes to MATRIXSYNTH and helps make it what it is - the readers, the supporters, and of course all the sponsors on the right.
THANK YOU and have a GREAT 2015!!!
This site is a labor of love and a ton of work. This site is ultimately meant to be an testament to everything synth in the making. We have over nine years of daily synth history captured here, 119,983 published posts. I can't wait to see what the future brings us in 2015!
That said, here are a few interesting bits from 2014 in the longest post of the year. ;)
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Animodule Gate_Mod Dual VC Gate Modifier / Trigger Delay Eurorack Module
via Animodule
"Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs) and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out.
When the Gate is Over a 10MS Trigger will turn on at the Delay Out.
Set the length of the Gate with the Time Potentiometer OR with the CV Input.
The switches allow you to choose between Interrupt OR Dividing Behavior (1 for each channel).
If you have Interrupt selected, when Clock In receives a new Clock Pulse the time will reset, essentially lengthening your Gate Out and Delay Out to the Time you have set + the time that has already elapsed.
When Dividing is selected Clock In will Ignore new Clock Pulses until it has finished the current cycle it's running.
The Delay 1 Out is Normalled via the Jack switch of the Clock 2 Input for all kinds of Timing madness!"
Video posted here.
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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