MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for LowgainElectronics

Showing posts sorted by date for query LowgainElectronics. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query LowgainElectronics. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fixed Resonant Filterbank demo - Low-gain Electronics | 4U Modular Serge Format

video upload by LowgainElectronics

"Quick demoing of some distortion patches that can be achieved. Simple FM kick drum patch (fm for more harmonic content) into Filterbank to access harmonic distortion thresholds!! Lots to tweak!"

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Variable Bandwidth Filter - Final revision first sounds | Low-gain Electronics - 4U Modular Serge

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Literally just fired up the Variable Bandwidth Filter… haven’t even calibrated it. Just ran a 50% pulse info it and did some simple sweeps and modulations from the Dual Slopes Compact and VC Filter/Oscillator. Eventually I take the Hi-Band output and feed it into the second input and it gives you resonance control. Fun part about that is you get 6 sources of feedback to choose from! The Hi-Band output provides some nice drip! Can also provide a bit of crunch and overdrive as well depending on your control settings and modulation sources.

There is a little clipping from my phone interface. Sorry about that.

Assembled modules, DIY PCB’s and Panels available very soon!"

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Hypjolin - First sounds demo | Low-gain Electronics

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Finished up the Hypjolin today and captured some of its first sounds."

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Ult-Sound DS-4M - Quick Demo 01 | Low-Gain Plays

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"The brand new Ult-Sound DS-4M arrived today and I needed to check it out asap! Running dry into my Roland Go-Mix Pro. Sequenced by Arturia KeyStepPro."

Ult-Sound DS-4M - Quick Demo 02 | Low-Gain Plays

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

VCO2 - First Sounds | Low-Gain Electronics - 4U Modular Serge

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Prototype type boards came in and I couldn’t resist building one up at the end of the day. A board rev needs to be made. I completely forgot to condition the newly added Saw and Double Saw (DUO) outputs so they are 0-5V and not +/-5V. But you can get some really fun wave shapes including square when you mix them in an external processor (a crossfader would be a fun pairing for sure! Also need to tweak the FM input. It’s a little weak."

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Low-Gain Slope Filter prototype testing - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular Serge

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Just working through bugs in the VCFS filter prototype figured I’d catch some clips
Should be available in early/mid February

Serge modular compatible
Loudest Warning Format = 4U Modular

IG: @lowgain"

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Buchla Music Easel - Low-Gain | Repair testing

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Took far too long to get all the parts required to fix my Easel, and only and glue to actually fix it. I can finally take it home! One of the preset controls on the 218R is messed up but I’ll fix that later. Time to have some fun!"

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Dual Audio Mixer - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular - Serge Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Dual Audio Mixer pcb is a go! Just need panels to arrive!
In this patch I’m just mixing 4 negative slews, and one ‘73 vcf in vco mode.. totaling a 6 voice drone. Because the mix bus is passive (buffered output of course) the signals fight against each other creating some really rich timbres!"

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Braided Orgone

video upload by X180R19

"Headphones or good speakers recommended

Playing around with sequencing the Orgone Accumulator module (Bugbrand format) and Tresses (Bugbrand format Mutable Instruments Braids). Modules built by @batchas.

Orgone Accumulator in Drum mode
Tresses in HARM mode

Korg SQ-1 sequencing.

Delay and Reverb effects from the 1010 Bluebox.

@LowGainElectronics format jumbler to get everything hooked together."

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

NCOM prototype working - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Took some trace hacking, but the NCOM is finally working. Just have to rev the PCB and order panels. Will also be doing dual comparator and Schmitt trigger I/O boards and Panels to support the main board as it’s a multi function pcb!"

Saturday, November 11, 2023

System 73 exploration - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Prepping for a short performance at our local synth meet this weekend. Showing off a little of what the System-73 can do!"

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Modular Lunchbox Prototyping - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Setup a small system to do some testing with. Working on a new desktop instrument… to be released sometime this winter."

Modular Lunchbox Prototype II - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

"More exploration of the lunchbox."

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Grackler - Mroztronium | Banana Synth

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Afternoon soundtrack at the shop…

First 5 mins with the Grackler!

More information can be found here:"

See the Mroztronium label below for additional posts.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

‘73 Filter gets a massive upgrade - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Well I finally fixed my only complaint about the 73 filter… at high resonance settings it falls apart and clips to the rails. No clean sine wave when patched to oscillate…

Well that’s all fixed now… :-D and now I absolutely love this filter even more than before!!"

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Modular Noise Lunchbox Synth - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular Synthesizer

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Prepping for knobcon getting some demo modules together. Didn’t think I’d have as much fun with this as I did! :) add some reverb we I could drone for days!"

Lunchbox Sequencer self patch - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Quick self patching of the Lunchbox Sequencer before packing it up for KnobCon 2023!!"

Monday, September 04, 2023

Variable Bandwidth Filter Prototype 2 - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Corrected some simple mistakes and have the VBF behaving much better! First half is with single oscillator (Squarewave) and two simple modulation sources. Second half has two square wave oscillators mixed into the input with same modulation sources."

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Variable Bandwidth Filter Prototype - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Far from ready/finished. But I’m very happy to finally have this thing passing audio!"

Friday, September 01, 2023

Elements of Melody - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular Synth Pane

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"The Elements of Melody panel is just about complete. Few more tweaks yet to be made to the Pots & Pans module… but overall I’m very happy with how it’s turning out!"

Sequence of Events - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular Sequencer

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Sequence of Events is just about ready for #knobcon2023 !!"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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