Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Poorness Studios. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Poorness Studios. Sort by date Show all posts
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Sunday Drone Part II (TX Wiggles 43) & an Electric Whisk
Published on Apr 21, 2019 poorness studios
"I just sat down this morning and came up with this moody drone patch. Its basically a morphing digital oscillator with an arpeggiated pattern on top. I used the modular, a Volca Beats, and the Microbrute.
you can see the first Sunday Drone video here:" [posted here]
poorness studios TX Wiggles
And the electric whisk:
DIY Project #21: Electric Whisk
Published on Apr 20, 2019 poorness studios
"Kind of a random project... I made an electric whisk. In the demo, I use a couple of my previous DIY projects.
Here is the Jarmaggeddon video:
Here is the 3PDT Fuzz video:
Check out all my DIY projects here:"
Monday, June 29, 2020
Eurorack / Guitar Jam 7 (TX Wiggles 65)
poorness studios
"It's been a while since I did one of these Eurorack/guitar jams. I sent the guitar through 2 delay pedals running at different rates and then a reverb pedal. It gives a very unique sound that blends well with the synth textures."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
poorness studios guitar & synth jams
Monday, June 17, 2019
Ukulele Meets Modular Synth (TX Wiggles 45)
Published on Jun 16, 2019 poorness studios
"I combined the ukulele I just built with my modular synthesizer and tried to make some sci-fi music. This was the result.
See a video of the ukulele build here:"
DIY Project #24: Cigar Box Ukulele
Published on Jun 15, 2019 poorness studios
"I decided to build a Ukulele from a cigar box using one of the neck blanks from CB Gitty. I'm very pleased with the way it came out. I also added a cover of Bananas & Blow by Ween."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Sunday, April 14, 2019
More Rings in the Clouds (TX Wiggles 42)
Published on Apr 14, 2019 poorness studios
"This is a follow up to TX Wiggles 10. I again used just Rings and Clouds to make a patch which ends up sounding pretty awesome. A random gate generated by Nano Rand triggers Rings and Batumi provides 7 parameters of modulation."
Generating Rings In The Clouds (TX Wiggles 10)
Published on Jan 11, 2017 poorness studios
"This is a simple generative patch featuring Mutable Instruments Rings and Clouds. ALM Pamela's Workout and the Doepfer A-151 also play a critical role."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Monday, September 02, 2019
Cassette Soundscape 2 (TX Wiggles 48)
Published on Sep 2, 2019 poorness studios
"This is my second attempt at making a video with the circuit bent tape player. I used the Eurorack and my Roland Juno Gi to create something really weird.
This first cassette soundscape video is here: [embedded below]
You can find the tape player mod here: [posted here]
Check out all my TX Wiggles videos here: [poorness studios TX Wiggles]"
Cassette Soundscape 1 (TX Wiggles 47)
Published on Jul 28, 2019 poorness studios
"This is a first take, so it's not perfect... but I like the way it came out. I was messing around with the cassette player I modified and my Roland Juno Gi. It's a definitely moody soundscape. The wow and flutter of the deck adds a lot."
Friday, March 04, 2022
Poorness Studios Track with the Casio DG-1, Tanpura & Lell Drum Pedal
video upload by Poorness Studios
"I was looking at the last 3 instruments I acquired (an inexpensive box tanpura from India, a vintage Lell drum synth from the USSR, & a Casio DG-1 synth guitar from Japan) and realized it's a really odd combination. Just for the heck of it, I decided to make a track using these 3 instruments. This video is the result. Each of the 3 instruments used in this track has it's own demo video below."
Also see Poorness Studios' Cool Find: Casio DG-1 (1980's guitar synthesizer)
Saturday, July 14, 2018
poorness studios: Robot Requiem | Sci Fi Mirage (TX Wiggles 33)
Published on Jul 14, 2018 poorness studios
"I came home from work, started patching, and somehow came up with this generative patch. It sounded like robots in mourning... thus the name. This is also the first patch I made with the Kilpatrick K4815."
Sci Fi Mirage (TX Wiggles 33)
Published on Jul 12, 2018 poorness studios
"I was messing around with my new Synthrotek Quadrangle and somehow came up with this generative patch. It reminded me of an old Sci Fi movie."
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Coffee Bytes (TX Wiggles 52)
Published on Dec 15, 2019 poorness studios
"This is a little Sunday morning jam with my modular synthesizer and the Roland Juno Gi keyboard. Some simple percussive sounds and some drones can add up to something really moody."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Saturday, April 18, 2020
The Spoon Soundscape (TX Wiggles 58)
Published on Apr 18, 2020 poorness studios
"I took my latest DIY Project, the Diddley Spoon, and plugged it into the modular synthesizer. This video features the Make Noise Phonogene. The soundscape was made from a single note played on a spoon."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Sunday, February 03, 2019
Diddley Bow Meets Modular Synth (TX Wiggles 39)
Published on Feb 3, 2019 poorness studios
"It was Sunday morning and I had a random idea... Take my simplest instrument (my diddley bow) and most complex instrument (my modular synth) and use them both for a jam session. This was the result."
poorness studios
Monday, May 18, 2020
Guitar Bits (TX Wiggles 62)
Published on May 18, 2020 poorness studios
"I was just messing around with Eurorack and guitar this morning and came up with this glitchy combination of sounds. It uses the Dave Smith Mopho & Korg Volca Beats along with the modular and the guitar. The guitar goes into the Pittsburgh InOut and then into the Dwarfcraft Hax and finally through MI Clouds. Both are heavily modulated by various CV sources."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Monday, May 25, 2020
Dreams of Feedback (TX Wiggles 64)
Published on May 25, 2020 poorness studios
"This is a fun little patch. The Pittsburgh oscillator's triangle wave is fed into MI Rings (as a resonator), then into the Chronoblob delay, on to the Aion 107A fixed filter bank, and finally into MI Clouds. The delay repeats are clocked by Pamela's Workout and every 8 cycles, a new random voltage is sent to the FM input of the oscillator. This creates a faux melody even though its only 1 note droning the entire time. Additionally, the output of the fixed filter bank is multed to the mixer and then mixed back with itself to create a feedback loop. Add a little bit of modulation from Batumi... and this is the result."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Mountain Dulcimer Meets Modular Synth
video upload by Poorness Studios
"I recently finished this Jaromin DIY Dulcimer kit and I decided to plug it into my modular synthesizer just to see what happened. During the build process, I added a piezo pickup & jack, and that is what allowed me to do this. This is just a test, but I can see this developing into something."
See the dulcimer build video here:
Jaromin DIY Mountain Dulcimer Kit
video upload by Poorness Studios
"I recently found the DIY Mountain Dulcimer Kit from Jaromin. I decided I need to build one. During this video, I put it together and play dulcimer for the first time. This is a really neat kit.
Intro & Overview - 0:00
Building & Finishing - 0:43
Assembly Process - 2:51
First Play Acoustic - 5:25
First Play Electric - 6:21
Conclusion - 6:57
You can buy the kit here:"
And see more video combining modular synth with acoustic instrument here:
Monday, June 19, 2023
What is Modulation? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 9)
video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)
"For the next episode in this introduction to modular synth, I take a closer look at modulation. Everyone always talks about it, but what is it? Modulation is simply using a signal to control another signal. It's a simple concept but it puts the fun in modular synthesis."
Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Eurorack & Microbrute Jam (TX Wiggles 55)
Published on Feb 26, 2020 poorness studios
"This is nothing special, it's just a little jam I did with Microbrute and Eurorack one morning before work. It is really simple but I liked the way the various timbres sounded together, so I decided to share it."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Friday, August 11, 2023
A Quick Studio Tour (2023) w/ Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)
video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)
"The move is more or less complete and the studio is really coming together. I just wanted to share this video and give everyone a quick tour. There's still some work to do but I really like the way it's shaping up."
Wednesday, June 02, 2021
Error Instruments Broken Tape Simulator: Unboxing & Demo
video by poorness studios
"I recently did a review of the Acid Bee from Error Instruments. The owner of the company saw my video and sent me a discount code. I used it to buy this product, the Broken Tape Simulator. It is a super cool lofi effect pedal that emulates a broken tape machine. It's crazy!
Intro @ 0:00
Unboxing & Overview @ 0:56
Demo with Tape Loop @ 3:43
Demo with Kaossilator @ 7:24
Demo with Guitar @ 8:46
Conclusion @ 10:42
You can buy one here:"
poorness studios Error Instruments posts
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Angry Drone Patch (TX Wiggles 57)
Published on Mar 31, 2020 poorness studios
"Here's another musical experiment derived from self-isolation. In this video, I patch an angry drone and then explore each of the 4 voices used to create it. In case you're wondering, it's in the key of Bb. The four sound sources are: 1) Pittsburgh Waveforms thru Dwarfcraft HAX, 2) Erica Black Wavetable VCO with wavetable morphing, 3) MI Rings thru Pittsburgh Crush & Chronoblob, 4) Basimilus Iteritas Alter. The mix goes to the Doepfer Wasp filter and then to Boss RV-6. Most of the modulation comes from Batumi."
poorness studios TX Wiggles
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Overlooked Module #9: Din Sync SARA VCF
video upload by poorness studios
"I recently realized haven't done one of these Overlooked Modules episodes in quite some time and I've got a perfect module to add. Today, I'm taking a closer look at the SARA VCF from Din Sync. This is a dual-filter with some really interesting features. I really like it."
poorness studios Overlooked Module posts
Wednesday, January 06, 2021
Kaossilator Sketch #2: New Wave Frenzy
poorness studios
"I think the KORG Kaossilator can be considered a music producers sketch pad. I'm going to do a series of sketches throughout January just for fun. This video is the second sketch, new wave frenzy. Stay tuned for more."
poorness studios Kaossilator posts
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.