MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Poorness Studios

Showing posts sorted by date for query Poorness Studios. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Poorness Studios. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, August 24, 2023

More About the Landscape DIY HC-TT (controls & features)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

Part 1 here

"I recently built this HC-TT from Landscape and posted a video of the build. A few folks commented and said they wanted to know more. This video goes into all the features and nuances of the unit."

Intro - 0:00
Using as an audio source - 0:30
Using the preamp - 0:56
Using as an effect - 2:41
Using the touch plates - 3:32
Using the Gate jack - 4:28
Using the CV jack - 5:23
Trying another tape - 7:04
Summary - 8:19

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Landscape DIY HC-TT: Build & Demo

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

Part 2 here

"I decided to build one of the Human Controlled Tape Transport (HC-TT) kits from Landscape. It's exactly what it sounds like, a tape machine powered by you. I fist saw one of these at Knobcon circa 2017 and I've wanted one ever since. I am looking forward to using this in some of my recordings. It's really cool."

Intro - 0:00
Build - 0:56
Clean Demo - 1:40
Demo w/Effects - 3:06
Final Thoughts - 4:19

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

This is How To Do MIDI Sync in the Studio (E-RM Midiclock)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"When I posted the recent studio tour video, I received a lot of questions about my MIDI setup. I thought I'd just do a video to explain it. The MIDI master clock I use is called the Midiclock. I use it to send MIDI to the synths and then use an Erica module to convert MIDI to Euro clock.

It's available here:"

Friday, August 11, 2023

A Quick Studio Tour (2023) w/ Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"The move is more or less complete and the studio is really coming together. I just wanted to share this video and give everyone a quick tour. There's still some work to do but I really like the way it's shaping up."

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

What the Heck is No Input Mixing??? (my first try at making sounds with just a mixer)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I've seen several videos about no input mixing but this video was my first time trying it. It's actually really fun. You're basically just using the mixer to create feedback and then tuning that feedback to musically pleasing tones.

0:00 - Intro & Explanation
1:16 - Demonstration
6:10 - Conclusion"

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

How To Customize the Happy Nerding FX AID Module | Bioelectric Skiff Project

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I recently got this FX AID module from Happy Nerding. I had read that you can customize it to your liking and wanted to give it a shot. It's actually a pretty straightforward process. I made this video to help others do the same.

Intro - 0:00
Demo w/Default Config - 0:41
Using the App - 1:24
My Custom Config - 3:09
Update Process - 3:39
Demo w/Custom Config - 5:24
Conclusion - 5:40

See the previous video here:" [posted here]

And see more FX-related vids here:"

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Bioelectric Skiff Project is Really Coming Along! (Battery-Operated Eurorack System)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I've been working on this 42HP battery-operated bioelectric Eurorack skiff for a while. It's nice to see it taking shape. In this video, I talk about the modules I chose and do a few patch examples. Keep your eyes peeled for more videos with this fun setup.

Intro - 0:00
Case Overview - 0:58
Installing the FX Aid - 3:03
Side Modules - 4:36
Powering Up - 5:00
A Few Patch Examples - 5:24
Conclusion - 7:36

See the case video here: [posted here]

And the power supply video here: [posted here]"

Thursday, July 06, 2023

How to Make a Light-up Patch Cable (simple DIY project)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I recently discovered these flexible filament LEDs and decided to see if I could make a light-up patch cable with them. It's actually a very simple project that just requires some basic soldering skills.

Parts Needed:
2 x 1/8" Mono Plugs
2 x 300mm Filament LEDs
1 x 1k Ω Resistor
1 x Piece of Wire (about 12")
1 x Piece of 1/4" Heat Shrink Tubing (about 12")

See more of my Musical DIY Projects here:"

Monday, June 26, 2023

Getting Started with Eurorack (Modular Synth 101 | Part 10)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"This is the final episode in this 101 series. This one focuses on getting started in Eurorack. If you want to start experimenting with modular, follow these 6 easy steps...

Intro - 0:00
1) Get a Semi-modular Synths - 0:24
2) Understand Cases & Power - 1:11
3) Use - 3:00
4) Build Your System - 3:57
5) Avoid 1U Modules - 4:55
6) Have Fun - 5:46"

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Yet Another Happy (Eurorack) Accident

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I recently found this 0HP Low Pass Gate from Mystic Circuits in a drawer and decided to build a patch around it. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what I did but I really liked the result so I decided to share it with my subscribers. I made a couple similar videos a few years ago. There are a lot of happy accidents that happen with modular synthesizers."


Another Happy (Eurorack) Accident

"I was testing out my new IME (The Harvestman) Polivoks ADSR/VCA module (I bought it used from eBay) and somehow it evolved into this generative patch. I just recorded a couple minutes pf audio but I thought it was worth sharing.

It reminded me of this video I did back in 2016:

A Happy (Eurorack) Accident

"I rearranged my Eurorack case recently. After I was done, I tested all the modules and along the way, I came up with this patch accidentally."

Monday, June 19, 2023

What is Modulation? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 9)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"For the next episode in this introduction to modular synth, I take a closer look at modulation. Everyone always talks about it, but what is it? Modulation is simply using a signal to control another signal. It's a simple concept but it puts the fun in modular synthesis."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Monday, June 12, 2023

What are Gate & Pitch Signals? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 8)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"This is episode 8 of the Modular Synth 101 series I've been posting on Mondays. This episode explores what gate and pitch signals do within the synthesizer. I demonstrate them with a keyboard and also with a sequencer."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Rakit GO! Meets BitByBit Skiffy42 | battery operated Eurorack skiff

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I recently built this Skiffy 42 case from BitByBit Synths. My plan was to use it to build a portable bioelectric skiff. Alas, I wasn't sure how I'd power it but then I received the GO! & Sticky from Rakit. That was great timing! Stay tuned to see how this little project develops.

Overview of BitByBit Skiffy 42 - 0:00
Overview of Rakit GO! - 0:42
Overview of Synthrotek Head Out - 1:27
Fitting the Modules - 1:53
Mounting the Busboard & Modules - 3:05
Testing the Power Supply - 4:12
Conclusion - 5:00

You can learn more about the GO! here if you're interested:

And see the Skiffy 42 video here:" [posted here]

Monday, June 05, 2023

What Does a LFO Do? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 7)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"This is episode 7 of the Modular Synth 101 series. Today, I take a closer look at Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs). This is the component that is most often used to modulate other parameters in the synthesizer."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Thursday, June 01, 2023

BitByBit Synths Skiffy 42 DIY Eurorack Case (unboxing, assembly, & finishing) | Bioelectric Skiff Project

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I found this cool Eurorack case from BitByBit Synths. They're a small company in Texas making these DIY cases. I plan to use this one for a portable bioelectric skiff, but this video focuses on the assembly and finishing.

You can buy these cases here:"

Monday, May 29, 2023

What is a Basic Synth Voice? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 6)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!! To celebrate the holiday, I explain how to make a basic synth voice using just 4 modules (5 if you count the sequencer). Most of synthesizers on the market use this basic signal path to produce musical tones."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Monday, May 22, 2023

What Does an Envelope Generator Do? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 5)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"We're up to episode 5 in this series. Today, I take a closer look at Envelope Generators. This is the component that makes a synthesizer sound more natural. Instead of just on/off, it produces a rising and falling voltage."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Monday, May 15, 2023

What Does a Filter Do? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 4)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"For the next episode in this series, I take a closer look at voltage controlled filters or VCFs. Filters are one of the most important sound shaping components within a synthesizer."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Monday, May 08, 2023

What Does an Oscillator Do? (Modular Synth 101 | Part 3)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"Continuing with this series on modular synthesizers, I take a look at the VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator). It is the primary sound generator in most synthesizer and I demonstrate both analog and digital variants."

Additional posts in the series: Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios) Modular Synth 101

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Making Racket with Rakit (DIY Synth Jam)

video upload by Musical Miscellany (Poorness Studios)

"I've built several of the DIY kits from Rakit and I decided to try to use all of them in one video. I really like all these little gadgets. The devices used are the Disintegrated Cracklebox, Mini-APC, Baby8 Sequencer, Drum Synth, and Rakimix5.

Check out Rakit's website to learn more:"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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