Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Slow Synth Jam (MicroKORG, A-Station, fraAngelico, MeeBlip, Kaosspad, etc.)
YouTube Published on Aug 5, 2012 by flx04
"A slow synthesizer jam with the following gear:
MicroKORG, Korg Kaosspad Quad & Kaosspad Mini effects, MFB 522 analog drum machine, Electribe ER-1, Roland U-110, Novation A-Station, Standuino fraAngelico, MeeBlip, Akai APC20 and Ableton Live (for MIDI sequencing).
I programmed most of the patterns beforehand and triggered them live via the APC20. The small Akai LPK25 USB-MIDI keyboard plays the Novation A-Station when it's not sequenced. The fast, pitch-increasing "beep beep beep" sound comes from the Korg Electribe ER-1 drum machine. The blippy, videogame-like sound is the fraAngelico. The piano is the Roland U-110. The Kaosspad Mini adds some distortion to the MFB 522 drums and the Kaosspad Quad adds some reverb and hi-frequency resonance to the final mix.
The rack box contains the A-Station and the U-110 rack synths, as well as a 1U slide-out tray that has some small gear on it.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write me a message or comment below this video.
Filmed with a GoPro HD Hero."
Standuino fraAngelico Demo
YouTube Published on Aug 8, 2012 by flx04
"I'm having lots of fun with it, so I thought I'd make a short demo video of the fraAngelico's main features and sound-shaping possibilities. For more info check their website."
Experimental Synth Jam (fraAngelico, MPC500, Kaosspad Quad)
Published on Jul 12, 2012 by flx04
"A quick jam with the Standuino fraAngelico synthesizer and the Akai MPC500. All sounds are from the fraAngelico (sampled and played live). Reverb+Delay effect by the Korg Kaosspad Quad.
fraAngelico Website:
Filmed with a Canon 550D (Rebel T2i)"
Sunday, June 24, 2012
fraAngelico midi tutorial
fraAngelico midi tutorial from standuino on Vimeo.
fraAngelico is equipped with full MIDI support which means you can connect any midi controller or sequencer.
The 15 sounds of possible combinations of the button presses are spread in the lowest midi octave.
The last sound you play will be spread on all the other octaves of your keyboard so you can play some nice melodies.
When used with sequencer you can also change the sound by sending program change MIDI message.
You can also change the input channel from 1-4 by restarting and holding down one of the main buttons for 4 seconds
MIDI input connector!
MIDI Through is available via special connector!
All sounds are recorded directly from source.
Korg Nanokey is interfaced through Ableton Live on laptop and MIDI is sent out by USB to MIDI cable.
more information: standuino.eu/devices/instruments/fra-angelico/
to buy: standuino.eu/buy/buy-fraangelico/
fraAngelico features:
-size: 11 x 7 x 4 cm
-MIDI input (MIDI Through by special cable)
-5 knobs
-3 switch menu buttons
-4 big performance buttons
-1 volume knob
-grain synthesis
-true digital LFO
-8 presets (4 user, 4 factory)
-input voltage: 9V
-Jack 3.5 output
Thursday, June 21, 2012
fraAngelico Dubstep & Ambient Demos
fraAngelico Dubstep DEMO from standuino on Vimeo.
This is an Dubstep Demo on Standuino fraAngelico true digital Arduino chip based synth.
Different combinations of the 4 big buttons make different sounds. You can full edit and save these sounds!
The audio is recorded directly from the source.
more information: http://www.standuino.eu/devices/instruments/fra-angelico/
to buy: http://www.standuino.eu/buy/buy-fraangelico/
fraAngelico features:
-size: 11 x 7 x 4 cm
-MIDI input (MIDI Through by special cable)
-5 knobs
-3 switch menu buttons
-4 big performance buttons
-1 volume knob
-grain synthesis
-true digital LFO
-8 presets (4 user, 4 factory)
-input voltage: 9V
-Jack 3.5 output
fraAngelico Ambient DEMO from standuino on Vimeo.
This is an Ambient Demo on Standuino fraAngelico true digital Arduino chip based synth.
Different combinations of the 4 big buttons make different sounds. You can full edit and save these sounds!
The audio is recorded directly from the source.
more information: http://www.standuino.eu/devices/instruments/fra-angelico/
to buy: http://www.standuino.eu/buy/buy-fraangelico/
fraAngelico features:
-size: 11 x 7 x 4 cm
-MIDI input (MIDI Through by special cable)
-5 knobs
-3 switch menu buttons
-4 big performance buttons
-1 volume knob
-grain synthesis
-true digital LFO
-8 presets (4 user, 4 factory)
-input voltage: 9V
-Jack 3.5 output
follow-up to 2x Standuino fraAngelico + monotron + ableton with nanokey
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
2x Standuino fraAngelico + monotron + ableton with nanokey
2x Standuino fraAngelico + monotron + ableton with nanokey from standuino on Vimeo.
Standuino fraAngelico true digital Arduino chip based synth is the ideal fried to analog KORG Monotron!
Korg Nanokey triggers the MIDI loops from Ableton Live that go out by the USB to MIDI cable into fraAngelico and by MIDI Through to the second one which is connected into the filter of Monotron.
The audio is recorded directly from the source. See the diagram at the end of the video.
fraAngelico features:
-size: 11 x 7 x 4 cm
-MIDI input (MIDI Through by special cable)
-5 knobs
-3 switch menu buttons
-4 big performance buttons
-1 volume knob
-grain synthesis
-true digital LFO
-input voltage: 9V
-Jack 3.5 output
Monday, April 02, 2012
standuino instruments showcase
standuino instruments showcase from standuino on Vimeo.
Be sure to click for more below if you are seeing this post on the front page. You'll find a few more videos and pics and details on the FraAngelico synth. Don't miss these, including the gold colored knobs in the bottom pics.
tůdle nůdle midi sequencer
fra angelico synth 2x
éño-ñůño sampler
piko héro analog drum synth
performed by v. peloušek"
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