MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for The Simmons Guy

Showing posts sorted by date for query The Simmons Guy. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query The Simmons Guy. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, December 04, 2020

Simmons SDSV and SDS6 in 5

The Simmons Guy

"Simmons SDS6 Sequencer driving Simmons SDSV Drum Synthesizer"

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Simmons SDSV 3047 Preset 1 070720

The Simmons Guy

"Quick demo of SDSV 3047 using Preset 1."

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Simmons SDS6 #82 Test Run

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Published on May 21, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Quick demo of Simmons SDS6 controlling Simmons SDS7"

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Simmons SDX featuring Tama Jazz Kit

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Simmons SDX playing the Tama Jazz Kit."

Cool green editor screen on the SDX. You can find some pics of one posted here.

Some waveforms:

Simmons SDX Eproms in Simmons SDS7

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Demo of Simmons SDX eproms in Simmons SDS7."

Simmons SDS7 70045 Kits 1-16

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Quick demo of Kits 1-16 on Simmons SDS7 #45"

Simmons SDSV with Vince Gutman Click Defeat Mod & Simmons SDSV #666 with MIDI

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Quick demo of the Vince Gutman Click Defeat Mod on Simmons SDSV Electronic Drum Synthesizer."

Simmons SDSV #666 Test Drive B

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Demo of Simmons SDSV #666 with MIDI"

Simmons SDSV Hi Hat Controlled by Simmons MTM

Published on Mar 26, 2020

"Quick demo showing how Simmons MTM controls Simmons SDSV HiHat operation using Mod Wheel for Open/Closed."

Custom 8 Channel MIDI to CV Interface in ABS Enclosure

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Test run of a custom 8 channel MIDI to CV interface in ABS enclosure."

New Surface for Black SDSV Pad

Published on Mar 26, 2020 The Simmons Guy

There's just something satisfying about that.

"New polycarbonate playing surface on freshly restored Simmons SDSV electronic drum pad."

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Simmons SDSV 3597 021320

Published on Feb 13, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Simmons SDSV 3597 in action."

You can find additional posts featuring The Simmons Guy here.

SDSV 3597 021220

Published on Feb 13, 2020 The Simmons Guy

"Post repair video of Simmons SDSV 3597 in action."

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Simmons SDSV Tequila Sunrise Pad with New Surface

Published on Oct 15, 2019 The Simmons Guy

"Video highlighting a freshly restored Simmons SDSV Tequila Sunrise pad."

No audio. Just posting this for the beauty of it, and because it exists.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Simmons SDS7 #1558 081619

Published on Sep 16, 2019 The Simmons Guy

"Run through of fave kits from SDS7 #1558"

You can find additional demos of the Simmons SDS7 here.


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Published on Sep 16, 2019 The Simmons Guy

Simmons SDSV #800 Fast
Simmons SDSV #800 Featuring Simmons MTM #656
Simmons SDSV #800 Swing
Simmons SDSV #800 808ish

via this auction

"Incredibly rare, FULLY LOADED, Vintage Simmons Electronic Drums SDSV < SDS 5 > Mainframe (including insanely rare digital Hi Hat and Cymbal modules!) in freshly restored condition.

Every aspect of this machine has been gone through with a fine-toothed comb and it sounds as good as it looks. All pots have been cleaned and are smooth and noise free. Edge connectors have been re-tinned and receptacles cleaned. Power supply has been checked and puts out a clean +15v and -15v. All knobs, caps, faceplates, etc. have been thoroughly scrubbed. All buttons work perfectly. Trimmers for Presets 3 and 4 all function as expected with none of them too chewed up to fit a screwdriver. Preset 1 has been fine-tuned on all modules, as well."

Monday, November 03, 2014

Massive Aphex Twin Interview with Tons of Synth Talk

You'll find the full interview at noyzelab

Some interesting bits regarding the EMS SYNTHI 100 pictured below and the three KORG PS3300's to the left which were originally owned by Dave Simmons.

On unusual ways of making sounds with the EMS SYNTHI 100: "2nd thing that comes to mind is putting a bank of ldr's and a few thermistors over the oscilloscope of the synth 100, its 20 ldr's and 3 or 4 thermistors, so you get a nice visual feedback thing going on, sounded insane, got to record it next time! pitch transition were so nice..also got to record synthi100 with all oscillators synced,..that IS a sound...all oscs on that thing have sync

but like that you are going from electricity to light waves then back to electricity and then finally to sound waves in air, top...oh and then electrochemical in yer hed and then.......______ s100 with ldr's+thermistors

ive got a cv in control on the lights of the synthi 100 so can also use those to operate the ldr's, also putting the bank of ldr's behind a fish tank with light on other side, fish modulation :)"

On the three KORG PS3003's "so going back to about 93/94 ish there were 3 for sale in loot newspaper london for £10k for bloody ages, like 6 months or something, nobody was buying them! I mean i remember thinking that was a shit load of cash then even. so i went too see them, I had about £2k to my name then to live on and i would've dropped the lot on one of those bad boys so thought id go and see if i could get one of them at least. Went around with my friend vic, it turned out it was owned by Dave simmons of simmons drum fame! and his wife! was so cool to find that out but was REALLY bad atmosphere because they were SO SO nice to us, very welcoming showed us the synths , played us their music even , they didn't know who the fuk i was, even if id told them they wouldn't have known who i was.. but it became pretty apparent to me they were very in need of the money prob coz his business had gone down tubes, bought 3 korg ps3300's in better times for god knows how much...they even made us dinner thinking I was going to buy all 3 , it became really horrible atmos..then i was like ill buy one of you ...silence...tumbleweed..., here I've got 2k in cash now! they were so sad and didn't sell it to me , so i went home also sad.. then ffwd about 6 years and better money times for me and I was buying up loads of cheap analog on ebay and i thought i wonder what happened to those 3 korgs, id heard a rumour cold cut had bought them, pulled some strings and realised matt black lived literally 5 mins away from me! so i thought ok, its destiny. went to see him, they were all fucked, but working AND midi'd, he'd midi'd them. Matt, really lovely guy, was very friendly and lushly agreed to sell me one, it was unusable, used it on fenix funk for the mental spectral sounds at the beginning with pitch bend applied to it oh and dissonant sounds at end.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


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via this auction

"Made in Essex England. Ultimate Percussion "UP5" super analogue synthesizer system electronic drum module with 4 pads. Very primitive, but very cool old analog drum sounds similar to early Simmons. Includes levels for snare, tom 1, tom 2, tom 3, & bass drum. Module has volume control on each channel and includes a "P.P.S." section that controls decay, noise, and pitch. The other features work when pushed, but the button does not stay in (always intended to take it to an electronics guy but never found the time). The only other thing that needs addressed on the module is that tom 2, when struck, plays the analog tom sound in....... reverse I guess??? All of the others are fine, tom 2 sounds like a sweep, like the intended sound is being played backwards! Don't ask, I have never been able to figure that one out... Don't get me wrong, it sounds really cool. I just know it's not what it's supposed to sound like..."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Spliff Live 1982 - Kill (85555) and More via swissdoc

Spliff Live 1982 - Kill (85555)

YouTube via SuperNudel.
You can find a description for this video in German under the more info link on this YouTube page, or in Googlish here.

via swissdoc:
"Spliff is a German band from the 80s, very nice stuff and they had a fine
keyboarder Reinhold Heil and a cool drummer using Simmons Herwig Mitteregger"

Check out the other tracks from the album 85555 under Related Videos Features JP8 and TR808 and more you will see yourself

Reinhold Heil had a girlfriend Rosemarie Precht, together they recorded under the name Cosa Rosa. In this vid they use Yamaha CS-30 and CS-01. I think the guy playing the CS-01 is Reinhold Heil.

Cosa Rosa - (Rosemarie Precht) - Her mit dem Kindergeld!

YouTube via NewVaveGermany80

Here you see Herwig Mitteregger Playing the Simmons SDS-V

YouTube via fritz5117

This now is not so much related, but they used a JP8 at high sea

Blancmange - Waves (JP8 at sea 1:07-1:12)

YouTube via JimEAPG

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Suzanne Ciani

This one sent in via Tony Saunders. Title link takes you to the Early Suzanne Ciani webpage with video clips including Buchla. Make sure to track back to the root of the site for more on Suzanne Ciani and don't miss this page on Buchla. Thanks Tony!

Update: John Simmons was checking out the site and found this gem. It's a video of Suzanne Ciani creating the sound for the pinball game Xenon. Note the Xenon was released in 1979 according to this site. You can see the NED Synclavier used to sample the sounds in the video and then the guy inserting the chips with the samples in the pinball machine. Pretty cool. Thanks John!

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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