via Damon of
"Greetings all! It has been quite a while once again since my last enewsletter... I've come to grips with the fact that life and marsynth have to be tended to in an unbalance nature with more focus needed on the prior. Nonetheless, I have been plugging away with things as I have found time and I finally have a few new and exciting things to share.
First up, I'm excited to report that the next generation of the morris box is ready to go: the MSMB2! The design saw a major revamp including a totally new (and original) vactrol filter (with a real vtl vactrol) and a new double-pulser lfo. The MSMB2 is also done in the form of the WSB series as a stand-alone PCB, so it will be available as both an assembled unit and as a kit. Some of you may have notice a few pictures and audio demos that I posted on the marsynth facebook page a week back: Special thanks to Matrixsynth for posting the info too here: I'm hoping to post a video of the unit soon. The info sheet for the unit will also be posted soon (along with prices and ordering info), but this brings up a nice segue to my next bit of news...
The marsynth website is getting an overhaul! I've been slowly putting together pages that are greatly simplified which I think result in a much cleaner layout. Part of my reasoning for this update is to reflect a change in focus on my product line. I will be focusing primarily on self contained, PCB based designs for the time being and will be moving away from the custom, one-off builds that I did in the past. The main reason for this shift is time; I simply don't have enough time anymore to do all of the hand wiring and enclosure preparation that is involved with custom builds for all products. I'm also constantly looking for ways to improve and "clean up" my designs both in terms of functionality and aesthetics, and I've found self-contained PCB route to meet these desires. PCB-based designs also allows me to offer any product as a kit which is very important to me as it is how I ended up doing all of this in the first place. With all of this said, I will still take on custom orders as I have time, but they will be at higher costs and will take longer.
And for one final bit of news, I will be attending the Kansas City regional gathering this weekend with a MSMB2 in tow (along with my modular rig and other goodies). A "marsynth jam" has become an annual tradition at this event to showcase just how much of a racket can be made when dozens of marsynth creations all try to talk over each other! Good times =) If you are in the KC area this weekend, come out and say hi! Info for the event can be found here:
All for now,
Showing posts sorted by date for query marsynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query marsynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Marsynth MSMB2 Demo 4
"MSMB2 is watching you; the photocell demo. More reverb for more fun."
via Damon Mar on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge
Parts 1-3 & some pics previously posted here.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Marsynth MSMB2 Preview Demo 1
"Demo of the upcoming MSMB2 board/kit from Marsynth."
via Damon Mar on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge
"MSMB2 design is done; boards hopefully in a week!"
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Marsynth Modular 12-15-12
Published on Feb 24, 2013
"This is the second to last patch of 2012 on the modular (that I almost forgot about...). This was my first go at finally doing a video of the modular with a proper audio recording.
There are essentially two main 'parts' in this patch that are distinctly different in sound but share some interconnected modulation sources. It was fun playing with the balance of the two.
Some empress super delay and ehx catherdral were added to open it up a little.
Thanks for watching!"
"This is the second to last patch of 2012 on the modular (that I almost forgot about...). This was my first go at finally doing a video of the modular with a proper audio recording.
There are essentially two main 'parts' in this patch that are distinctly different in sound but share some interconnected modulation sources. It was fun playing with the balance of the two.
Some empress super delay and ehx catherdral were added to open it up a little.
Thanks for watching!"
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Marsynth Modular 12-31-12
Published on Jan 2, 2013 marsynth·13 videos
"Last patch of 2012 on my modular system. First video I've shot with the new phone... audio level is a little low but oh well!
I had been neglecting my system for the past month as I've been (slowly) working on revising my oscillators ( ). I started tinkering with the self-oscillation on a lowpass filter and ended up with this patch.
The primary sound generation is from the self-oscillating vactrol filter being fed into a wave folder and then back into itself. The folded output is mixed with the original output of the filter via a cross fader to allow for a sort of wet/dry mix (which really just changes the nature of the feedback into the filter's audio input). The audio is then fed through a vca and then a highpass filter. There is modulation across the board (folder, filters, vca) via lfo's and a sequencer. Timing and direction of the sequencer is derived from a complex little network of binary counters and an analog switch module.
In the video I just start with the end patch and just turn different portions of it on and off to show whats happening (which may or may be very clear in the video anyways...). Lots of great buchla-esque percussion! =)
Thanks for watching, and here's to another great year of synth noodling!"
"Last patch of 2012 on my modular system. First video I've shot with the new phone... audio level is a little low but oh well!
I had been neglecting my system for the past month as I've been (slowly) working on revising my oscillators ( ). I started tinkering with the self-oscillation on a lowpass filter and ended up with this patch.
The primary sound generation is from the self-oscillating vactrol filter being fed into a wave folder and then back into itself. The folded output is mixed with the original output of the filter via a cross fader to allow for a sort of wet/dry mix (which really just changes the nature of the feedback into the filter's audio input). The audio is then fed through a vca and then a highpass filter. There is modulation across the board (folder, filters, vca) via lfo's and a sequencer. Timing and direction of the sequencer is derived from a complex little network of binary counters and an analog switch module.
In the video I just start with the end patch and just turn different portions of it on and off to show whats happening (which may or may be very clear in the video anyways...). Lots of great buchla-esque percussion! =)
Thanks for watching, and here's to another great year of synth noodling!"
Friday, November 30, 2012
Marsynth WSB-A Now Available
You might rember the Wasabi from this previous post. It is now available.
via Marsynth
"The WSB-A is now officially available!
The first run is available only in assembled form due to a few issues with small through-hole pads on the boards. The next run will include both assembled and kit formats.
Current pricing for the board is $60 assembled and $40 for the kit plus shipping. Orders will be handled via email (marsynth at gmail dot come) for the time being.
The WSB-A product page went up a little while ago which now has the official info sheet and some audio demos:
WSB-B is coming along nicely and will hopefully be available in time for the holidays.
Several other *big* things are in the works but likely won't be announced for some time.
As always, thanks for your interest and support!
"Work Shop Board A" aka "wasab-a"
via Marsynth
"The WSB-A is now officially available!
The first run is available only in assembled form due to a few issues with small through-hole pads on the boards. The next run will include both assembled and kit formats.
Current pricing for the board is $60 assembled and $40 for the kit plus shipping. Orders will be handled via email (marsynth at gmail dot come) for the time being.
The WSB-A product page went up a little while ago which now has the official info sheet and some audio demos:
WSB-B is coming along nicely and will hopefully be available in time for the holidays.
Several other *big* things are in the works but likely won't be announced for some time.
As always, thanks for your interest and support!
"Work Shop Board A" aka "wasab-a"
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Kansas City Gathering

via Damon Mar of Marsynth
"Official event poster for this weekend's regional kansas city gathering: done! If you are in the area and are able to make it, come out and enjoy a fun weekend of electronic sights and sounds."
Click the pic for details.
Update: You can find the daily schedule here.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Marsynth Morris Box Videos by Shane Morris
YouTube Published on Jul 5, 2012 by marimbahead
"Drone1 using Marsynth Morris Box / Line6 DL4/ Akai Headrush by Shane Morris 07/05/12
The Morris Box was built for me by Damon Mar after I requested a simple 2 oscillator box specifically for making drones. It is housed in a cigar box. The box can make sounds that range from an Indian Tampura to an Australian Didgeridoo, as well as lots of electronic and pulse oriented tones and rhythms."
Sunday, May 27, 2012
IDOW & MATRIXSYNTH Modular Pic of the Week - Week 30 Contest Winner!

Mar, of Kansas-based electronic music instrument company Marsynth, composes and performs various genres of electronic music, including ambient and experimental, with his current-controlled modular system. Influences include the pioneering works by Morton Subotnick, Oscar Sala, Klaus Shulze, and Eliane Radigue. Photo shot with Canon T2i and Rokinon 8mm fisheye.
Check out Mar's music on Soundcloud:
We'd like to give a big thanks and congratulations to Damon Mar for his submission!
This is the 30th and final week of a 30-week contest. For more info on the upcoming 'I Dream of Wires' documentary, be sure to see the trailer and IndieGoGo fund raising campaign here.
See the IDOW label for all posts pertaining to the film including the weekly contest winners.
We'd like to offer our sincere thanks for everyone who submitted photos to the contest; We've seen some amazing systems and beautiful, creative photos - it has been a pleasure! We will be voting on the final Top5 photos from the 30 contest winners in the coming weeks. [Top5 winners: One of these photos will be selected as an official IDOW T-shirt design, and all 5 will be printed as a postcard set. T-Shirts and postcard sets are available as part of IDOW's IndieGoGo fund raising packages. Top5 winners will also receive a complimentary T-Shirt + postcard set.]"
Monday, March 12, 2012
Custom Marsynth Heart Breaker
YouTube Uploaded by marsynth on Mar 11, 2012
"This is a demo of a recently completed custom Heart Breaker. The unit was built into an aluminum panel that a customer will be fitting into a pre-chosen enclosure. In addition, the photocells that are normally mounted directly on the panel are embedded into the main board as vactrols which will be driven by a microcontroller. The addition of a new "chaos" switch (which was developed after I made a freak discovery while troubleshooting) rounds out this unit and takes it well into uncharted, chaotic, non-linear noise territory. More info on this unit can be found here:
The unit was run straight into a mixer with no additional effects.
Thanks for watching!"
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Introducing Wasabi - The Marsynth Workshop Board

"Announcing the Marsynth Workshop Board!
I've wanted to do a DIY-style product ever since I first started selling my instruments, and I'm proud to finally announce the marsynth workshop board (tentatively named the Wasabi, or WSB)!
[Pictured: Marsynth Workshop Board Prototype]
The workshop board contains four oscillators which are synchronized and ring modded in a fairly complex network which results in a great array of radio-tuner-like sounds. I'll be adding a product page soon with audio and video demos.
This unit has already seen great interest and the first two prototype runs sold out almost immediately after they were made available at a few of the live shows that I attended and played at this year. The first production batch should be available sometime in March."
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Marsynth Video Candela 1_0
YouTube Uploaded by marsynth on Nov 19, 2011
"This is a rather blurry demo of the Marsynth Candela. I shot this a few months back, but never managed to get it online, but here it is; better late than never, right?!
This video just shows some sounds that the unit can produce on its own, as well as some while it plays with others. External sound sources include my stratocaster and my trusty pico paso by Bleep Labs.
More information on the Candela can be found here:
Thanks for watching!"
Friday, October 21, 2011
marsynth/adamon at meecas 2011

marssynth/adamon will be participating in the 2011 MEECAS event put on by the Roth Mobot guys in Chicago IL this Saturday. Info on the event can be found here.
follow-up to this post.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Marsynth eNews 7-12-11
"Greetings all, its been a while since I've sent out a news update! Things have been very busy here the past couple of months for both Marsynth and for me personally. I'm in the process of moving the studio/workshop to a new, larger location that should really improve my workflow and allow for some expansion. I apologize to those individuals that are currently waiting on units; the move will take a few days out of my time for building. I will resume working on units once things are back in order. The rest of this newsletter will focus on the current status of the Nomad, a new product, some product updates,and some info on Marsynth demos and related performances coming up.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011
Marsynth e-newsletter 2011-03-13
"Greetings all, and welcome to another installment of the Marsynth e-newsletter. I have been keeping busy the past few weeks with several things, so I thought it was about time to provide a little update.
A majority of the things I will present here have already been posted on the website: so I will keep things short here, and leave you to check out the site for more info.
First and foremost, I've announced the newest Marsynth device, the Nomad (note there is a demo video on the site now for one of the beta units). This was designed with the guitarist in mind, and it can really take the guitar to new, unexplored territories. Lots of distortion, lots of self-oscillation, and lots of fun! As I mention on the site, beta units are testing now, and I plan on having production units ready in a few months. I will be providing updates on availability once I start getting close to having the first production batch done.
In other product development news, I updated the Candela design to accept external inputs (thanks to the suggestions from the local shop here!). I plan on having a demo video up soon so everyone can finally hear what the Candela is like; its quite a ride!
I've updated the format of the info sheets that I include with all units to a nicer looking and more descriptive layout. They are now available as downloadable pdf's on the individual product pages on the site.
Finally, I've created a Marsynth soundcloud page to start putting up audio demos of all current products: So far there are three tracks for the Heart Breaker, and one track I did with two Nomad prototypes chained together (really fun!).
Again, thanks for all the support, and stay tuned as there will be more updates to come soon!
Damon Mar"
A majority of the things I will present here have already been posted on the website: so I will keep things short here, and leave you to check out the site for more info.
First and foremost, I've announced the newest Marsynth device, the Nomad (note there is a demo video on the site now for one of the beta units). This was designed with the guitarist in mind, and it can really take the guitar to new, unexplored territories. Lots of distortion, lots of self-oscillation, and lots of fun! As I mention on the site, beta units are testing now, and I plan on having production units ready in a few months. I will be providing updates on availability once I start getting close to having the first production batch done.
In other product development news, I updated the Candela design to accept external inputs (thanks to the suggestions from the local shop here!). I plan on having a demo video up soon so everyone can finally hear what the Candela is like; its quite a ride!
I've updated the format of the info sheets that I include with all units to a nicer looking and more descriptive layout. They are now available as downloadable pdf's on the individual product pages on the site.
Finally, I've created a Marsynth soundcloud page to start putting up audio demos of all current products: So far there are three tracks for the Heart Breaker, and one track I did with two Nomad prototypes chained together (really fun!).
Again, thanks for all the support, and stay tuned as there will be more updates to come soon!
Damon Mar"
Friday, March 11, 2011
Marsynth Nomad Beta Demo 1
YouTube via Uploaded by marsynth on Mar 10, 2011
"This is the first demo of the new Marsynth Nomad: a high quality tremolo paired with a unique and complex feedback system.
In this video, I am simply running a guitar through the Nomad with not other effects. You can hear a bit of a hum in parts of the demo which is a result of me using a single coil pickup guitar (not an artifact of the Nomad!). The Nomad equally handles other inputs like vocals, synthesizers, and other sound sources, some of which I will include in another demo. Of course, the Nomad is just as fun with no input at all, wandering off into self-oscillating bliss.
Beta units are being tested now, and production units will be available within a few months.
Keep up to date on Nomad updates as well as other Marsynth news here:
Thanks for watching!"
Update: new URL for Marsynth above.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Marsynth Prototype Testing: Part 2
YouTube via marsynth | December 15, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
follow-up to this post
"As promised, here's another video of the new prototype that's been under development. A few slight changes have been made since the last video, but nothing major.
I recorded a simple guitar loop using the empress super delay and fed it through the prototype. No other effects were used.
I tried to show more of the subtle capabilities of the unit this time, but I can't help but crank the ratchety and bubbly stuff from time to time.
This prototype is nearing the final stages of development, and a few beta units will soon be sent out to a few friend for some abuse. Production units will be available sometime early next year.
Thanks again for watching!"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.