Showing posts sorted by date for query riotbell. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query riotbell. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Monday, August 01, 2022
Moog Subharmonicon Ghost Ships Ambient Patch
video upload by riotbell
"I've nearly given up on the Subharmonicon at least half a dozen times. Recently dove back into it with hopes of creating some sharable patches.
I've decided to devote the next month to really delving into this beguiling little synth in hopes of learning at least some of its quirks and secrets.
This is a slow ambient patch with reverb courtesy of the Oto Bam (ambient mode with chorus engaged).
Thanks for listening!"
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Guitar Into Soma Lyra 8 with Oto Bam and Ebow
video upload by riotbell
"This is a gentle ambient piece made by running a guitar into the Soma Lyra 8. The drone is accompanied by the long sustain of the Ebow.
No amp was used. Just guitar into Lyra into Bam into audio interface.
Thanks for listening!"
Monday, July 11, 2022
Sequential OB6 and Thermae Ambient Bells
video upload by riotbell
"This is a short piece pairing the OB6 and the Chase Bliss Thermae. Just a gentle sequenced piece meant to simulate slightly detuned bells.
I think the Mercury 7 actually provides more texture than anything. I don't know if I'd call the M7 underrated, but it really does rich spacey soundscaping better than just about any reverb I've so far used.
Thanks for listening."
Wednesday, July 06, 2022
Dreadbox Nymphes and Linnstrument Baby Dinosaur
video upload by riotbell
"Another Nymphes improvisation with the Linnstrument and Microcosm. Don't know why I called the piece Baby Dinosaur, but that's just what the track was titled in my Logic folder.
Hope these aren't getting to repetitive or self-indulgent. But uploading the videos is really encouraging me to practice with the Linnstrument, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of Youtube content featuring the Nymphes and MPE.
Thanks for listening!"
Tuesday, July 05, 2022
Soma Lyra 8 and JMT Synth LD2 Ambient Drone
video upload by riotbell
"This is a drone piece featuring the Soma Lyra 8 and the JMT Synth LD2. The Lyra is running directly into the LD2 in order to access its filter and delay.
A short phrase on the Lyra begins the piece, is looped on the Microcosm (offscreen) and then more oscillators are slowly worked in as the piece progresses, including the oscillators of the LD2.
I've been curious how these two unique drone synths would work together for some time, though I haven't been able to find an LD2 until recently. A dedicated filter does a lot to rein in some of the brighter tendencies of the Lyra 8."
Friday, July 01, 2022
Nymphes and Linnstrument Etude
video upload by riotbell
"This is a little study piece on the Nymphes. I'm trying to encourage myself to practice more frequently on the Linnstrument by creating these short videos.
Thanks for listening!"
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Moog Matriarch Music Box Ambient Patch
video upload by riotbell
"This is another oversaturated delay patch with the Matriarch.
Running a basic repetitive sequence in attempt to simulate a music box or perhaps old fashion carousel music.
Maybe this is pleasant lullaby music or something that might help someone study.
Note: the patch cable connecting the 2nd LFO and the 2nd attenuator serves no function and was left connected by mistake.
Thanks for listening."
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Dreadbox Nymphes and Linnstrument and Microcosm Triads
video upload by riotbell
"More Nymphes exploration with the Linnstrument and the Microcosm.
High MPE settings with no discernible envelope crackling so hopefully that bug has been completely worked out.
Thanks for listening!"
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Sequential OB6 Demos by riotbell
video uploads by riotbell
Sequential OB6 Fairy Fountain
Oberheim OB6 Notch Filter Exploration with ADG-1 and Mercury7
Oberheim OB6 Ambient with Arpeggiator and Mercury 7
Sequential OB6 and Meris Mercury 7 Improv
Sequential OB6 and Shallow Water: Dying Robot Sounds
Sequential OB6 Ambient with Shallow Water and ADG1
Sequential OB6 Fairy Fountain
Oberheim OB6 Notch Filter Exploration with ADG-1 and Mercury7
Oberheim OB6 Ambient with Arpeggiator and Mercury 7
Sequential OB6 and Meris Mercury 7 Improv
Sequential OB6 and Shallow Water: Dying Robot Sounds
Sequential OB6 Ambient with Shallow Water and ADG1
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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