MATRIXSYNTH: Bleep Labs Introduces The Delaydelus Sampler and Delay Instrument

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Bleep Labs Introduces The Delaydelus Sampler and Delay Instrument

Uploaded on May 31, 2015 Bleep Labs

Limited edition available now for pre-order.
Orders will close July 2nd.

via Bleep Labs

"The Delaydelus is a sampler with a built in delay.

Each pin is a sample. The buttons are used to trigger whatever pin is connected to that buttons pin.
For example if the first pin, P1, is connected with the alligator clip wire to pin “A”, the A button on the left will play that sample.
If P1 is connected to P2 and A1 then the A button will play both samples at the same time.

Up to four samples can be triggered at once.

Pitch is adjusted with the knob on the left. When it’s at 12 o’clock the sample pays back at normal speed. As you go counter-clockwise from there the playback will go slower until it starts going in reverse.
Turning the knob clockwise from the center will increase the playback rate.

It’s powered by a 9v battery that’s inserted from the side.
The audio input and output are 1/8″ mono.
– Eight samples designed by Daedelus
– Over a minute of total sample memory
– Beautifully crunchy 12bit, 30kHz audio
– One second delay
– Combine four samples at a time with the unique patch bay
– Through mode to use the delay with an external source
– Sample audio or use it to trigger or modulate
– Optional USB adapter allows you you control the device with MIDI as well as reprogram it
– More info and videos in the user guide

The internal delay is controlled with two knobs.
The middle knob controls how long the delay is, from just a few microseconds at full clockwise to about a second at full counter-clockwise.
The feedback amount is controlled by the right knob. When the knob is all the way counter-clockwise the delay is off. As you turn clockwise the feedback increases. At 3 o’clock the feedback is infinite. Past that it’s amplified and starts to go crazy.

The mode button steps through the four modes, indicated by the color of the LED in the middle, in this order:

Blue Mode – Play
This is the default mode the device starts with when turned on. Connect a sample pin to a button pin to play that sample.
Hold shift and hit a button to lock a button and keep the sample looping. Hit shift or the button again to stop it.

Green Mode – Mod
This mode can be used to trigger and amplitude modulate the samples. Hit shift to toggle between the two methods.
In trigger mode the samples connected to the A pin are played whenever the input audio is peaking.
In AM mode the input signal is combined with all samples being played.

Red Mode- Record

This is how you record your own samples. You will not be overwriting a default sample, just replacing it on the selected pin.

Step 1 -
Select the pin you’d like to record to by connecting it to the A pin. Remove all other wires.

Step 2 -
Hold the shift button down for 1 second. The light will begin to blink yellow.
This is warning you that you are about to erase the existing user sample on this pin. (The default Daedelus sample cannot be erased).
Release the shift button and press it again to erase this pin and ready it for recording.

Step 3 -
You will now hear the audio from the input jack. The left most knob will control its volume.
Hold the A button down to record up to 4 seconds of audio.
When you let go the device will go back to blue play mode and the sample will be on that pin.

Revert -
To switch back and forth between the Daedelus and user sample on any pin:
1 – Go to record mode
2 – Select it by connecting the pin to A
3 – Hold down both the A and B buttons for 2 seconds.

The device will go back to play mode and the default sample will be selected. Do this again to go back to the user sample.

Purple mode- Through
In this mode the samples will not be accessible but the audio coming into the device will be affected by the delay.
By default the input audio will be muted when you hit the left button. You can change this to the opposite by pressing the shift button.
The left knob controls input amplitude.

See the green mode video above for usage instructions.

P1 – Kick
P2 – Clap
P3 – “Oooh”
P4 – “Beats”
P5 – Bed Spring
P6 – Lion
P7 – Ray Gun
P8 – Air Horn

The Delaydelus was designed using the Teensy 3.1 and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE with our USB adapter. All you need to do is install the Teesnyduino and select Teesny 3.1 as your target board.

You can find the code and schematics here.

You can also use the USB adapter to send MIDI data to the device (implementation info below).

MIDI implementation
USB MIDI can be added with the USB adapter.
Note Number – Action
31 to 38 – Trigger Pin 1-8
CC10 – Pitch
CC11 – Delay length
CC12 – Delay feedback"

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