MATRIXSYNTH: Oval - The First Digital HandPan Now on Kickstarter

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Oval - The First Digital HandPan Now on Kickstarter

Published on Jun 1, 2015 Oval Sound

"Oval is a percussion platform which allow you to play music / Learn music / Perform music."

Back in June of last year we saw the first peek of Oval, a new electronic instrument by Ovalsound based on the HandPan. Ovalsound has written in to let us know they are now on Kickstarter. Click through for full details on the campaign. The following are some details on instrument and Ovalsound:

"Inspired by the HandPans family of acoustic instruments, the Oval provides total freedom to create sounds and it's a tool geared towards music learning and performing.

There are more ways of enjoying music besides listening. You are never too old or too young to experience the awesome feeling of playing an instrument and creating music. We believe that learning music should be fun and that you can play an instrument right away. The Oval speeds up your music learning curve, leveraging the power of technology, gaming and sharing with others.

Ovalsound was founded in 2014 by Ravid Goldschmidt and Alex Posada in Barcelona (Spain), to provide everyone with the opportunity to find a way to express themselves musically, pushing the boundaries of traditional music to new ways of interaction.

Most traditional instruments are linear, think of a guitar, a flute or a violin. The handpan is meant to be performed in circles. The interface doesn't have a beginning or an end, so you can join musical notes together in a fluid way. The notes have a radial position and are equidistant from the Ding, the central note that sets the tone of the scale. No matter how you play, you are able to perform beautiful melodies every time.

The Oval takes the design, ergonomics and musical qualities of the handpans as an inspiration to create an electronic instrument that can be as simple for a beginner to start exploring music as a means of expression, and as complex as a professional musician wants to make it, as it allows to change sounds and scales, layer samples, real time looping and go wherever the imagination takes you.

* The Oval is ergonomically designed and can be played in many ways. Highly sensitive, intuitive, easy , durable and (children-proof) resistant!
* The external case is made of Solid Surface composed by natural materials --minerals like bauxite, marble and quartz--, natural resins and acrylic.
* Carefully designed, the Oval is light, portable, durable, minimal, simple and energetically self-sufficient.
* Easy as a backpack, you can get an additional case beautifully made of wood to take it comfortably anywhere you want and never leaving your Oval at home.
* Designed, engineered and made with care in Barcelona.


1 comment:

  1. The Oval is such a nice and innovative controller. If around Barcelona this June there will be two opportunities to check the Oval: Dorkbot Barcelona and Sonar.


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