MATRIXSYNTH: Patchwerks Seattle Synth Meet August 2016 Pics

Monday, August 22, 2016

Patchwerks Seattle Synth Meet August 2016 Pics

Patchwerks Seattle Synth Meet August 2016

Above are a few pics I took at the event. It's a Flickr slide show, so mouse over for the controls. As always it was a great event filled with synth enthusiasts. Huge thanks to Patchwerks and Melrose Market Studios for hosting.

Some highlights this time around included some great talks from MØFFENZEEF Modular, Syntegrator representing KiwiTechnics & Vyzor, and Korg. Also present were Scott Jaeger of Industrial Music Electronics, Joe Grisso of Detachment 3 Engineering & STG, with an Archangel sequencer and expander and 5U system, George Mattson of Mattson Mini Modular, Synthrotek and DinSync. On the hardware front, aside from various eurorack and 5U systems, there was a small Bugbrand modular, a new Minimoog Model D, Mother 32 & a Brother From Another Mother, a DSI Prophet 12, an EML 100, MFB Dominion 1, and more as you can see in the pics. A cool surprise was that Theremin World was also present. The best part of events like these of course are meeting likeminded people, familiar faces, and people you only knew online prior to the event. To everyone I met that complimented my work on the site, thank you for the support! It is appreciated.

Be sure to see the Patchwerks channel for previous posts for this event as well as the one back in April.

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