MATRIXSYNTH: BURG - norwalkers (blofeld, volca, monologue, MI rings, braids, octone)

Sunday, September 17, 2017

BURG - norwalkers (blofeld, volca, monologue, MI rings, braids, octone)

Published on Sep 17, 2017 ollilaboratories

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Waldorf Blofeld is in the house! :)

As some of you know I purchased the Blofeld while traveling in Europe on vacation and I have been dying to get a jam done since I came back home... on this premiere jam it does a sort of a gritty/brassy lead with some added messed up modulation using the pitch bend and modulation wheel. I am pairing it up with the big guns, eventide space and Strymon timeline for some ICE shimmer delay in the timeline + a smooth hall reverb in the space.

The track has a lot of stuff going on, TR8 in double speed, volca bass does the main bass with a monologue 14 step polyrhythm pattern on top being fed with some high overtone melodies from the volca fm (in a 16 step pattern) for that stabby chord effect.

The modular is doing an 8 step round robin on the octone with rings + braids is being controlled by the beatstep in a 12 step pattern... the braids has dual filters, HPF and LPF modulated by some LFOs and an envelope style curve in the maths which is triggered by random using the 2hp Turing machine.

The polyrhythms help to give a lot of space in between melodies since they create a lot of variation, e.g allows for smooth transitions.

Elektron A4 fills in with some sequences and percussion and it is also controlling the 0-coast via CV (which is not really visible under the monologue). The majority of the sequences and percussion in the analog four has conditional triggers set which adds complexity and variation to the beats.

All in all, a fun track to make with the new setup, even though I no longer have the system-1, tb-3, erebus.. it is a bit different when prepping everything with the waldorf being broken into the workflow :) but, still good fun! I do miss the bubbly TB-303 style sounds though, and I have a plan to replace that in the future, so do not despair! :)

Hope you can enjoy it!

Gear used: blofeld, NLA1, reface CP, ms-20, monologue, volca bass x2, fm, keys, elektron A4, TR8, 0-coast

Current modular rack:

FX, strymon timeline + eventide space (blofeld), el capistan (ms-20), catalinbread CSIDMAN, red panda particle, bluesky (reface CP). Zoom ms-70 CDR, keys + bass, EQD transmisser, space spiral, keeley caverns, RE-20 (modular)."

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