MATRIXSYNTH: tobon projektb synth demos

Sunday, April 08, 2018

tobon projektb synth demos

Published on Jan 2, 2017 tobon projektb

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1. Improwizacja nr 1 Novation Bass Station 2 + Vox Delay Lab
Totalna improwizacja.NBS2 , zabawa3 pokrętłami i Vox Delay Lab. Nagrane na Kristal.
2. Nr.2. DSI Tempest + Jomox Moonwind + EHX Cathedral + Sherman Filterbank 2.
Dave Smith Instruments Tempest + Jomox Moonwind + EHX Cathedral + Sherman Filterbank 2. DSI Prophet 12 , Novation Bass Station 2 , Arturia Drumbrute , fx , sample. Pierwsza ''przygoda'' z Cool Edit Pro.
3. Nr.3. Roland System 1m.
Roland System-1m (dron - selfpatching).Sample.Cool Edit Pro.
4. Nr.4. DSI Prophet 12 + EHX Memory Man wirh Hazarai. Ambient.
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet12 , Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man wirh Hazarai , Adobe Audition 3.0.Głos ; Eartha Kitt
5. Nr.5. Roland TB-3 , MFB Dominion 1 . Sherman ,Waldorf , Dreadbox .
Roland TB-3 + Dreadbox Epsilon + Waldorf 2-Pole + Sherman Filterbank 2 .MFB Dominion1 , Behringer Virtualizer Pro , Alesis Microverb 4
6. NR.6. Zoom 234 + Sherman Fiilterbank 2 , DSI Prophet 12
Zoom 234 + Sherman Fiilterbank 2 , DSI Prophet 12.Skrzypce - Eric Serra ''Noon'' - ''Leon'' soundtrack.
7. Nr.7. Waldorf Rack Attack - demo.
Waldorf Rack Attack demo ''fabryczne''.
8. Nr.8. Waldorf Rack Attack - demo 2 + reverse.
Waldorf Rack Attack demo brzmień fabycznych od P06 do P12.Później te same dźwięki , ale ''od tyłu''
9. Nr.9. Arturia Drumbrute + fx + Sherman Filterbank +Behringer Virtualizer Pro .
Arturia Drumbrute , Sherman Filterbank 2 , Behringer Virtualizer Pro [fuzz] , Novation Basstation 2 , Pigtronix Echolution.
10. Nr.10. MFB Dominion 1 , Sherman Filterbank 2 , DSI Prophet 12
Mfb Dominion1 , Sherman Filterbank2 [dron], Dave Smith Instruments Prophet12 , EHX Memory Man w/Hazarai , EHX Cathedral.
11. Nr..11.Sherman Filterbank 2 madness - self processing .
12. Nr..12.Sherman Filterbank 2 madness2 - self processing .
13. Nr.13. MFB Dominion 1 + Vox DelayLab + EHX Freeze.
MFB Dominion 1 + Vox DelayLab + EHX Freeze.
14. 14.Jomox MoonWind + DSI Tempest - madness.
Jomox Moonwind , DSI Tempest.

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