MATRIXSYNTH: BugBrand SynthVoice 2Frame & Upcoming Performances by Tom Bugs

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

BugBrand SynthVoice 2Frame & Upcoming Performances by Tom Bugs

via the BugBrand mailing list:

"I have made up four 2Frame beginner setups with room for expansion - a perfect portable bug starter!

On the top row are the traditional SynthVoice building blocks.

Below are a Joystick/Touch and a Dual Digital Shift Register (DDSR) along with 6 blank spaces for your own twist.
You *could* fill these spaces up now, but I'd suggest awaiting the new bits coming over the next months!

These come in at £2000 with a free Regular Banana Pack - VAT (where applicable) and shipping extra.
They are not going online - email me back direct!

I can actually quite often make up systems along these sorts of lines, so you don't necessarily need to wait for mailouts..

It is worth highlighting, as I consider how to revamp the website (tidying the old, clarifying the new), the ongoing expansion possibilities for blue and/or red systems. Modules & Frames do not show up as 'in stock' on the website - instead you have to email me (somewhat flying in the face of modern convenience!) - but I've regularly had stock ready on the shelf of late. All current blues and reds can fit happily into the Powered Frames and I can provide 'joiners' to take a 1Frame up to 2Frame.

As mentioned at the start of the year, there are more blue designs coming! A year ago I had thought it would be in the form of further pre-configured setups, but this has decidedly morphed back into true modular building block ways.

If in doubt - ask!

*** *** *** *** ***
I am trying to move away from excessive plastic packaging / bubble-wrap. Small amounts will still be needed for specific uses (and I re-use packaging from parcels I receive where possible), but otherwise all packaging should be fully recyclable/re-usable going forwards. Please let me know how you find it - safe shipping clearly remains of utmost importance.

Two further shows!::

- Friday 3rd May - supporting kinoMANUAL / PinPark @ The Cube Cinema. Hopefully I will be accompanied by a live analogue modular video synthesist!

- Wednesday 29th May - Sound Cupboard @ The Crofters Rights

Finally, last year (which runs April->March) was indeed a stonking year - heartfelt thanks & joy to my lovely customers who make it all tick over, and to my fantastic assistant Jasmine.

Happy May Days!

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