MATRIXSYNTH: Dinsync Re-303 2019 Black

Monday, March 22, 2021

Dinsync Re-303 2019 Black

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"'It's not a clone, it's a replica!'

A clone is a hardware that is made differently, with different parts and technology (SMD, OpAmp etc.) than older devices, but should sound similar. And sometimes does not sound so similar. The RE-303 ist something different, it is a replica. That means (with few exceptions) the original parts are used and also the mounting technology. In consequence there is no manual, because you can use the original manual. from the internet :)

Creating such a replica is done in handwork, because the electronic factories use more modern technology mostly. In result the device sounds like an original TB-303, I can notice the phasey trippy deepness in it, while clones are a bit shallow. But you don't have to maintain a decades old device and everything is still robust and durable.

This piece is as far as one can get to a real TB-303 because it also uses a replica of the CPU. Not all DinSync RE-303 replicas do this. (It is a sunflowr/recpu that is a replica of the CPU firmware with the same usage. More original than other choices, also in the quirks.).

The color is black and the LEDs are green, the housing is made of metal.

I used it in almost every track, but times are hard for musicians these days.

You can hear it in action in my latest tracks. Almost all have it somewhere, if there's a 303 inside, it's this unit."
Modular Synth Techno (DinSync Re-303, AJH Minimod OSC, Minitaur, Xaoc Zadar, Waldorf NW1)

video by Pumping Alien

"Modular Synth Techno. No life jam, DAW arrangement.

Acid Cops by Pumping Alien.​

Modular eurorack:
Moog Minitaur (Million Machine March Eurorack DIY kit),
DinSync Re-303, AJH Minimod OSC, Minitaur, Xaoc Zadar, Waldorf NW1

Din Sync Re-303, Roland TB-303 replica.
Waldorf nw1
tortured by Xaoc Zadar for the crazy noises
Dub chords by AJH Minimod Oscillators (Amp/Filter/Env by Minitaur)
Bass by Minitaur, (recorded, doubled, warped one copy 1 oct. down)""

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