MATRIXSYNTH: Translucent

Friday, December 03, 2021


video upload by Martin Peters

"Sometimes I get a melody or sequence line in my head and I record it humming in my iPhone. And sometimes I program that in the Cirklon. Most of the time it appears that it hasn't got the potential that I thought it would have. Then I start changing bits and then all of the sudden I think it is going somewhere. That's how this track was born and recorded in about 2 hours.

The track starts with sequences from the 4ms Ensemble Oscillator, the Tom Oberheim SEM and the Modular doing the bass-line with some randomness. After that a sequence on the DSI Mopho is added. An FM-like tone from the Waldorf Q Keyboard is used for the melody followed by the Roland JD-800 for some Fairlight-like chords. After that the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator doubles the sequence from the 4ms Ensemble Oscillator.The track is recorded live on the X-Live SD card of the Behringer X32 Compact and mixed afterwards in Studio One.

You can download the track on Bandcamp:"

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