video upload by hinick
trkr_Trm is a new 64bit real-time tracker/groovebox that runs on the Linux.
The following are some details in via the creator, hi_nick aka hihihihinick.
"The device is implicitly designed for hosting Renoise, but as shown can be used for many other ARM64 based programs. Even the well loved headless M8 tracker. I wanted to make something that was just as fun and musically useful as some of the other retail offerings but following the tenants of open source hardware and software so anyone can roll their own. The demo is of the v1 t prototype, and there is still much to be done, but at present, I'm up to prototype v3. The focus presently is completion of the design for the main board which will serve as a carrier for Raspberry Pi compute modules, or offerings from other companies that use the compute module form factor. This carrier board ideally could be used for other purposes than the trkr_Trm, that require audio i/o, and modular connections to peripheral devices.
The goal is to have everything, including build guides, hardware, and software repositories live upon completion of a crowd funding campaign. Pre-built units for those who just want to 'get to cookin' will be available if all goes to plan during and post funding."
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