Showing posts with label Beep Boop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beep Boop. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024

Beep Booping Tape Scrubber Module!

video upload by True Cuckoo

uTape Scrubber #001 test

video upload by Beepboop Electronics

See previous posts for Superbooth 2023 demos of the uTape.

via Beep Boop Electronics

"I present the LOFI uTape Scrubber….. based around modified dictaphone including the same replay and AC record circuits used in the upcoming 1U Taperack system!

The uTape scrubber module is easy to set up, use and maintain so requires no previous experience with tape or tape loops unlike the 1U taperack system which will be best suited to people with experience working with tape.

The Bi-directonal motor driver circuit I have designed is a huge improvement over the standard dictaphone motor driver circuit making it possible to scrub the tape back and forth with a single control knob or a Biploar CV signal.

The Pitch knob is used for fine tune control of tape speed, the range of the speed will depend upon the direction/range control.

The direction / range control knob can be used to choose the direction of the tape movement and the range of the overall pitch.

The Pitch CV control knob is an attenuator for the CV input.

The CV input works well with +/- 5V CV signals but for extreme speeds and scrubbing use +/- 10V.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Superbooth 2023: BeepBoop - Tape Rack - Cassette Tape SOS Recorder In Eurorack

video upload by sonicstate

"We spoke to Monojack from Beepboop at Superbooth 2023 about his new customizable tape machine Tape Rack. The product is 8 days old, surely the newest thing at Superbooth this year, and is the result of Monojack's obsession with experimenting with sound by experiencing it in the moment, rather than judging it. The idea of Tape Rack is to design your own custom tape machine using different parts and arranging them in your own order to capture a moment in time, use it as a delay, or a sound-on-sound recording device. During the interview, Monojack demonstrated the versatility of Tape Rack by adding different modules and effects, creating unique sounds.

More Info:"

Superbooth23: Beepboop Tape Loop/ Delay

video upload by Polykit

"Impressions from Superbooth 2023 - Beepboop Tape Loop/ Delay."

Friday, January 13, 2023

Eurorack low pass gates - session 5 (ish)

video upload by John Schussler

Note this is the first post to feature BeepBoop.

"I can't stop collecting low pass gates. There's GAS, and then there's LPG GAS. Don't know what the deal is there.

Here's the latest batch. Most of them are small and passive, but some are bigger and powered and covered in knobs and sliders and stuff. So it's really a sound comparison, not a full module comparison.

Sound source: Befaco Pony square wave. Sequencer: Stochastic IG.
No envelopes, just gates out of the SIG.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Agogo
00:48 BeepBoop v1
02:32 BeepBoop v2
04:05 kNoB
05:18 Abyss
06:49 Herzlich
09:29 EAR
12:38 SSF
16:16 Rabid Elephant
19:11 EAR plus attenuator
20:57 Fast gates w/atten"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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