Showing posts with label PSP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSP. Show all posts
Monday, February 02, 2009
PSPSeq 3.01 tutorial part 26 - the KS generator
YouTube via pspseq.
More vids here.
"this is part 18 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll learn about the KS generator which is an enhanced karplus strong plucked string synthesizer for creating melodic and noisy sounds."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
First lgpt run on PSP
YouTube via discodirt
"Started porting the piggy on Saturday. It's now Monday evening (after a day's work)... and bingo !!!!!"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
PSPSeq 3.01 tutorial part 16 - editing synths, part 1
YouTube via pspseq
"this is part 15 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll learn about the basics of changing synthesizer parameters via the EDIT SYNTH menu."
PSP Rhythm
YouTube via Xolin11. If the first video doesn't play, forward to the next one.
As the title suggests, these are PSP Rhythm tracks.
"PSP Rhythm is the homebrew audio sequencer for the Sony Playstation Portable.
RHYTHM is an audio sequencer for the Sony PSP (Playstation Portable).
RHYTHM was created to entertain and inspire the end user (producer) by allowing the user to create music with a high level of artistic freedom.
RHYTHM is a single player game where the user organizes sounds into rhythmic and melodic patterns, and then organizes the patterns into complete, exportable songs. Up to 16 sounds can be simultaneously sequenced with a precise degree of control in up to 64 patterns. These patterns can then be arranged into a song which can consist of up to 999 song steps. The user can then export the completed song as CD quality PCM wave files.
The heart of RHYTHM is its sample based audio engine aptly named the RHYTHM ENGINE. The RHYTHM ENGINE enables the user to chop, pitch-shift, time-stretch, and effect digital audio files.
The graphic user interface (GUI) is designed to be a highly efficient visual aid to the creative process of producing electronic music. RHYTHM clearly displays the basic building blocks of audio sequencing, musical notation, sound editing, effects processing, and song arrangement in a well defined and organized manner. The GUI is easy to navigate while still providing detailed information and control over the user�s music.
RHYTHM uses four pattern mode views (PATTERN, TRACK, WAVE, & EFFECTS) and one song mode view (SONG) to display all song information. Each view has similar control and data input. Each view displays a specific type of information. PATTERN VIEW displays an overview of each pattern. TRACK VIEW displays sound specific pitch information. WAVE VIEW displays sound specific sample information. EFFECTS VIEW displays an overview of the effects applied to each sound.
The control scheme and button implementation is designed to be simple and easy to understand. Button functions are intuitive and require little guidance to learn. Control functionality is consistent throughout each view.
RHYTHM's simple and intuitive interface gives the user access to an otherwise complex music process. Producing music is streamlined which keeps creative ideas flowing instead of being interrupted by a bombardment of programming features and a cascade of menus and sub-menus. With beat templates and instrument sequences, RHYTHM will instantly bring out the music producer in everyone."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
PSPSeq 3.01 tutorial Part 1-6
YouTube via pspseq
"this is part 1 of a tutorial on how to make music with PSPSeq. this part of the tutorial covers the very basic concepts as well as how to install custom firmware on your PSP so you can run PSPSeq. if you already have PSPSeq installed or are familiar with homebrew, there's no need to watch this tutorial."
"this is part 2 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll find out how to:
- move around the step sequencer
- trigger and untrigger notes
- set the trigger probability and volume at various steps in a loop
- a bit about some of the generators and fx in PSPSeq"
"this is part 3 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll find out how to:
- set track volume
- set panning for a single step and all steps in a loop
- mute/solo tracks
- modify synth parameters from the step sequencer"
"this is part 4 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll find out how:
- synthesis parameters are copied from step to step
- how to use copy and paste in the step sequencer
- how to set a control-only step
- how to quick access the menu system
- how to move between loops in the step sequencer"
"this is part 5 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll learn about the text on the bottom of the screen and how to access and use the transport."
"this is part 6 of the PSPSeq tutorials. in here you'll learn how to use the menu system, start a new song, and how to load and play a song in PSPSeq."
Thursday, December 04, 2008
CDM Blip Festival Meet Up
For those of you lucky enough to be in New York this weekend, Create Digital Music will have a meet up at this years Blip Festival. You can find more info on CDM.
Nice shot(s) Peter. :)
bottom flickr by hsuyo
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
PSPSeq 3.00 demo - probabilistic sequencing for drum & bass
"this is a tutorial on how to use the probabilistic sequencing feature within PSPSeq 3.00 to create automatically changing drum loops. the video was recorded by ethan, the creator of PSPSeq. the SEQ used in the demo can be downloaded at:
additional information on PSPSeq can be found in the following places:"
Monday, July 14, 2008
PSPSeq 3.0 Released
"PSPSeq is a free homebrew application for composing music on the Sony PSP handheld game system. PSPSeq contains both realtime synthesis and sample playback capability, along with multiple FX modules of widely varying types for modifying instruments in countless ways. PSPSeq also has a powerful and unique step sequencer for triggering samples and arranging loops into full songs.
Key features of PSPSeq:
- up to 16 independent audio tracks per song
- a wide variety of synthesizers from traditional virtual analog and FM to Karplus-Strong
and unique digital oscillators with parameter controls rarely seen in commercial synths
- WAV file playback with looping, pitch shift, and configurable start/end points
- many FX algorithms from digital filters and waveshapers to bitmasks and decimation
- all synthesizer parameters can be set to unique values on a per-step basis
- step sequencer with configurable step length, swing, highly accurate BPM, and tap tempo
- probabilistic sequencing: the decision to retrigger to be based on a 0-100% probability
rather than a boolean yes/no operation
- song sequencing with 100 different loops per song, 1000 measures per song, and loop
repeat capability
- load and save of synthesizer presets between songs
- record loops and songs to WAV"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rhythm 8.0 Commercial
YouTube via rconlives
"Rhythm version 8.0 Free Homebrew Drum Machine Synthesizer for the PSP!"
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What they Do...
YouTube via sanhozeezee.
Traxxpad on PSP.
"For all the Roots fans... Shout out to Quest Love. My rendition of one of their hits."
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
PSP Traxxpad and roland SH-1000 jam part 2
YouTube via filtersweeperVCO.
"Simple sample based loop created on the PSP Traxxpad game, with 8' saw wave(I think) emmitted from Roland SH 1000 played over top and through a delay effect."
Friday, October 05, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Traxxpad trailer
YouTube via alliah08.
"Traxxpad blends the power of sequencers, drum machines, and keyboards while simultaneously making the equipment easy to use and accessible, allowing anyone to create, mix and sample their own tracks at home or on-the-go." Title link takes you to more vids. Update: more info will go up here.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
PSPSeq 2.10
Remember PSPSeq? Version 2.0 is out. Title link takes you to the download and samples.
"PSPSeq is a free homebrew application for composing music on the Sony PSP handheld game system. PSPSeq contains both realtime synthesis and sample playback capability, along with multiple FX modules of widely varying types for modifying instruments in countless ways. PSPSeq also has a powerful and unique step sequencer for triggering samples and arranging loops into full songs.
Key features of PSPSeq:
- up to 16 independent audio tracks per song
- a wide variety of synthesizers from traditional virtual analog and FM to Karplus-Strong
and unique digital oscillators with parameter controls rarely seen in commercial synths
- WAV file playback with looping, pitch shift, and configurable start/end points
- many FX algorithms from digital filters and waveshapers to bitmasks and decimation
- all synthesizer parameters can be set to unique values on a per-step basis
- step sequencer with configurable step length, swing, highly accurate BPM, and tap tempo
- probabilistic sequencing: the decision to retrigger to be based on a 0-100% probability
rather than a boolean yes/no operation
- song sequencing with 100 different loops per song, 1000 measures per song, and loop
repeat capability
- record loops and songs to WAV
Some of the improvements over PSPSeq 2.01 include:
- automated interpolation of synthesis parameters
- more track copying options to simplify and speed composing music
- instant solo/unmute of all tracks and removal of hits in a track
- copy/paste synthesis parameters in step sequencer
- automated shifting of hits in a track for easy echo effects and arpeggiation
- ability to record to ms0:/PSP/MUSIC directory for playback outside of PSPSeq
- more visualization modes and new visualization controls
- access to time, battery life and available flash memory within PSPSeq
- new features for using PSPSeq in live environments
- optimized WAV file playback
- other minor bug fixes and optimizations to screen and audio rendering
- many new sample songs and loops
PSPSeq 2.10 can be downloaded here.
The PSPSeq user's forum is located here. Additional information can be found in the readme and documentation contained in the zip."
Friday, April 06, 2007
PSP RHYTHM 7.1 Released
"PSP Rhythm is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. Its features include sample playback, sample manipulation, wave synthesizers, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger.
PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.
Major Improvements for version 7.1:
- Pattern Sample Playback (Loop)
- Export Song by Audio Track
- Improved Graphics
- Improved Audio Engine
- Improved Rendering to Wave File
- Bug fixes
The PSP Rhythm Development Team"
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
Rhythm 7.1 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Friday, December 22, 2006
PSP Rhythm 7.0
"The homebrew audio sequencer for the PSP has beed released just in time for the holidays. PSP Rhythm 7.0 is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. PSP Rhythm features include sample playback, sample manipulation, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger. PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.
Major Improvements for version 7.0:
- Wave Table Synthesizer (with user defined oscillator)
- Sample Volume Envelope
- Improved Audio Engine
- Song files have replaced bank files
- Improved file user interface
Thank you!
The PSP Rhythm Development Team" Some direct links:
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
User Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Rhythm 7.0 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
Previous Posts
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
PSP Ryhthm 6.0 is Out
Remember PSPRyhthm? Version 6.0 is out and there is a contest for a 1G Sandisk Pro Duo memory stick. Details below.
- New user interface with programming grid, graphical knobs for parameters, oscilloscope.
- Sample Loading from Pattern Mode with up to 1000 sample folders with 1000 samples each.
- New skin format and support for up to 1000 skins.
- Mute/Solo function.
- Export Pattern and load it back as a sample.
- Bass Line synth reprogrammed.
- Time Stretch Effect.
- High Pass Filter Effect.
- Lots of bug fixes and performance enhancements.
PSP Rhythm is having a song contest and the top 3 song entries will win a 1gb SanDisk Pro Duo memory stick.
Contest Rules:
1. Your song must be created with PSP Rhythm 6.0.
2. You can submit as many songs as you like but can only win one prize.
3. You must include your samples and bank file.
Bonus Points:
1. Using Effects
2. Using the Bass Line Synthesizer
3. Using Extended Mode
Submit your song to rconlives[] before August 31st.
In our effort to give back to the PSP homebrew community we are using all the donations received for our project to sponsor this contest.
Good Luck!!!
Louie and Billy Iturzaeta
Monday, June 26, 2006
Oldstyle Evolver
Title link takes you to a 4.22M mp3 of the Poly Evolver by Stefan Trippler.
"I listened to the great CD collection "Synthesizer von Gestern" again, lend
some chords and structure from Ralf Weber and tried to make a track in a
similar style with Poly Evolver sounds.
Here is the result:
Oldstyle Evolver
Some softer sounds again. I won't ever be able to produce a reasonable
mixing quality, but anyway, I think it is good enough to get an impression
of the Evolver sound character. Btw I didn't try to imitate the sounds from
the original track too close, would habe been too much work, if possible at
All sounds from the Poly Evolver, PSP Easy Verb, some delays and compressors
from Cubase"
Via AH.
"I listened to the great CD collection "Synthesizer von Gestern" again, lend
some chords and structure from Ralf Weber and tried to make a track in a
similar style with Poly Evolver sounds.
Here is the result:
Oldstyle Evolver
Some softer sounds again. I won't ever be able to produce a reasonable
mixing quality, but anyway, I think it is good enough to get an impression
of the Evolver sound character. Btw I didn't try to imitate the sounds from
the original track too close, would habe been too much work, if possible at
All sounds from the Poly Evolver, PSP Easy Verb, some delays and compressors
from Cubase"
Via AH.
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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