Showing posts with label SynthCone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SynthCone. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2024

PicoCore micro sampler w/ faceplate

video upload by SynthCone

Follow-up to this post.


"Work is in full swing, a lot of interesting things have accumulated. I really want to tell you about everything. I haven't done online broadcasts for a long time and I think it's time...
As soon as the autumn social phobia goes away (the doctor said next week), I invite you to a stream from the workshop. Write in the comments what you would like to know, and for now I will dive back into the bustle of work.

PicoCore - almost ready to appear in full attire, but for now a couple of small tests for you to listen to))

There are 15 places left out of 20 for pre-order
Price: 6000 rubles
Prepayment 100%
Readiness beginning of December.

Have a nice weekend and good mood everyone🙏

There was noise in the beginning..."

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


video upload by SynthCone

"поток ломаных ритмов из PicoCore."


"a stream of broken rhythms from PicoCore."

Monday, June 24, 2024

AntiFon - stereo crusher by SynthCone

video upload by SynthCone

"АнтиФон - стерео крашер
Краткий обзор... Желательно слушать в наушниках🎧

Был сделан по спец заказу для творческого объединения АнтиФон

В качестве входящего сигнала использовал Arturia MicroBrut и немного бас гитары.
Управляющий сигнал брал LFO с MicroBrut"


"AntiFon - stereo crusher
Brief review... It is advisable to listen with headphones🎧

Made by special order for the creative association AntiFon

As an input signal I used Arturia MicroBrut and a little bass guitar.
The control signal was taken from the LFO from MicroBrut"

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

SynthCone Pelengator FX

video upload by SynthCone

Wednesday, April 03, 2024


video upload by SynthCone

"Работа над синтезатором TREEETON почти завершилась.
Поднастроил резонанс у фильтра, теперь он свистит и булькает)
Установил midi usb вход, в будущем переделаю на 5din
Кнобы пока ято решил оставить такие, т. к. делать свои не позволяют финансы и время.

Видео с примером звучания. В начале продемонстрированная работа фильтра. Дальше было подключенно midi gate трицератопс вторую огибайку, а она модулирует фильтр.

Для пред заказа осталось 2 аппарата по 20.000₽ После цена поднимется до 25тр"


"Work on the TREEETON synthesizer is almost complete.
I adjusted the resonance of the filter, now it whistles and gurgles)
I installed a midi usb input, in the future I will convert it to 5din
For now, I decided to leave the knobs like this, because finances and time do not allow me to make my own.

Video with sound example. First, the operation of the filter is demonstrated. Next, the midi gate triceratops was connected to the second envelope, and it modulates the filter.

For pre-order there are 2 devices left for 20.000₽ After that the price will rise to 25tr"

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

TREEETON by SynthCone

video upload by SynthCone

"Прототип синтезатора TREEETON готов!!!
Осталось упаковать его в коробочку, подправить переднюю панель и немного настроить.
На борту
VCO 3шт
- 2 формы волны (pulse, saw)
-ручки грубой и тонкой настройки
-вход для FM модуляции
Огибающая 2шт
-gate in
MIDI usb вход
cv & gate выходы'


"The prototype of the TREEETON synthesizer is ready!!!
All that remains is to pack it in a box, correct the front panel and tweak it a little.
On board
VCO 3 pcs
- 2 waveforms (pulse, saw)
- coarse and fine tuning knobs
-input for FM modulation
Envelope 2 pcs
-gate in
MIDI usb input
cv & gate outputs'

Thursday, January 25, 2024

BREEZE - Терапевтический синтезатор на основе пяти разных генераторов шума

video upload by SynthCone


"BREEZE - A therapeutic synthesizer based on five different noise generators.
The gentle crackling of electrical charges or the burning of dry logs in a fire. Light wind or storm. Warm sea surf or powerful waterfall. Breeze can be different...
Video with sound examples.
Listening with headphones is recommended to achieve a therapeutic effect and a deeper understanding of the synthesizer."

"BREEZE - Терапевтический синтезатор на основе пяти разных генераторов шума.
Нежные потрескивания электрических зарядов или горящие сухие поленья в костре. Легкий ветер или шторм. Теплый морской прибой или мощный водопад. Breeze может быть разным...
Видео с примерами звучания.
Рекомендуется прослушивание в наушниках, для достижения терапевтического эффекта и более глубокого понимания синтезатора.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions.



Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Обновленная LUNETTA (пример звучания)

video upload by SynthCone

"Обновленная LUNETTA, теперь с аналоговыми VCO и предварительно запатченная.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions."


Thursday, December 21, 2023

SynthCone GRANULATOR / Shift-Line ASTRONAUT V / Universe Zen Audio VOSKHOD-2 / Experimental Music

video upload by G I P N O Z E R

"You can understand the cosmos, but not yourself; the distance between a person and his inner self is sometimes greater than the distance to the stars.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton"

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

SynthCone PLANETOID / Shift-Line ASTRONAUT V / Red Panda PARTICLE / Experimental Music / by GIPNOZER

video upload by G I P N O Z E R

"Once upon a time, a talented cyborg lived on a distant lifeless planet. Cyborg possessed a special ability that allowed him to create noise and experimental sound devices. Thanks to this power, he was able to bring good to the universe.
The cyborg was from a distant planet and was sent to a distant planet by its creators. Its creators created it for a special mission: to bring happiness and peace to the universe.
The cyborg immediately got to work. He created sound devices that produced different types of noises and sounds. When he played the sounds, they brought life to the planet. The cyborg was able to create sounds that everyone could hear and enjoy, filling the planet with a beautiful and soothing atmosphere.
The cyborg had a special connection to the planet. He was able to feel the vibrations of the planet and knew exactly how to create harmony and peace. With the help of his sound devices, he was able to help the inhabitants of the planet connect with each other and create a more unified society.
Everyone loved and respected Cyborg. He was a source of inspiration to many, and everyone admired and appreciated his work. He was an example of how to bring peace and joy to a lifeless planet.
Cyborg continued his mission by creating sound devices capable of bringing goodness and life to the universe. Everyone has fallen in love with Cyborg, and his work will bring joy to the universe for many years to come.
. . .
Thanks to my friend and colleague Eugene Pixel for giving me a Canon 6R 4K camera for testing. In this regard, several videos will be in high resolution. Respect, my friend!!!"

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

STALKER тест с midi клавиатурой

video upload by SynthCone

"Тест обновленного синтезатора STALKER
Управление синтезатором при помощи midi клавиатуры через комп, играть на клавишах я не умел и не умею, так что представьте что это не я, а пьяный слесарь на детском утреннике в гаражном депо №10

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions.



Side Note: Stalker is a great film.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

SynthCone Planetoid

video upload by SynthCone

"Analogue synthesizer PLANETOID in use with my other synthesizers.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions."

Friday, August 25, 2023

SynthCone Planetoid & OmniPOP

video upload by SynthCone


SynthCone Astronaut

video upload by SynthCone

"Space immersion with Planetoid and Woodblock synths run through Shift Line's Astronaut effect."

Thursday, July 13, 2023

SynthCone Live set | SynthCone GRANULATOR + PLANETOID

video upload by SynthCone

"Small live set with new synthesizers PLANETOID and GRANULATOR. I also used a cassette player, radio receiver and PELENGATOR.

GRANALATOR is a digital synthesizer based on Arduino. I ordered the boards for another project, but it turned out to be not promising. As a result, having redone the board a little, it turned out OH!
Very similar to Woodblock, but all parameters can be controlled by CV. This makes him a great match for PLANETOIDy.

I did not plan to make it serially, so far there are 3 free boards for it.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website."


video upload by SynthCone

"GRANALATOR is a digital synthesizer based on Arduino. I ordered the boards for another project, but it turned out to be not promising. As a result, having redone the board a little, it turned out OH!
Very similar to Woodblock, but all parameters can be controlled by CV. This makes him a great match for PLANETOIDy.

I did not plan to make it serially, so far there are 3 free boards for it."

Friday, July 07, 2023

SynthCone Planetoid sync with drum machine

video upload by SynthCone

"Analog synthesizer PLANETOID.
2 VCOs
2 LFOs (3 waveforms)
Sequencer 8 steps.
Outputs LFO, Sync, CV in

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions."

Thursday, July 06, 2023

SynthCone Planetoid

video upload by SynthCone

"Analog synthesizer PLANETOID.

2 VCOs
2 LFOs (3 waveforms)
Sequencer 8 steps.
Outputs LFO, Sync, CV in

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website"

Mutabor by Synthcone - Synth & Effects Machine

video upload by SynthCone

via this auction

"Analog synthesizer with built-in echo and overdrive effects. Truly an evil and thorny beast, it will pump with a powerful drone and an icy wind piercing to the bones. Can be used as an effect to process the incoming signal.


- Oscillator with two waveforms (saw, rectangle).

- Low pass filter.

- LFO with three waveforms.

- White noise generator.

- Envelope Attack and Release, button for manual start of the envelope.

- Voltage controlled amplifier, Attack and Release knobs.

- Echo effect on PT2399 chip

- Overdrive with two modes Hi and Low (more / less treble)

- CV input for modulation of the oscillator.

- Plus two additional CV inputs installed using the "intuitive synth building" method

Power supply: 9 volts, 250-500mA, minus in the center.

- Dimensions: 280 x 155 x 50mm

- Weight: 820g. (without power supply)

Beautiful power supply included!"

Monday, June 19, 2023

SynthCone Splitter mini пример работы с CV сигналом

video upload by SynthCone

"Пример работы Splitter mini с CV сигналами.
Все происходит точно так же как с аудио сигналом. Во входы сплиттера подаются управляющие сигналы которые мы можем посылать в другие синтезаторы, деля и складывая эти сигналы. Можно управлять глубиной модуляции.
Аппарат получит своё достойное место в сетапе!!!

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions."

"An example of how Splitter mini works with CV signals.
Everything happens exactly the same as with the audio signal. The splitter inputs are fed with control signals that we can send to other synthesizers by dividing and adding these signals. You can control the modulation depth.
The device will get its rightful place in the setup!!!

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions."

Monday, May 08, 2023

SynthCone Live set

video upload by SynthCone

"In the setup: Pelengator, Woodblock, NoiseBox2, OmniPOP, Splitter, Shimer, Fuzz.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions.


Thursday, May 04, 2023

SynthCone Woodblock & Lunetta

video upload by SynthCone

"Random sequences and crystal sound from SynthCone.

Woodblock synthesizers are modulated by the Lunetta synthesizer. Then the sound is processed by the effects module in the Lunetta synthesizer.

You can buy all of these synths from the SynthCone store on the Boosty website. Write to me in all possible social networks, I will answer your questions.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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