Showing posts with label Tolaemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tolaemon. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Chiptune artist "Néboa" jamming with the 8 bit synth "Chiptune Master"
Published on Apr 20, 2016 Tolaemon
"The 8 bit artist "Néboa" palying with the third prototype of the 8 bit synth "Chiptune Master". Sorry if you hear some glitches, it is because I recorded It with my smartphone."
I haven't seen this one before. You can find previous post featuring Tolaemon via the label below.
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Nano SwinSIDb tutorial: how to build your own units of nano SwinSIDb
Published on Jul 25, 2015 Tolaemon
"As you know, SIDs are one of the most popular sound generators used in chiptune, but they are very dificult to find and expensive. I created a tutorial that explains how to build nano SwinSID from scratch. nano SwinSID is a clone of the SID dessigned by Swinkel"
"All the information and resources necessary to assembly your nano SwinSIDs is available at the site of this tutorial:
The information of Swinkels original SwinSID project is available at:
Soundtrack: Chiptune by Dubmood from the album "Lost Floppies Vol 2 (DATA027)":"
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Enhanced MIDI Controlled Tubular Bells

"The Enhanced Tubular Bells ( ETB ) are a MIDI controlled set of tubular bells I built in 2012. The instrument is composed of 12 chimes, each one with its own striker and damper to allow independent control of the notes, and can be used with any kind of device with MIDI output."
via where you'll find additional details and video.
Tolaemon also brought us the Synth Core B DIY Platform featured here (videos at the Barcelona synth event here).
Monday, January 09, 2012
Introducing the Synth Core B DIY Platform
via tolaemon where you'll find full details.
"Synth Core B is a simplified and improved revision of 'Synth Core A' the development platform I designed two years ago to create custom audio synths and music controllers. The aim of the platform is to provide all the basic resources to allow synths or controllers designers ( with C knowledge and some skills in electronics ) focusing on the application development, and relieve them from the more tedious low level design tasks. I made that revision to simplify the hardware of "Synth Core A", because it included some elements that raised the complexity and cost of the board and where not necessary at all ( in case they are, they can be connected and used through some of the I/O ports ).
So "Synth Core B" platform is a combination of hardware and software designed to develop music devices like controllers or synths and also to manage other more specialized audio devices ( DCOs, programmable audio ICs, hardware codecs ... ) , something like a generic development board focused to synths applications."
Monday, October 31, 2011
Barcelona Synth Event Videos by Hispasonic
Un paseo por la concentración de analógicos
YouTube Uploaded by Hispasonic on Oct 31, 2011
"Completamos nuestra cobertura de la concentración de analógicos del pasado 15 de octubre con un vistazo completo a los maravillosos sintes que se podían contemplar allí."
Googlish: "We completed our coverage of the concentration of analog on 15 October with a comprehensive look at the wonderful feeling that he could look there." sintes hechos en casa
Uploaded by Hispasonic on Oct 31, 2011
" es una asociación que promueve la construcción de instrumentos electrónicos por parte de los propios músicos. Diego de León, uno de sus responsables, presenta su sinte modular y habla de sus talleres y actividades."
Googlish: " is an association that promotes the construction of electronic instruments from the musicians themselves. Diego de Leon, one of its leaders, presents its modular synth and talks about her workshops and activities."
Los sintes de Tolaemon
YouTube Uploaded by Hispasonic on Oct 31, 2011
"Completamos nuestra cobertura de la concentración de analógicos del pasado 15 de octubre con un vistazo completo a los maravillosos sintes que se podían contemplar allí."
Googlish: "We completed our coverage of the concentration of analog on 15 October with a comprehensive look at the wonderful feeling that he could look there." sintes hechos en casa
Uploaded by Hispasonic on Oct 31, 2011
" es una asociación que promueve la construcción de instrumentos electrónicos por parte de los propios músicos. Diego de León, uno de sus responsables, presenta su sinte modular y habla de sus talleres y actividades."
Googlish: " is an association that promotes the construction of electronic instruments from the musicians themselves. Diego de Leon, one of its leaders, presents its modular synth and talks about her workshops and activities."
Los sintes de Tolaemon
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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