Showing posts with label UAFX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UAFX. Show all posts

Saturday, September 07, 2024

114 / Falling Leaves / Matriarch & OB06 / Ambient Improvisation

video upload by Matthew Lowes

"Live-played ambient improv with the Moog Matriarch and Oberheim OB-6.

#Moog #Matriarch #Improvisation #Oberheim #OB-6 #Mercury7 #Meris

Moog Matriarch
Oberheim OB-6
Meris Mercury 7
Strymon Deco
Strymon Volante
UA Golden

A sequence runs on the Matriarch with a patch that adds random accents by periodically triggering an envelope with sample and hold. This adds a sense of extra notes or an extra voice. The lead sound is a tape-warbly keys patch on the OB-6. I love this patch as it just drips with nostalgia and introspection. The main reverb heard is both synths running through the Mercury 7 and then UA Golden is on a send from the main mixer.

*Thanks to Nicky Pe for the beautiful video clip.

*The title is an homage to a poem by Basho. He had spent a few nights at a monastery while traveling. When he left, having no money to give to the monks, he wrote this poem:

Sweep the garden --
All Kindesses,
Falling willow leaves repay.

Everything is recorded live and direct with no post production aside from normalization and limiting.

Matthew Lowes"

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Walrus Meraki / Strymon Brig / UA starlight comparison (Real analog vs emulated delays)

video upload by Yuki The Synth Dragon

"I compare some delays using the Take 5 from Sequential as my synth of choice. I had to re-upload, the original video had a panning issue on the audio as I forgot to hard pan the left channel."

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Universal Audio UAFX Galaxy Sound Demo (no talking) with SH-01a and MEGAfm Synthesizer

video upload by Limbic Bits

▶ Book "Electronic Music Production":

0:00 FM Dub Stab
2:44 Mellow Lead
4:31 Metallic Percussion
5:43 Boarder Pad (SH-01a ...)
8:05 Flirr Lead
8:53 Drone Pad
10:49 Analog Dub Stab
13:45 Sequencer Lead

Sunday, April 30, 2023

UAFX Del-Verb Ambience Companion Sound Demo (no talking) with Sequential OB-6

video upload by Bonedo Synthesizers

0:00 Intro Pad
1:24 Notch Sync Lead
2:04 Broad Pad
3:33 Coffee break at Precint 13
4:04 String Machine
6:08 Sell-Out Arp
7:02 Plucked Tiny Lead into experimental Delay mess

Saturday, April 22, 2023


video upload by Deep Synths

"A quick look at the new UAFX Galaxy delay pedal as I test it on my Prophet 5 Synthesizer. Testing in 3 tape head mode. Full review and comparison coming next!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Shockingly High Fidelity Ambience // UAFX Del-Verb

video upload by Jorb

0:00 Intro
2:20 Tape EP 3
7:54 Analog DMM
12:32 Time Stretching Tangent
14:00 Precision
17:06 Reverbs
18:35 Mobile App / New Voices
23:08 Rambling conclusion begins

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

UAFX Golden Reverb Demo No Talking (with Sequential Prophet X synth)

video upload by MKDVB

"Universal Audio UAFX Golden Reverb processes piano and string sounds from the Sequential Circuits Prophet X, both solo and in full track, no talking 🤐!"

Monday, July 04, 2022

GearFest UK 22: UAFX Pedals With Prophet 10

video upload by

"Embedded in a nice studio room in the Tileyard complex, UA had a low key setup showing a few of their choice items - including the the UAFX pedals - which we'd not seen before in the flesh.

Tom gave us a look and listen to the three FX processing pedals:

Golden - Reverb
Starlight - delay
Astra - modulation chorus

All three are true stereo with true bypass and have a pretty stylish look to them - priced at £349 each."

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Ambient Synth Jam w/ Chase Bliss Habit, Microcosm, Sequential Pro 3, Prophet X, UAFX pedals

video upload by MKDVB

"Epic ambient synth jam with Chase Bliss Habit pedal and Hologram Microcosm manipulating a single sequence via the Sequential Pro 3 and Prophet X via a mixer send/return channels. Normally I would not list the pedals before the synth but in this case, the Chase Bliss Habit pedal and Microcosm are really doing the heavy lifting in manipulating the sounds from the Prophet X and Pro 3, which is sequencing both synths with the same line. The Chase Bliss Habit really is a Song / Echo Collector capable of creating clouds of ambient synth jam goodness, like you hear here.

You can hear a resemblance of the original sequence around the 6 minute mark.

Generally speaking the Prophet X + Chase Bliss Habit pedal + UAFX pedals are playing the bassline and the Pro 3 + Microcosm the higher lines but using them in send /return with a mixer allows lots of flexibility so throughout the track, I would send different sources and even send the output of one into the other.

Sequential Pro 3 - original sequence, high melody line
Sequential Prophet X (sequenced by Pro 3) - bass line
Chase Bliss Habit pedal - transmogrification of original sequence

00:00 Pro 3 + Microcosm high notes / Prophet X + Habit + UAFX bass
02:45 Microcosm only drone into glitching out Pro 3 and Habit
04:17 Prophet X + Habit fade back in
05:41 Pro3 + Habit + UAFX only, with Prophet X looped in memory
06:00 Original sequence audible
07:00 Habit sequence transmogrification!
08:10 Microcosm shimmer added"

Monday, April 19, 2021

UAFX Golden Reverberator, Starlight Echo Station, and Astra Modulation Machine with Synths

video by Bonedo Synthesizers

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

UAFX Pedals + Prophet 5 Synth (Starlight Echo, Golden Reverberator & Astra Modulation Machine)

video by Perfect Circuit

"Universal Audio's new line of stereo effect pedals work with guitar level signals but they also work great with synth and even eurorack levels. In this video keyboardist Nick Semrad came by our studio to play a Sequential Prophet 5 through these UAFX pedals. All three of these pedals have a USB-C port for installing other UA effects onto them and they also have presets.

The delay pedals is the Starlight Echo Station which has tape, bucket brigade and clean delay modes. The reverb is the Golden Reverberator which has spring, plate and hall algorithms. And the Astra Modulation Machine can do chorus, flanger and tremolo sounds.

UAFX Pedals available here:​


00:00​ - intro
01:13​ - delay craziness
01:55​ - funky keys w/ modulation + reverb
03:45​ - pad with reverb
06:04​ - pad w/ modulation + reverb
08:23​ - bass with chorus
09:18​ - lead w/ delay + reverb
10:17​ - keys with modulation
11:38​ - modulation + delay
12:16​ - pads with w/ modulation + delay"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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