Showing posts with label claude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label claude. Show all posts
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Vibe Bar Demo
Published on Dec 15, 2017 Claude Woodward
"A quick demo of my productional model Vibe Bar - whammy bar for keyboards.I've been using these on my keyboards for many years and find it's a very natural way to do pitch bend and vibrato.
Now I'm making them so others can find joy in wildly wailing on their axe! will reveal all........"
See the Claude label directly below for more.
Sunday, November 05, 2017
Vibe Bar & Claude Controller
Published on Nov 5, 2017 Claude Woodward
"Hi's a quick video of my Vibe Bar, filter pedal & Claude Controller. 3 things that I find indispensable for expressive synth playing.
I am now taking orders for the Vibe Bars and working on a production model of the Claude Controller.
Feedback is most welcome!
Email me at
Hope you all find it interesting & informative.
Cheers, Claude Woodward - The Sonic Manipulator."
Friday, June 03, 2016
Claude's Marvelous MIDI Music Machine
Published on Jun 3, 2016 Claude Woodward
Re-Published on Sep 29, 2016 Claude Woodward
Enjoy! :)
Update: video re-uploaded and a description:
"This is a suite of light-up acrylic MIDI controllers - all designed to play different roles.
The main component is the 'Claude Controller' which involves 57 controller wheels arranged in a keyboard-like layout. This allows the player to quickly locate & remember controller mappings.
The simultaneous articulation of multiple parameters makes the synth come alive! In this video I'm using Logic's ES 2 analog synthesiser plugin but, of coarse it can be adapted to any synth engine.
It is also possible to notate the wheel movements using standard music notation.
I would like to see it adopted as a standard for controller design.
I will be performing with this rig soon as 'The Sonic Manipulator Mk 2'...........Be warned!!"
Saturday, October 10, 2015
The ClaudeatronMk4 MIDI Controller.
Published on Oct 10, 2015 Claude Woodward
"This is my new Claudeatron Mk 1V which will form part of a suite of MIDI controllers I'll be using for my 'Sonic Manipulator Mk11 show.
My ethos is to find ways to ergonomically manipulate synthesisers in complex ways for greater musical expression.
Please let me know what you think.
Cheers, Claude Woodward - The Sonic Manipulator."
Alternate Controllers,
New Controllers,
New Controllers in 2015,
New DIY,
New DIY in 2015,
New in 2015,
Friday, March 16, 2012
Claude Controller Demo
Claude Controller Demo 1_0001.wmv
YouTube Uploaded by sonicmanipulator on Mar 16, 2012
"Here are some musical examples using my Claude Controller with keyboard 'Vibe Bar' and peddle board. I explain how to use the wheels etc to shape the sound in real time, thereby allowing the synthesiser to become a much more expressive instrument.
It's still early days and I'm working on my technique to fully exploit the vast sonic possibilities of VST plugins.
For a more technical explanation, check out: [posted here]
Comments and feed back are most welcome.
I hope to be producing these for sale in the near future.
Claude Woodward."
YouTube Uploaded by sonicmanipulator on Mar 16, 2012
"Here are some musical examples using my Claude Controller with keyboard 'Vibe Bar' and peddle board. I explain how to use the wheels etc to shape the sound in real time, thereby allowing the synthesiser to become a much more expressive instrument.
It's still early days and I'm working on my technique to fully exploit the vast sonic possibilities of VST plugins.
For a more technical explanation, check out: [posted here]
Comments and feed back are most welcome.
I hope to be producing these for sale in the near future.
Claude Woodward."
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
YouTube Uploaded by sonicmanipulator on Mar 6, 2012
"This is my latest (and greatest) invention. It is a very sophisticated MIDI controller, allowing the player to articulate many parts of the sound - filters, envelopes.effects etc simultaneously using your left hand and feet. The right hand plays a keyboard with my patented 'Vibe Bar' for imparting vibrato & pitch bend.
I think it's going to be the future of the synthesiser controller!
It consists of 36 wheels and 2 joysticks.......with a pedalboard - 2 peddles and 4 switches..very playable, very cool.
The MIDI circuit is Livid Instruments MIDI Brain.
I like to think of a synthesiser more like an acoustic instrument - rather than an instrument containing 1000 different sounds, you have 1 sound with 1000 articulate-able variations.
What do you think?????........."
Note the Peavey MIDI Controller on the left of The Claude Controller.
YouTube Uploaded by sonicmanipulator on Mar 6, 2012
"This is my latest (and greatest) invention. It is a very sophisticated MIDI controller, allowing the player to articulate many parts of the sound - filters, envelopes.effects etc simultaneously using your left hand and feet. The right hand plays a keyboard with my patented 'Vibe Bar' for imparting vibrato & pitch bend.
I think it's going to be the future of the synthesiser controller!
It consists of 36 wheels and 2 joysticks.......with a pedalboard - 2 peddles and 4 switches..very playable, very cool.
The MIDI circuit is Livid Instruments MIDI Brain.
I like to think of a synthesiser more like an acoustic instrument - rather than an instrument containing 1000 different sounds, you have 1 sound with 1000 articulate-able variations.
What do you think?????........."
Note the Peavey MIDI Controller on the left of The Claude Controller.
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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