Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Korg Electribe ER-1 - New Flickr Shots

flickr by Ethan Callender. Title link takes you to more. I love how clean and light these shots look.

Simultaneously Playing Two Waveforms on an MS10?

David of DVDBorn, posted this one on AH, but no one replied. If you have an MS10, MS20, or MS50 feel free to comment. I don't so I couldn't check myself.

"I never saw this mentioned before. I found out that it's possible to use 2 waveforms simultaneously with the MS10.

It needs a bit of finesse but it will work. You'll have to place the Waveform selector switch in between 2 waveforms. There's a sweet spot in there where you'll hear the 2 waveforms at the same time. This means that you can have triangle + Saw, Saw + PWM or PWM + Noise.

The Saw + PWM setting is quite beefy for bass sounds.

I guess this will also apply to the MS20 and MS50.


A6 Banker

Patch Bank Software for the Andromeda A6.

Send and receive:
individual Programs and Programs Banks
individual Mixes and Mix Banks
Global data dumps
Rename new in version 1.40:
individual Programs and Programs Banks
individual Mixes and Mix Banks
Split new in version 1.40:
Programs Banks
Mix Banks
Initialize Mix with user-definable defaults new in version 1.40
XP Themes supported new in version 1.40
Read and write standard SysEx files
Easy to use

Title link takes you there.

Moog Updates

A couple of bits from the June 19th Moog News Letter.

-New Little Phatty Samples are up: link.
-The Little Phatty goes into production on July 19. Hand built.
- Wendy Carlos' Switched on Bach Honored by the Library of Congress - Librarian of Congress names 50 recordings to the 2005 National Recording Registry including Switched on Bach: "'This meticulously recorded album introduced the Moog synthesizer to a much wider audience than it had previously reached. Many of the separate synthesizer voices on the album were recorded to tape individually and carefully mixed to create the final product. After the recording, Bob Moog’s musical circuitry enjoyed an enormous boom. Within a decade the synthesizer was well established in the idioms of rock music, dance music and Western art music. Wendy Carlos went on to record several more well-crafted Bach recordings.'"

For those of you in New York this Wednesday, here's your chance to see a Little Phatty before anyone else:
"6/21/2006 5:00:00 PM - 6/21/2006 6:00:00 PM

Sam Ash and Moog Music cordially invite you to attend a special demonstration of Moog products by Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater, accomplished solo artist) and Roger O'Donnell (Formerly of the Cure and now with a new solo album, The Truth in Me).

The demonstration will include the latest new product from Moog Music, the Little Phatty Analog Synthesizer. This will be the first in-store demonstration of this soon-to-be released product.

For more info, contact Sam Ash.

Download Map."

"Moog Music has introduced a new photo gallery called Uniquely Moog: A Pictorial Journey. To be supplied by Moog subscriber submissions, we hope that it will grow quickly. Send in your photos to help build up the gallery. We are looking for creative images with the only prerequisite being that are Moog-centric. Take a look at a few current examples. Please send images to jared[]"

And finally:
"The Lothars will headline the Saturday night concert, August 5, 2006.

Well respected in the theremin community, the Lothars promise to entertain. We are very excited to bring them to Asheville.

For more information about them, check out their website- The Lothars.

Most importantly, visit Moog Music to read more about this event and register today!"

Devine Machine

"Born from the ideas of two music professionals who were unsatisfied with the current loop software, Devine Machine VSTi allows you to spontaneously and effortlessly explore the possibilities from loops you already own.

Hundreds of presets allow you to create variation on any loop with a single click. Drum mode allows you to have loops match precisely with independant control over groove, tempo, and score."

Via Doktor Future in the comments of this post. They also make Minion, previously posted here.

Monday, June 19, 2006


"Glitch chops up your audio in real-time and applies a variety of effects which can either be chosen at random, manually sequenced, or a mixture of both. The sounds it generates range from quite subtle to extremely bizarre, depending on how much you tweak the controls." Title link takes you to more info and samples.

Yamaha FVX-1

8-Operator FM synthesizer that seems to use 12-bit D/A

More on the Yamaha FVX-1 in German and Google translated. Also on 120 Years: "YAMAHA used FM synthesis in their Electones, too. HX electones and FVX-1 module were 8-Operator FM synthesizer that seems to use 12-bit D/A, and it could have been the evolution of DX7 I series." Via

Update via Loscha in the comments:
Link to Manual, and "no-one ever mentioned this in the YamahaBlackBoxes group!!!"

Update: One more site sent my way via brian comnes: link

- very rare programmable 8-operator FM synthesizer expander released in 1988
- 64 editable parameters - 22 direct + 42 with DOS based editor
- DSP - 11 effect algorithms Stereo-Chorus, Stereo-Pan, Symphonic, Phaser, Flanger, Delay, Tremolo, Digital hall, Celeste and Wah.
- 5 LED dsplays + levelmeter
- 4 x 8 voice blocks (4 part multitimbral)
- 248 ROM, 248 RAM presets, 16 performances
- 2x MIDI IN (front and back), 2x MIDI OUT (front and back), MIDI THRU, Headphone OUT, Aux OUT Stereo, Main OUT Stereo, Main In Stereo Cinch, Main Out Stereo Cinch, Aux In Stereo Cinch, Aux Out Stereo Cinch, Pack Port
- 14 Buttons + 1 Coarse, 4 endless controllers, 1 Main Out volume knob, 1 Aux Out volume knob, 1 headphone Out volume knob

Monome 40h on YouTube

Note, the monome is a controller, it does not actually produce sound. More on the monome here. Via Matthew Davidson on SynthSights.

Update via Matthew: "The 40h is not a MIDI controller (but it can be via the mapd software) Natively, it speaks OSC (OpenSound Control) which is a richer (open source) protocol that more products are supporting."

More on OpenSound Control: one, two.

Another update via Matthew: Apparently Bidule and the Lemur (not Lenny, well he does to I guess) also support OSC.


Another shot of people outside with synths. Via the comments of this post.

Friends - New Flickr Shot

flickr by antfactor. No one I know, just shots of some people with their synths on the street. Hmm... Wonder what the story is behind this one. Who goes out with their synths like that? Nice fashion accessory. I'd want a keytar strap myself.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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