Friday, November 03, 2006

Buchla - Cortini

Don Buchla

NIN's Alessandro Cortini

via Reed. No title link.

Jammin' At Matt's with the x0xen

"Roland CR-8000 (into Tube Screamer, MXR phaser, and Digitech PDS2000), x0xb0x interfaced with SH-101 and a DIY modular with Ray Wilson and stripboarded modules" Via Suit & Tie Guy.

Alesis A6 Andromeda

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Update via Mr. Array in the comments:
"They are still in production. They get produced in small runs and then sold off to their dealers.

As far as why there was no rack version, you can blame Numark for that. Alesis designed an Andromeda rack, as well as a 3-octave, 8 voice, "cocktail" version of the Andromeda. Numark killed both products when they acquired Alesis because the brain dead idiot who runs that company thought that they would only be able to sell a "few hundred" Andromedas.

Also, the custom chips made for the Andromeda are the only in-house technology which Alesis has not liscensed out to other companies. So they dont/didnt want to expand on the Andromeda product line, nor do they want anyone else to do anything with the technology either. Idiots."

Loscha has contributed quite a few posts to this site. Every time he does I ask him if he has a site he'd like me to link his name to. Well, he hadn't until now. Title link takes you there. It's a simple site and a work in progress, but you will find some interesting bits. There is a link to his music, YBB or Yamaha Black Boxes which he formed and you might remember from this post, some stuff for sale, and links to other sites.

Some notes from Loscha:
"In the YBB page I have links to "Session III", the album recorded by the Yamaha R&D Studios in 1981 to send out to people to demonstrate the then new GS-1.

This album is supposed to be ridiculously rare. The only one other than this I've ever seen on sale was about $100us or something crazy on some guys website. It wasn't there a few weeks later, so, I guess he sold it. A friend got it for me as a present a while ago, cause I knew how muchI love the old FM technology. I didn't ask how much he paid, but, it was "more than one behringer pedal, and less than two". I've only seen a few scant references to it on the internet, so, this is somewhat of a major scoop, I think.

I've got some synth service manuals up on there, and a page of my own tracks from over the years. Trying to add more stuff when I get the time."

Closeup Gear Shots by Patient Dinosaur

Title link takes you to a flickr set of closeup synth shots via Patient Dinosaur. Faderfox pictured.


flickr by polaranta


CV - Checking Voltage

Korg Lambda Samples

Title link takes you to a 4.09M sample of the Korg Lamdba via stalla on this VSE thread. Also mirrored here.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Steiner Parker Synthacon (with RC-20 Loop Station) live 2

YouTube via matrixsynth

sent my way via vgermuse. Be sure to check out this post for the previous video.

marjorie fair recording session

Title link takes you to the set. via sameli.

Electrocomp 200 and dual Paia sequencers

Rack mounted circuit bent speak and spell, Roland SH-101 and more

bit strangler

Steiner Parker Synthacon

Image sent my way via vgermuse. I'm uploading another video and will post it shortly. Be sure to check out this post for the previous video.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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