Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Using the TSP Teaspoon on vocals

YouTube via RothHandle. The Squarewave Parade Teaspon.
"Polish songwriter Krysztof Antkowiak is back in the studio to put the finishing touches to his third album.

Roth Händle studio is located in Stockholm, Sweden. It is run by me, Mattias Olsson. If you are curious to read more about the studio please take a stroll by The website hasn't been updated for quite some time but there might be some little morsels of interest for you."

Roland JX-3P

images at this auction

"six-voice polyphonic synth, having two DCOs (digitally controlled analog oscillators) per voice and MIDI capability"

Moog MG-1 Modded

images at this auction

"This synthesizer has been completely internally cleaned and the foam which causes so many problem with this era of Moog's has been removed. We have also added an external audio input for the VCF, this allows you to process any audio signal through the MG-1 filter. The Input has a level control so that it can be mixed with internal keyboard sounds, or processed alone by turning internal sounds down at the mixer."


images at this auction

Classic Portable Hammond Organ Synthesizer 102100

images at this auction

Akai AX80 With Custom LED End Panels

images via this auction

"new (oak) LED lighted endcaps just for FUN!"

Rheem Kee Bass

images via this auction

"This item up for bid is the Rheem Kee Bass monophonic bass synthesizer. The Rheem company better known for their water heaters made 2 organs, the larger Mark VII and the strictly bass note model the Kee Bass. The Kee Bass was made in the late 1960's. This unit is in it's own carrying case that closes up like a suitcase (see photo)... This is essentially a 2 octave analogue organ that only plays bass notes. This is a mono phonic unit with high note priority meaning that if you play two notes at the same time it will only play the higher of the two. The Sustain/Percussion tab functions like this: Switched to "Sustain", it plays like a regular organ - press a key and it sounds continuously until you release it. Switched to "Percussion", it plays like a piano. Press and hold a key, and the sound dies out; how fast depends on the setting of the Decay Slow/Fast switch. In percussion mode the fade out of a note will sometimes continue on to the next note you play so you have to let the note fade before playing another note. The Bass Booster, Mellow/Bright and Fuzz tabs do what you'd expect, although the Mellow/Bright is a pretty subtle effect."

Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene - concert - Slovenia - Ljubljana - 2008

flickr set by Sharky_MB
(click for more)

full size

Tiptop Audio Z3000 oscillator

flickr set by bdu
(click for more)

Update: also see bleepology.

Moog MG-1

images at this auction

Note this is the MG-1 from this video.

inside a Moog MG-1

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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