Sunday, November 07, 2010

Beat destructor proto 2

YouTube via grandtippler | November 07, 2010

"New sounds added, wide speed range added."

Wersi Baß-Synthesizer AP 6

via this auction

Description in Googlish:
"Some Facts and features:
Wah-Wah manually adjustable, wah-wah and automatic rotor, Wah-Wah Up / Down, Hawaii generator, Glide Auto Up / Down, normal vibrato, delay, vibrato, vibrato, fast / slow, bass guitar on / Damp, 1 VCO (sine, 1 ', 2', 4 ', 8' and 16 ', Square, 8' and saw, 8 ', 16') with a bass guitar preset, AR envelope, the bass can play end or cut, 2 LFOs (slow, standard), Multiple control options that typical analog synth sounds are possible. 2 mono jack outputs (high / low), 16-pin connector for footpedal

The AP-6 is a real cult part! This transport through boot design with handle very easily. The case (the case) is locked, original key's it!

You can unscrew the bottom, below that is the electronics, if you must because once ran."

Hammond Solovox ORGAN Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

"Hammond Solovox ORGAN Analog Synthesizer model K, series B, 133 watt."

Emu Emulator II Sampler Synth

via this auction

Loopseque Gets NSFW

Booty video after the hop... Yep, that's how I play my iPad...

"Crazy Labs"

flickr By Mr. Biggs
"Elliot and I have been learning about electronics lately, since our visit to a workshop in NYC last summer. She's planning on doing something with this knowledge for her upcoming science fair at school, so she's been working to figure out how things go. "Crazy Labs" is the name she's given to our lab, which is also my music room.

This is part of my modular synth."

Moog System 55 Update - Not Keith Emerson's?

See Update3 in this post.

Navigational Stars :: Ankaa

Navigational Stars :: Ankaa by chrisstack

via Chris Stack of Moog Music

"[the track] uses one of my favorite production techniques.

I have a Little Phatty with the CV Out Modification. Here I synced its arpeggiator to a master MIDI clock from a Yamaha MO8 (MO8 run through MF-101s on each stereo channel). I connected the Pitch Out CV from the Phatty to the Filter Cutoff In CV on a Voyager, dialed up a wet, resonant patch and had a lot of fun.

The rest is Alesis Micron through MF-101, Korg MicroX through MF-101 and Kurzweil K2000 through a MIDI Murf."

Evolution X-Session USB Midi Controller

via this auction

The seller "replaced the silver plastic knobs with soft-touch knobs from Mouser, which are much easier to use and see in the dark."


via this auction

"Analog preset synth Yamaha SY1 , big brother of the SY2 which can be seen in the movie 'close encounter of the third kind'"


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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