Friday, November 14, 2014

Ununseptium Warehouse Eurotron Delay - Eurorack Modified Korg Monotron Delay

Published on Nov 14, 2014 Unun Septium

"Korg Monotron Delay 'Eurofied' and sequenced by a Verbos Voltage Multistage, processing a Roland TR-626"

via Ununseptium Warehouse where you'll find additional pics & build notes.

"It's not a difficult mod, but not everything does exactly what you'd think it might. I added inputs for 'Pitch', 'Gate', Filter Cut Off and LFO rate plus an output for the Oscillator. I also converted the annoying stereo aux in and headphones out into regular mono so they connect easily to other modules or other mono outboard gear. The final thing was to change the power supply from battery to 5V Eurorack.

'Pitch' and 'Gate' have inverted commas for good reason. Although there's a solder pad on the pcb marked 'Pitch', it doesn't really allow the oscillator pitch to be controlled by 1V/Oct CV, as one might expect. There's probably some elaborate way of making this happen, but that's clearly beyond my ken. However, I did find it responded to the volts coming out of my home made Velleman LED sequencer. I can't really say I know what it's doing, but it does something and that's enough to warrant giving it its own jack socket. 'Gate', on the other hand, does more than it promises. Sending CV to this, from the MiniBrute keyboard or the Verbos Voltage MultiStage, gives a response from the oscillator pitch and its gate. It doesn't really track in any meaningful musical sense, but using a sequencer or arpeggiator means simple melodic patterns can be created."

Technosaurus Microcon II & Effexon Demo

Published on Nov 14, 2014 perfectcircuitaudio

"This demonstration is intended to show the sound/features of the Technosaurus Microcon II synth & Effexon FX processor. Enjoy!"

intellijel Cake - intellijel Turned 5 Today!

via @intellijel

"special cake for the #intellijel team! thanks to #cakesbyelvia for an amazing"

Update: and via Intellijel on Facebook:

"Today marks the five year anniversary of Intellijel officially incorporating to become a business. The incredible support of the Eurorack/modular synthesizer community has kept us going and growing during these fun years. For this we at Intellijel humbly thank you! We will strive to continue making instruments that we hope you love and find useful in your creative pursuits."

Happy birthday intellijel!

PIANA / PIANOLA / CodeSequence / waves display

Published on Nov 13, 2014 Pi Synth

"PIANA sequenced by CodeSequence using the 'not really a language but I will call it that anyway' PIANOLA sequencing language plays something dumb and bouncy while rendering wild and groovy waves at 720p, 60 FPS.

950MHz Raspberry Pi Model B, 99p USB audio interface, captured using GameCapture HD for video, QuickTime for audio."

1cm of original wire from a Ems Synthi 100 for Auction

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"1cm of signal wire from an original EMS Synthi 100 from the 1970s!

Not working. This is approx 1cm of original wire only. Nothing else is included.
It does not work or do anything.
Various colours available on request.
I have miles and miles of spare wire if you want more."

That is Awss. Just look at it. Tiny little bit of synth awesomeness.

Plankton Electronics Releases The Earwig Rectifying Mixer Eurorack Module

via Plankton Electronics

"The Earwig is a rectifying mixer. The core of each channel are two half wave rectifiers and one full wave rectifier. There is also gain, pre and post-rectifier bias and an inverter amp. 2 CV bias inputs are provided to modulate the signal. Each channel accepts audio and CV signals. Available at the store as a modular kit or fully assembled.


The input signal passes through a first stage of gain and bias. This stage is used to shape the signal at the next stage, the rectifier. The bias input is very useful to modulate the signal here and create changing patterns after the rectifier. The rectifier has 4 positions: bypass, positive wave inverted, negative wave inverted & full wave inverted. With the positive wave inverted position only the signal that stays above 0 volts passes to the other side. The result is inverted. At the 3rd position, only the negative signal, everything below 0, passes through. And again it’s inverted. At the last position the positive voltage keeps the same, and the negative is inverted, so if we input a sine wave the result is an “m” shaped wave. The result is inverted again.

After this stage there is an inverter switch, so we can keep the signal as it is or invert it.

Finally we have another bias stage. This stage let’s us to move the rectified signal again to the 0 point and modulate it. The channel output is connected here directly.

The mix pots attenuates the signal and mix it between the 2 channels, summing and subtracting the 2 channels.

It’s important to understand that the module is not AC coupled. This means that it works for audio and CV signals. So when an audio signal is rectified it will be centered in the 0V range. The second bias potentiometer is useful for achieve this.

When connecting a signal to the “BIAS” inputs it is useful to attenuate it previously to avoid saturating the amp. the module does not have attenuators."

Synthrotek 308 Eurorack Distortion Module SYNTH DEMO

Published on Nov 14, 2014 synthrotek

"Get ready for the bright lights of the colosseum!

We've taken our rock-solid RAT clone, squeezed it into a Eurorack module and added CV control over Gain. The 308 will take your playing to new heights with tremolo and other distortion modulation techniques.

3 controls - Tone, Filter, and Drive - to customize your tone. Tone sets the brightness level, Filter dials in the high frequency response, and Drive determines the signal gain.
4 Diode Settings - An on-board 4PST DIP Switch selects between 4 different clipping diodes to drastically alter your sound. Turn on the stock version 1N4148s, LEDs, Germanium diodes, or none at all with flick of a little switch.
Vintage Tone - The PCB is designed from the original RAT tone IC, the LM308 single op amp.
Control Voltage CV Input
Guitar AND Modular - Adjust the input impedance with a trim pot.
Plug your guitar in using Circuit Abbey's Axis module.
Current draw: 10mA on the positive rail"

Synthrotek Eurorack 308 FULL Modular SYNTH DEMO with Drums

Synthrotek 308 Eurorack Distortion Module GUITAR Distortion DEMO

Livewire Chaos Computer, Pittsburgh Phase Shifter eurorack patch

Published on Nov 14, 2014 bigcitymusic

"A Chaos Computer pattern is generated every time the melody sequence changes.
The generated Chaos Computer pattern controls the 4ms VCA modulation matrix which determines the patches applied filter, envelope and phase shifter modulation.

Sawtooth waves to MMF-6 filter
MMF-6 filter to Pittsburgh Phase Shifter
Melody Mill to gate Livewire Chaos Computer
Livewire Chaos Computer to 4ms VCA Matrix (mod matrix)
Cwejman CTG-VC to 4ms VCA channel A to MMF-6 cutoff
4ms Quad Pingable LFO to 4ms VCA Matrix channel B to CTG-VC attack
4ms Quad Pingable LFO to 4ms VCA Matrix channel C to PIttsburgh Phase Shifter Frequency"

STG .COM sub-octave sub-oscillator eurorack patch

Published on Nov 14, 2014 bigcitymusic

"Here’s a patch demonstrating the use of STG Soundlabs .COM as a 'PWM and Suboctave' divider network to bring out sub-octaves from a singular sound source. This .COM configuration gives the sense that multiple oscillators are being used."

Being Boiled, sequenced on a Pi with 60FPS waveform display

Published on Nov 14, 2014 Pi Synth

"I just eliminated the iPad from my STEM kit by integrating the M3000 Oscillotron code - or a tweaked, more optimized version of it - into PIANA, so it has oscilloscope functionality."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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