Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tangerine Dream / Klaus Schulze

via frederic. YouTube via boty81.

MIDIBox SID and SEQ 36

flickr by ludo_d.

Title link takes you to the set including shots of the inside.

The Atari Punk Console

Click here for a post on the APC by Wild Zebra on There is a larger shot there and a link to a sample of the box (mirrored here).

"Firstly it starts out with 3 simple Soundlab tracks: Long ramp LFO, Filter A/R noise and S&H using manual trigger. Then we go into some CrackleBox with an over dub of Atari Punk Console, and on to some Theremin (boards that v-un-v had available) with alittle Weird sound generator to finish it off. No effects."

Funny, the intro reminded me of the intro to this.

New Products From Native Instruments

Title link takes you to the products page for Native Instruments. There are a few new synths including MASSIVE, FM8, Absynth4, and Battery3. Note the new UI for FM8; gone is the tribute to the classic Yamaha DX7.


Sequential Circuits Pro 8

Title link takes you to a post on VSE (while it's up) with more shots put up by Carbon111. I saved the shots here for when the post dissapears. Hopefully Carbon111 will put up a page on the Pro 8, but we are still waiting for this one. Come on Tom Waits! Get a move on it! Maybe after the bath? ; )

Optical CV Manipulation

Trip. Note this is different than the Modular LED Voltage Monitor. This actually acts as a sensor similar in concept to a theremin, but using light. Title link takes you to the post by UNIT-SOUND on Synthwire. There is a link to more shots in his flickr set.

Happy Birthday Emily - Hartmann Neuron Video

Ok, I really need to watch these videos in entirety before putting them up; sometimes you actually get to see these here before me folks. What can I say, I put you all before me. : ) So... I had this video up on this post. I finally got around to watching the whole thing, and whoah, there is a Hartmann Neuron in it and it's actually a pretty good demo of it. Amazing. Enjoy.

Serge with Livewire PLan B

Via ross healy. You might recognize the system from this post.

Stag Injector’s Devil’s Johnson

Title link takes you to the post on GetLoFi. BTW, looks like GetLoFi has had a major site redesign. Check it out. I must say it looks mighty nice.

Different Skies Daily Photo Log

Remember Different Skies 2006? Looks like daily shots are going up. Title link takes you there. Make sure to check back for more shots. I didn't realize the new Korg Kaoss Pad was out. Update: Turns out it's actually set to be released in November.

As always, click the image for a bigger shot.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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