Tuesday, September 25, 2007


via this CL post. Note the design is different than this one.

"starrlabs faq
The ZBass is a four-"string" by twenty-four fret controller which incorporates all of the functionality of the Ztar but has a narrower neck with a wider string spacing between its four strings to provide an additional level of familiarity for bass players. String Triggers are available for the Z-Bass as a Model # 424S. Various pad combinations are also available. This ZBass a high-end model in the Diamond-shaped body with the full Display/Programmer and Joystick installed. Previously owned by Billy Sheehan" via brian comnes

MIDI 9 - Add MIDI to Any Keyboard Instrument

"MIDI 9 liberates your acoustic piano by allowing you to connect your piano to a computer based synthesizer.

MIDI 9 has discontinued its KS MIDI systems. MIDI 9 is now shipping our new MIDI 9 designed QRS PNOscan all optical sensor strip.

The PNOscan will easily fit in any piano. It has no moving parts and has a much lower profile then our previous KS systems had.

The lower sensor strip height now greatly simplifies installation in Rhodes pianos and organs, including tone wheel Hammonds. When installing in double manual organs, one control box can now handle two 61 note sensor strips, saving space and cost.

See what our products can do for you today."

Anyone know more about this and if there is any relation to the MOOG Piano Bar?

Thanks goes to Gwenhwyfaer in the comments of this post on the Gulbransen Orchestra II: "Google is almost completely unaware of it [the Gulbransen]; but it looks as though it's the synth / control panel end of a grand-piano-to-MIDI conversion kit. Gulbransen appear to have been superseded by MIDI 9, who do the same kind of thing... Here's an installation manual"

New Modules from Blacet

WC2700 Window Comparator
-A voltage controlled window comparator with complete control of output setpoint and width.
-Use with envelope or LFO type signals to generate delayed gates and triggers. Or use with audio waveforms for many interesting permutations.
-Normal, inverted and trigger outputs with green and blue LEDs.
-Input normalled to built-in ramp generator for stand alone delayed gate/trigger timing.
-Precision, ultra stable Ramp generator has bonus Rate CV, Gate and separate output for use by itself!
-A very unusual and useful module!
-Available about November 1.
Price: TBA

SB2780 Splitter

-A precision, low offset, one to three splitter for CVs or audio. One source to three destinations. Fully buffered.
-"A" Channel has an attenuator, "B" Channel has a phase changing attenuator, "C" Channel is "straight through" but buffered.
-A very handy utility module!
-Available about November 1.
-Price: TBA

SB2790 Mixer

A precision, low offset, three to one mixer for CVs or audio. Three sources to one destination. Fully buffered.
"A" Channel has an attenuator, "B" Channel has a phase changing attenuator, "C" Channel is "straight through" but buffered and has a trimpot for setting 50% to 100% level.
A very handy utility module!
Available about November 1.
Price: TBA

New Modules from Cwejman

The M-ATT4 is a four channel attenuator and it's dedicated for
controlling of the MX-4S, the VCEQ-4 and the RES-4.
The M-ATT4 has some useful functions, such as:
* Individual gain and offset controls for each channel.
* Spread and master offset voltage control for all four channels.
The M-ATT4 will be available in 1.5-2 months time.

The VC-FCS is a true stereo version of the VC-FC.
The VC-FCS will be introduced in 1-1.5 month time."

I missed these. BTW, if anyone ever finds out about new modules from any manufacturer or any other post worthy synth content, feel free to send it in like everyone else. You can find my contact info on the very bottom of the items on the right.

BLACK IS BACK - Limited Edition Korg MicroKorg with Reverse Keys

"The very successful and highly desirable microKORG synthesizer/vocoder is now available in a limited edition version featuring reverse keys. With its unique, easy-to-use interface and incredibly big sound, this little beast now looks even funkier than ever.

Don’t be fooled by its size – the microKORG creates sounds of truly epic proportions, which is why it’s become the darling of so many international performers and producers. It combines the sounds of the world’s best loved analogue vintage synths, providing you with a sonic arsenal including ultra-fat bass lines, screaming leads plus massive textured sound washes. And if that isn’t enough to get you leaping about, it’s got a built-in vocoder, allowing you to create a further wealth of high-octane sounds and effects."

via, via John.

No Synthesizer

Custom Clavia Nord Lead Three Rack "No Synthesizer" via goLab.

More images here including some of the construction.

Click on each for the full size shot. Nice Patch! ;)

Roland 100m 175 Triple Vactrol Filter Samples

samples here.

From the Syntar to the MMM Phoenix

In case you missed it, click here for a letter from George Mattson on the MMM Phoenix series analog modular synth. I thought I'd pull some highlights from the letter below, but please do read the full letter. You can also find a detailed spec list for each module available for the system here, and you can find more info on the Syntar here and here.

"My name is George Mattson.
30 years ago I developed and manufactured a performance oriented analog synthesizer I called a Syntar. The synthesizer was innovative at the time, met with limited success and has recently become a topic of conversation in a variety of synthesizer forums.

Due to the growing abundance of new, analog synthesizer enthusiasts, I have been asked to return to manufacturing.

I took the core circuits of the Syntar (thus, the Phoenix Series) and designed a new format; a portable, true analog modular synthesizer specifically budgeted for the new market."
[Matrix: note the analog of the Phoenix rising out of the ashes of the Syntar.]

Some highlights on some unique modules to the system.

"Signal distribution: I do have one major design philosophy quirk. I don’t like passive multiples-period. Using a passive multiple for signal distribution degrades the signal. Using a passive multiple as a “mixer” sums the signals together and can lead to overloading the input of the destination module. I designed two new modules to replace these functions:
The 4X-1X2 buffer: Sort of a buffered “splitter”. It can take 4 different input signals and split them into two output signals for each channel. Each signal is buffered so, the signal is rejuvenated and doesn’t degrade. I took the liberty of cascading the channel outputs into the input of the next channel. So, if a signal is patched into channel 1, it is available on all 8 outputs until the chain is broken with a subsequent channel input. Then, the original signal is available on the preceding outputs while the new signal is available on all of the remaining outputs. It sounds weird but, once you’ve used it, you wonder how you were able to get by without it.

The 4X Mixer: The “other function” replacement of a passive multiple. The mixer has four inputs and actually two outputs, an inverting and a non-inverting output. I designed the mixer to be used for either audio or control voltage signals. This allows for precise adjustment of an audio mix or, a real nifty way to build complex control voltages by using multiple CV sources. In order to add a bit of excitement, my audio mixing days came back to me and I added a “punch-in” pushbutton on each channel to allow for an abrupt addition or elimination of the channel signal into or out of the mix. This is usually a subliminal function but, makes a big difference in audio or CV real-time control.

Filter: The Syntar utilized the SSM 2040 filter. They’re not available anymore at any kind of reasonable price or in guaranteed quantity. Since I had plenty to do with the rest of the system, I was able to get a custom filter designed specifically for this system kindly and graciously by Synth DIY guru Jim Patchell. He designed a 4-Pole 24dB/Octave state-variable multi-mode filter for this. That’s synth-speak for WOW. It sounds great. Thanks Jim. Way to kick a--!

Keyboard control: OK, I had to make some concessions here. Rather than designing an analog keyboard input module and trying to find and stock keyboards (they’re hard to find anymore in small quantities), I went digital and provided a MIDI-CV input module. It’s actually integrated into the power supply module, which makes this a double-wide module and isn’t available as a stand-alone module. I originally designed the system using a commercially-available MIDI-CV controller but, it had limited function, the manufacturer was hard to communicate with and they didn’t want to give me any reasonable OEM pricing. Sooooooo, I had a MIDI-CV controller designed to my specifications by Scott Rise of Division 6. This turned into one of the coolest modules. (even if it is d*g*tal) Read the module descriptions for a full description. This allows the owner to use any MIDI generating keyboard they desire, or any MIDI generating sequencer control. Mmmm- 16 systems, each utilizing a different MIDI channel. Yes, it blows the “Basic and inexpensive” philosophy out the door. But, it was actually less expensive to design and manufacture than pay the “not-so-OEM” pricing offer’s I was quoted for something less versatile. We all win. I’m negotiating with Scott (a nicer way of saying “convincing”) to produce versions of this in other formats or stand-alone units and allow me to offer them for sale on the web site." [Read this thread for more]. via Scott in that thread: "The rumors are true; I will be coming out with a standalone version of the MIDI-CV converter. As far as an exact time frame, I'm not entirely sure yet. I need to get through the MMM launch stuff first.

I also want to get some input from people like you who might possibly have a need for such a converter or are already using one. What would you like to see it do? Now is your chance to help shape it and make it useful. The initial version is going to be based on the one I designed for the MMM but some things will need to be different. For example, should the mod wheel continue to drive a separate 0-5v output or should it modulate the main CV? Does it need an S-Trig output?

Later down the road I will be making a multi-out version that has even more features, so even if your suggestions don't make it in this version they would probably make it into the next one."

click here for the full letter. click here for the modules. click here for the main site.
And don't miss the forums.

New Roland System 100m Forum.

via DJS

Analog synth-vegg

YouTube via imerslundmusikk. via Nusonica.
Talk about a wall of MOOG, and of course the DSI Prophet '08.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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