Monday, April 28, 2008

Inside a Roland SH2 Synthesiser

via David:
"We had to replace the pot (slider) for the LFO rate as the speed varied randomly. Unfortunately we couldn’t find an exact match so the LFO now runs fast than it did before!

Now that it’s fixed, we use this synth a fair bit in our band, Destination Moon. Probably the most prominent use is in ‘Just Out Of Reach.’ This features the SH2’s white noise being filtered, with the filter cutoff modulated by the LFO in sample and hold mode. Meanwhile the bass guitar is played through the synth, so it’s filtered in sync with the white noise. Then we added violin and voice over the top, plus some whooshes (more white noise!) from an Alpha Juno.

If you think your readers might be interested in hearing this, they can download the song from
There’s no link to the download from the main part of our website, so this would be sort of an exclusive for Matrixsynth readers."

Interviews: Wowa Cwejman by Bryan Erickson.

You can find the interview on VAC.

"I took it upon myself to interview Cwejman because I need a little bit more information about his products. Well, that was one of the reasons. The other reasons were that I felt that there is not enough coverage about these products and their creators. There are a lot of synth companies out there now making new and interesting analog synthesizers that have their own sound and bring something new to the table. Cwejman makes a full synth and Modules for the Eurorack(doepfer) modular systems. I wanted to pick his brain on a few subjects regarding his products. I seriously am fed up with most magazines that cover this gear. I wanted an even more in depth form of covering and asking questions about this gear that true synth-nerds will understand. I cannot thank him enough for answering my questions."

Hamster plays Opal Sonome

YouTube via notepool2.

via brian c, via Deviant Synth. You can find more info on the Opal here.
"Hamster Sammy enjoys improvising on an Opal Sonome. She gives herself a little wash and clean while holding down a minor 9th chord! The plastic sphere is her means of transport while chasing humans across the kitchen floor, her equivalent to a skateboard or bike!"

Dan McPharlin Exhibition at LA Modernism

Exhibition: LA Modernism

Selected miniatures will be available at the show.
2 - 4 May 2008
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium
1855 Main Street
Santa Monica, California

via Dan McPharlin

Update: the piece featured on the cover of Wallpaper will be included and for sale.

Wrapping Rainbows - Shagghie - Rozzbox demo

This track was recorded live, in a single take.
Rozzbox into Eventide TimeFactor, into E-H 2ube pre running two 1949 Wurlitzer 12Ax7's out of my old 4100BD organ.
That went straight into Logic Studio 8, along with the Jomox xbase 888 on the drums using some simple, but effective patterns.

I chose not to sequence the melody, but rather played it by hand, while reserving my left hand for the Rozzbox knobs. This helped me do legato pads and velocity emotionally. I rehearsed the general idea twice, but then just 'let it out'.

Backstory.. my girlfriend Kate couldn't sleep one night. I got a text message from her. So I awoke, went to studio that was lit only by a blacklight, and fired up the rozz and the 8's, etc. 2 hours later, is what you hear here.... a lullaby called "Wrapping Rainbows" that shows the Rozz's beauty and the beast....and expresses my love for my girlfriend. I emailed her the .mp3 to her iPhone..she popped in some earbuds, and awoke the next morning with a pillow that was still wet from the tears she cried.

I've never known a synth that can capture and *convey* so much raw emotion so effectively.

Now, if you would just come out with that ENGLISH manual! :)


KORG SQ10 plays the MS20 Patch

follow-up to this video post. You can find images of the patch setup here.

via Newueel
via dbm

"In The Stu-Stu-Studio" - Roger Joseph Manning Jr

YouTube via rjmanningjrmusic. via Benjamin in the comments of this post.

KRAFTWERK "Die Roboter" Tribute Cover

YouTube via gattobus
"This is my tribute to Kraftwerk, the fathers of electronic music. I used the Nord Modular G2 for all the sequenced stuff and for vocoder, Moog Little Phatty for the lead sound and Virus TI for FX. Enjoy!"

ER1+ES1+MS2000R Jam

YouTube via shadowfac
"This is an improvisation with the Korg ER-1 and ES-1 electribes and a Korg MS2000R synthesizer."

OMD Live in Paris 1979 / Intro Statues Bunker Soldiers

YouTube via PlastikOD. Anyone know what synths they used back then? I spotted a KORG MS20.

Update via Micke in the comments:
"The material on their eponymous debut album was recorded around that time, ie from mid-to-late 1979.

On that album they used the following setup:
Korg micro-preset
Selmer pianotron (type of electro-mechanic keyboard sounding not unlike vibes or a xylophone)
Elgam Symphony combo-organ (2-manual) and Vox Continental.
Korg MS-20
Roland CR-78 drum-machine
and a left-handed bass-guitar."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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