Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thomas Dolby - Windpower

YouTube via BrusselZuid. via Thomas Dolby's blog.

Windpower turned 25 years old today.

"Thomas Dolby performing Windpower on Top of the Pops circa 1982"

I'm guessing the computer is the PPG 360 with 340/380 system that Thomas Dolby picked up from Edgar Froese - you can read about it in this post.

Mattel Synsonics Demo by Failed Muso

YouTube via FailedMuso.
"Another in my series of basic (and I do mean basic !) demos of some of my favourite bits of gear. Here is the Mattel Synsonics, a piece of gear I lusted over as a young boy, thinking it would be my ticket to super mega stardom as the most supreme drummer of all time. Sadly, my pocket money couldn't stretch to it, and my parents figured that I'd be far better served by a Subbuteo set, as a career in table football was much better :-s

I eventually found one of these in mint condition on eBay and promptly snapped it up. Sadly, after almost 30 years of waiting, I was slightly underwhelmed, but I'm sure it would've blown my mind back in the day.

Apparently, Kraftwerk used these at one point."

Question on the Japan DS-10

Anyone out there know if the text is in English, Japanese or both? Is there an option?
Update: At 1:06 in this video, you can clearly see the controls in English.

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Yamaha CS1x Demo by Failed Muso - Pt.2

YouTube via FailedMuso
"Part 2 of my run through of some of my favourite sounds from the Yamaha CS1x. Come back soon for further parts in this and other series."


YouTube via Denkitribe
"Do you think this is just yet another toy synth? I don't think so. This is very serious virtual analog synth." KORG DS-10 on Ebay.

Roland system 100m modular and scruff the dog

YouTube via cinnamonjuly

"Roland system 100m for sale on ebay, Doepfer 808" "Roland System 100" on Ebay

Serge modular cracked

YouTube via cray56.

serge crack nite

Sound of fenix, Paap with 1 fenix

YouTube via FenixModulair
"Paap plays 1 fenix controlled by a fenix sequencer"

Sound of fenix, Paap with 2 enix

"Paap played with 2 fenix"

Sound of fenix, Paap with 3 fenix

"Paap is working with 3 fenix controlled by a fenix sequencer"

Recording vocal bats with the Casio sk-5

YouTube via RothHandle. "Bats. vocals"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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