Friday, June 26, 2009

Oberheim Matrix-6R

via this auction

Click on the images below to see the editing paramaters of the Oberheim Matrix-6 and Matrix-6R.

"he Matrix-6R is basically a rack-mounted Matrix-6 without the keyboard. It featured 6-note polyphony and digital osciallators. Each voice has two DCOs, a VCF, three envelope generators (5 stage: Delay, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release), two ramp generators (simple envelopes), tracking (not just for the keyboard but for remapping any modulation source), portamento and FM controls, three LFOs, and two VCAs. Along with other "Matrix" products from Oberheim, the Matrix-6R featured what Oberheim called, "Matix Modulation System", which makes for very flexible and powerful modulation programming. With this much programmability it is unfortunate that, like the Matrix-6, the only user interface is a single slider and a keypad. However the Matrix-6R does give you 6 individual LEDs that light up for each voice that is played. It also features MIDI mono mode where each voice has its own MIDI channel (very useful for guitar controllers).. "

The Thermatron Flame Controlled Synthesizer

YouTube via sheepslinky
"The proof of concept test for the THERMATRON, a vacuum tube synthesizer controlled by a flame. Created and built by Lorin Edwin Parker at Electric Western.

The right mixture of gas, air pressure, high voltage, chemical ions and heat vary the flow of current through a flame. This current feeds into the grid and / or plate of vacuum tubes controlling an Electric Western Phantastron Synthesizer.

More info and more prototypes will be coming --

(c)(p) Lorin Edwin Parker, Electric Western (tm)"

Korg Ds-10 Patches - Realistic(ish) drum kit

YouTube via ChrisLody
"I've been sat with ds-10 for a few nights now learning a few things about drum synthesis. I knew a little theory, but mostly I have just let my ear guide me. After a million indescicive tweaks I came up with a drum kit I think is good enough to share with the world. There is 5 drums in total. A kick, snare, closed hi-hat and open hi-hat in the drum section, then also a distorted tom loaded into pattern 6's syn2.

I recorded the sound separately so I could show you the parameters while you listen to a few loops I made with them. I couldn't resist putting a bit of a bass line over it too, just for fun : )

p.s. I'll add some annotations when the damn thing'll let me!"

Arturia 10 Year Suite

"The 10 Year Suite brings you 8 software instruments Arturia has built over 10 years. This collector edition is the complete solution when high quality, authentic and modern sounds are demanded. The luxury box contains the highly awarded Minimoog V, Moog Modular V, CS-80V, ARP2600 V, Jupiter-8V ,Prophet V and Prophet VS. Also included the innovative Brass and the powerful Analog Factory.

With this collection of instruments you will be able to create virtually every imaginable synthesizer sound with the true characteristics of their very rare and expensive predecessors. You will also add brass to your set with unchallenged expressivity and realism. The 10 Year Suite is available at an irresistible price for Arturia's ten years anniversary."
image via Sonic State


flickr by snapshot.heaven


Clay Pot Automata

YouTube via wonkythomas
"More LDR Clock / Binary triggering feedback looping drones with slappy noises...

CGS Bi-N-Tic with VCS in the feedback loop, being folded by the CGS Wave Multipler.

Batteries died after 57secs & there is some wierd fx :-|
I will include a link to a proper mp3 in the next video :-D"

Michael Jacson and The Electronium

via the Raymond Scott blog.

See the update and comment at the bottom of this previous post.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Antares choir can make you sound all horror show

YouTube via Torley

Synthesizer Performance Ensemble-BerkleePiano Dept.student concert-Part 1

YouTube via berkleepianodept. Yamaha Motif Ensemble
"From Berklee College Of Music Piano Department Student Concert 2009

Koichi Komura-Synthesizer
Yoon Ah Oh- Synthesizer
Pier Luigi Salami- Synthesizer
Seonhee Yang- Synthesizer

Ross Ramsay-Faculty Director"

Synthesizer Performance Ensemble-Berklee Piano Dept. student concert-Part 2

Mario Theme played on Stepper Motors with an Arduino

YouTube via cmhiekses
"Now that I've figured out how to store song information in flash memory on the Arduino, I can actually play full songs. This is a little suite of Mario Brothers themes that I put together. Enjoy!

Note: See my earlier video at

Motor #2 buzzed a bit on the table this time. I'm going to find a better way to hold the motors still while still allowing them to vibrate."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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