Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Rick Wright's keyboards

You can find them at spare bricks. See this PDF and be sure to see the rest of the site for more.

"The modified VCS3 Synthi AKS that the Floyd use to this day (owned by Gilmour), as displayed at the Interstellar exhibition in Paris."

Pink Floyd

via Dave Manley


* Two Phase Distortion Oscillator sections each offering two sets of 8 waveforms.
* Three 8 stage envelopes each synth for control of pitch, phase and amplitude.
* LFO (BPM synced or free running) offering 22 waveforms, rate and delay with pitch and phase destinations.
* Pulsar module for algorithmic style pitch/phase modulation. (BPM synced)
* Ring modulation, detune and transpose controls
* Volume and panorama controls for stereo imaging and master volume.
* Scale generator for force scaling of notes. Choice of 8 scales with root key selection.
* Powerful multi FX section offering 7 simultaneous stereo effects: EQ, Rotor, Metal, Wah, Delay, Chorus, Reverb.

You can find more info including audio and a downloadable demo at AlgoMusic.

Bluesynths Kufstein 2009 Vids by impressions2

Kufstein 2009 impressions2

YouTube via teheruranu

Kufstein 2009 impressions3

Kufstein 2009 Spectralis Joerg Schaf

Kufstein 2009 acidlab session

Kufstein 2009 Octopus Nemo session

Update: more vids by teheruranu

Kufstein 2009 impressions take 1

Kufstein 2009 impressions take 4

Bluesynths Kufstein 2009 Pics via

more pics here

Mattson Mini Modular Performances by Red Martian

You can find three new recordings of the Mattson Mini Modular by Red Martian here. Full details for each track are provided. Don't miss these.


Tengils March 5 Recording the Mellotron eight voice Choir

YouTube via RothHandle
"Matti has been away for a while doing live gigs in Capri and Tromsö and I have been busy trying to push other projects forward. Both Paul Sumner as well as Nanook of the North are in quick development.

Today (8/9) we continued working on Tengils March for the Stadsteater production of Bröderna Lejonhjärta. The basic foundation was recorded using a Yamaha D-80 organ and now we are changing end embellishing the piece. This was the last Mellotron overdub of the day...Eight voice choirs. This is a very famous Mellotron sound used by bands such as Genesis and Radiohead.

This little mobilephone film was recorded at my studio Roth Händle. It is located in Stockholm and this is where I record and produce both my own material as well as outside artists...I also do a lot of mail correspondence stuff. You send me files..I do overdubs and/or treatments and then send them back. A bit like a very loud and slow ping pong match. The studio 1998 started in my apartment and then it sort of grew a bit. This is the fourth location. If you are curious to find out more about the studio please visit tthe very old homepage"

Tengils March 1 Recording Mini Moog Bass

more vids

Oberheim SEM Module Vintage Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

Dave Smith Poly Evolver

via this auction

Roland JD-800

via this auction

Roland Jupiter-8

via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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